

词条 寻宝假期



中文名 掉线寻宝记/寻宝假期/掘金三壮士/扑水假期/掘金三勇士

片名 Without a Paddle◎年代 2004

国家 美国

类别 喜剧

语言 英语

片长 98 Min

评分 5.3/10( 2680票 )

颜色 彩色

声音 DTS Dolby Digital

时长 95 分钟

类型 喜剧 冒险

分级 德国:12 澳大利亚:M 挪威:11 美国:PG-13 新加坡:PG 英国:12A

字幕 外挂英/西/葡文


导演 斯蒂芬·比尔 Steven Brill


赛恩·格林 Seth Green

马修·里兰德Matthew Lillard

黛克斯·施帕德Dax Shepard

伯特·雷诺兹Burt Reynolds



因为好友比利的葬礼,三个童年时的死党再次相遇了,他们是一个成功却有些神经质的医生丹·莫特(赛恩·格林 饰),一位极具野心的商人杰瑞·康里恩(马修·里兰德 饰),还有一个疯狂的骑手汤姆·马邵尔(黛克斯·施帕德 饰)。当他们重聚于俄勒冈州的这次葬礼时,重聚的意义就不只是怀旧那么简单了,在他们儿时的树屋中寻找童年的回忆时,三个人却发现比利原来一直在追查着他们儿时的梦想,即寻找传说中著名的银行大盗库珀藏匿自己所抢的20万美元赃款的藏宝地。

这次,看着比利留下的指南针和藏宝图,丹、杰瑞和汤姆决定去完成他们儿时的梦想,并以此来纪念他们早逝的朋友。驾驶一艘独木舟,他们开始了寻宝之旅,当然,这一旅程却并不像他们想象的那么简单,他们遭遇了许多危险:大棕熊误把他们中的一人误认为自己的幼崽,将他衔回洞穴并严密保护起来;他们还遇到了极其凶狠的罗特韦尔犬的追赶,这是德国种最著名的猎犬;他们还曾成为了当地农夫的猎物,因为他们不小心破坏了他的庄稼;他们驾驶的独木舟也遇到了急流,从瀑布上垂直跌落进水中;同时他们也遇到了身材惹火的美女和丛林中生活的野人(伯特·雷诺兹 饰)……







This is the story of three friends (Green, Lillard, Shepard) from the big city of Philadelphia who go canoeing together out in the woods and mountains of Washington State after the death of a friend, Billy. Billy was obsessed with going there to search for the unaccounted-for $194,200 out of the $200,000 that famed airliner highjacker D.B. Cooper parachuted with quite possibly to his death in 1971 $5,800 of his marked ransom loot was found in 1980. Canoeing down the Columbia River, the trio soon finds that their canoeing experience goes wrong..., both horribly and hilariously wrong, as the river turns dangerous, and they have encounters with the crazy mountain men (Burt Reynolds) plays who live near the river...


Matthew Price .... Young Tom

Andrew Hampton .... Young Jerry

Jarred Rumbold .... Young Dan

Carl Snell .... Young Billy

Antony Starr .... Billy Newwood

达克斯·塞帕德 Dax Shepard .... Tom Marshall

马修·里兰德 Matthew Lillard .... Jerry Conlaine

赛恩·格林 Seth Green .... Dan Mott

Nadine Bernecker .... Angie

Danielle Cormack .... Tony

David Stott .... Dick Stark

Bonnie Somerville .... Denise

斯考特·阿达斯特 Scott Adsit .... Greasy Man

Morgan Reese Fairhead .... Sandi

Liddy Holloway .... Bonnie Newwood


1. Dan Mott : Billy's dead and he still has a better chance of getting laid than I do.

2. Dan Mott : But I never *did* jump in the river! You guys always pushed me when I wasn't looking!

3. Dan Mott : Hey guys look! A wild deer! All out in the open like that!

4. Dan Mott : Mmm, bacon.

5. Dan Mott : Mmm... squirrel.

6. Dan Mott : Stop it! Stop it! SHUT UP! I AM DOCTOR MOTT!

7. Dan Mott : Stop, drop, and roll!

8. Dan Mott : The only chance we have to survive is to huddle together for warmth...

9. Dan Mott : What are you doing?

10. Dan Mott : Whoa... Matrix.

11. Dan Mott : Why?

12. Dan Mott : You can't out-run that bear!

13. Del Knox : Squirrel.

14. Del Knox : You boys better get dressed faster 'cause I been up here alone for almost 30 years now.

15. Jerry Conlaine : Because I run faster with no shoes

16. Jerry Conlaine : Come on it's cold lets go back to bed.

17. Jerry Conlaine : Come on, Dan. It's like when we'd jump off the railroad bridge into the river when we were kids. This is... higher than that...

18. Jerry Conlaine : I dont have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!

19. Jerry Conlaine : I, for one, choose death.

20. Jerry Conlaine : Taking off my shoes

21. Jerry Conlaine : Well I was a boyscout, you were a boyscout too right Tom?

22. River Guide : Thanks for breaking glass where my children play.

23. Tom Marshall : Abort the fetal position! Abort the fetal position!

24. Tom Marshall : I christen this, Duke the second!

25. Tom Marshall : Is this Billy's funeral?

26. Tom Marshall : No but I ate a brownie once.

27. Tom Marshall : Not until he puts Jabba back in his Hut!

28. [Billy's Spanish girlfriend rubs herself on his casket]

29. [Deer growls]

30. [smashes beer bottle on canoe]


This movie is the first to qualify for the New Zealand Government's "Large Budget Grants Scheme" where the film-makers will receive up to 12.5% of their production budget back.


1. Continuity: Right before the guys encounter rough rapids for the first time, Jerry is holding and looking at the treasure map. In the next scene he is paddling with an oar. Even though the map is eventually lost, it is stated later in the movie that it was lost when they went over the waterfall.

2. Continuity: While they are in the canoe, Tom, Jerry and Dan start to spray each other with water and Jerry's clothes change between shots.

3. Crew or equipment visible: During the chase through the pot fields the trio duck and hide from the laser scopes, a crewmember is visible crawling under a bush behind Tom.


Huka Falls, Taupo, New Zealand

Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

New Zealand

Raetihi, New Zealand

Rotorua, New Zealand

Taupo, New Zealand

Waikato River, New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand



Paramount Pictures [us]

De Line Pictures [us]


Paramount Pictures [us]

United International Pictures (UIP) [ar]

United International Pictures (UIP)

United International Pictures (UIP) [nl]

United International Pictures (UIP) [sg]


Lowdown Music Inc. [us]





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