

词条 徐克尊



徐克尊现任中国科学技术大学原子分子物理实验室主任,中国物理学会原子分子物理专业委员会委员,中国物理学会学术交流委员会委员,复旦大学核技术应用实验室学术委员会委员,兰州重离子加速器国家实验室学术委员会委员,国际光子、电子和原子碰撞会议(ICPEAC)总务委员会(general committee)委员。









Superexcited ststes of NO studied by angle-resolved electron-energy-loss spectroscopy, Physical Review A70, 012708

Theoretical calculation of the triple differential cross-sections of the 3s orbital of argon in the coplanar symmetric (e,2e) reaction, Chinese Physics 13,1857-1861

Electron momentum spectroscopy of CF2Cl2:Experimental and theoretical momentum profiles for outer valence orbitals,Journal of Chemical Physics 120,7933-7938

Single short voltage pulse induced superstructure on the surface of graphite, Applied Surface Science 228,158-163

Optical oscillator strengths of hydrogen bromide in the 4.5-20 eV excitation energy region, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21,656-658

Measurements of the absolute generalized oscillator strengths for the valence shell excitations in helium by fast electron impact, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenome.135,15-20

An electron momentum spectroscopy study of the outer valence orbitals of chlorodifluoromethane, Chemical Physics 299,17-24

Threshold of non-destructive pulse for Pt tip of STM on graphite surface,Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 524-526

Optical oscillator strengths of hydrogen chloride in the energy region of 5.5-20 eV, Chin. Phys. Lett. 20,2152-2154

Dynamical correlation in double excitations of helium studied by high-resolution and angular-resolved fast-electron energy-loss spectroscopy in absolute measurements, Physical Review Letters 91,193203

Triple differential cross-sections of Ne(2s2) in coplanar to perpendicular plane geometry, Eur. Phys. J. D26,141-146

Optically forbidden excitations of 3s electron of argon by fast electron impact,Chinese Physics Letters 20,1718-1720

Numerical determination of profile parameters for Fano resonance with definite energy resolution, Nucl. Instr. Methods in Phys. Res. A508,448-453

Generalized oscillator strengths for 5s, 5s’ and 5p excitations of krypton, Physical Review A65,062708

Fast-electron-impact study on excitations of 4p,4s,and 3d electrons of krypton, Physical Review A64,062701

Electron momentum spectroscopy of the frontier orbitals of chlorodifluoromethane, Chinese Physics Letters 19,1795-1797(2002)

Experimental and theoretical investigations of absolute optical oscillator strengths for the valence excitations of nitric oxide, Chinese Physics 11,1149-1156(2002).

Which is the most stable one in WSin(n=1-4)? A density functional investigation with pseudo-potential model. J. Molecular Structure (Theochem) 589-590,229-237(2002)

Photoabsorption spectrum and optically forbidden transitions of krypton by electron impact, Chin. Phys. Lett.19,495-496(2002)

(e,2e) triple differential cross sections of helium and argon at 64.6 eV, Physical Review A64,042706(2002)

Triple differential cross sections of ionic targets in coplanar to perpendicular plane geometries, J. Physics B35,93-110(2002).

Hydrogen-bonded isomers of PH3-HF in the gas phase:theoretically comparative studies of geometry, vinrational frequency and interaction potential energy, Chemical Physics 276,263-276(2002).

Experimental and calculated momentum densities for outer valence orbitals of chlorotrifluoromethane, J. Physics B34,4845-4855(2001)

Application of a multichannel detection system to the high-resolution fast electron energy loss spectrometer, Rev. Sci. Instruments 72,3357-3361(2001).

Electron-impact study for optical oscillator strengths and elastic scattering cross sections of mercury vapor, J. Physics B33,1357-1367(2000)

An electron momentum spectroscopy study of the highest occupied molecular orbital of chlorotrifluoromethane, Chemical Physics Letters 319,76-80(2000).

Experimental and theoretical study of photoabsorption spectra of molecular hydrogen in the energy region 11-19 eV, Physical Review A60,236-245(1999)

Absolute generalized oscillator strength distributions for the continuum region of helium, J. Physics B32,4897-4903(1999).

How many uracil tautomers there are? Density functional studies of stability ordering of tautomers, Chemical Physics 242,217-223(1999).

An investigation of propane using electron momentum spectroscopy, J.Physics.B32,1515-1522(1999).

Triple differential cross sections for electron-impact ionization of He+ in coplanar symmetric geometry, Physical Review A58,724-727(1998)

Relativistic effects on the 4p-5s excitations of krypton, Physical Review A57,4980-4982(1998)

An investigation of electron momentum spectroscopy for ethane, J. Physics B31,2055-2064(1998)

Effective Sommerfeld parameters in the three-body Coulomb continuum problem, Physical Review A 56,R2514-2517(1997).

Electron-impact study in valence and autoionization resonance regions of neon, Physical Review A55,3388-3393(1997).

Absolute generalized oscillator strengths for the vibronic bands of A1Π,B1Σ+,C1Σ+ and E1Π transitions of carbon monoxide, Physical Review A55,1799-1809(1997).

Triple differential cross sections for electron impact ionization of He+,Physical Review A55,1971-1975(1997)





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