

词条 徐芳森



1983.09-1987.06 江西农业大学农学系农学专业本科,获学士学位。

1987.07-1989.08 江西省玉山县必姆农业中学,教师。

1989.09-1992.06 华中农业大学作物营养与施肥专业硕士研究生,获硕士学位。

1996.09-1999.12 华中农业大学植物营养学专业博士研究生,获博士学位。

1992.09-1993.12 华中农业大学土壤农化系 助教

1994.01-1999.12 华中农业大学资源环境与农化系 讲师

2000.01-2003.12 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 副教授

2004.01-迄今 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 教授

2001.05-2002.03 获英国Leverhulme Trust奖学金资助在英国Wolverhampton大学做博士后研究

2004.04-09 获日本JST资助在东京大学农学院生物技术研究中心研究员 合作研究





“973” 计划“

作物高效利用氮磷养分的分子机理”项目第5课题:优异种质氮、磷高效关键基因调控途径聚合效应 (2005,12-2009,11,2005CB120905),475万








植物硼高效利用的分子机理和基因克隆 (2006-2008, NCET-05-0666),50万






油菜抗逆功能基因组分析及相关基因的分离(2001-2005, (2001AA222311/2004AA222190),60万


油料作物品质形成的生理生态基础及其调空机理(2002-2005,30130120) 子项目,12万




利用拟南芥遗传资源研究甘蓝型油菜磷高效的分子机制 (2001-2003, 30000099),13万




主要农作物硼营养高效基因的分离与克隆 (2000-2001, J00-A-008-01),第2主持人,100万


甘蓝型油菜硼高效的遗传研究(1999-2001, 99J088),2万


优质抗病白肋烟新品种选育(2006-2008, 110200202004),38万



1. 主编 Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Proceedings of the 3 International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Springer, Netherlands, 2007

2. 参编Sustainable development in Cruciferous oilseed crops production (Volume III, Agronomy), Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress. Editor-in-Chief, Fu Tingdong, Guan Chunyun, Science Press USA Inc., 2007

3. 参编 《十字花科油料作物可持续发展》,第12届国际油菜大会论文摘要集,傅廷栋,官春云主编,Science Press USA Inc. 出版,2007

4. 参编《种植业基础》 (王银元、张似松主编,湖北人民出版社) “第四章 土壤肥料与作物生产”,35千字,2000

5. 参编21世纪教材《土壤肥料学》(吴礼树主编,中国农业出版社)2004


1. Chengying Zeng, Yanlai Han, Lei Shi, Lishun Peng, Yunhua Wang, Fangsen Xu, Jinling Meng. Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2008, 31,112-122 (SCI 4.497) (通讯作者)

2. Hua Zhao, Lei Shi, Xiaoli Duan, Fangsen Xu, Yunhua Wang, Jinling Meng Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring a new boron-efficient locus in Brassica napus. Molecular Breeding, 2008, DOI 10.1007/s11032-008-9193-3 (SCI 2.357) (通讯作者)

3. Hua Zhao, Jia Liu, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Yunhua Wang. Development of boron-efficient near isogenic lines of Brassica napus and their response to low boron stress at seedling stage. Russian J Genetics, 2008,(SCI 0.265) (通讯作者)

4. M. Yang, L. Shi,F. S. Xu, and Y. H. Wang. Effect of boron on dynamic change of seed yield and quality formation in developing seed of Brassica napus. J. of Plant Nutrition, 2008, (SCI 0.593) (通讯作者)

5. Zeng Changying, Fangsen Xu,Jinling Meng, Yunhua Wang, Chengxiao Hu. Physiological basis of QTLs for boron efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Soil, 2007,296, 187-196 (SCI 1.821) (通讯作者)

6. Yunhua Wang, Lei Shi, Xiangyun Cao and FangsenXu. Studies on plant boron nutrition and boron fertilization in China. In: Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Fangsen Xu et al. Eds.,Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp93-101(ISTP 收录)

7. Fangsen Xu and Yunhua Wang. Physiological and genetic bases of boron utilization efficiency in Brassica napus. In: Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Fangsen Xu et al. Eds.,Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp205-211(ISTP 收录)

8. Xiaolong Yan, Ping Wu, Hongqing Ling, Guohua Xu, Fangsen Xuand Qifa Zhang. Plant Nutriomics in China: An Overview. Annals of Botany, 2006, 98: 473-482 (SCI 2.665)

9. Hu Zheng, Xu FangSen, Zhao Jianwei, Meng Jinling. Construction of a Brassica napus Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library and Identification of Clones Linked to Boron Efficiency Gene. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA, 2003, 29(4):486-490

10. Huoyan Wang, Yunhua Wang, Changwen Du, Fangsen Xu, Yuhua Yang. Effects of Boron and Calcium Supply on Calcium Fractionation in Plants and Suspension Cells of Rape Cultivars with Different Boron Efficiency Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2003, 26(4):789–806 (SCI 0.593)

11. Wang Huoyan, Wang Yunhua,Wu Lishu, Du Changwen, Xu Fangsen. Effect 0f boron nutrition on Ca retranslocation and distribution in rape (Brassica napus) cultivars. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002, 2(3):297-303

12. Du C. W, WangY. H, Xu F. S, Yang Y. H, Wang H.Y. Study on the Physiological Mechanism of Boron Efficiency in Rape Cultivars (Brassica napus L.). J. of Plant Nutrition, 2002, 25(2):231-244 (SCI 0.593)

13. Fangsen Xu, Yunhua Wang, Wenhua Ying, and Jinling Meng. Inheritance of Boron Nutrition Efficiency in Brassica napus. J. of Plant Nutrition, 2002, 25(4):901-912 (SCI 0.593)

14. Fangsen Xu, Yuhua Yang,Yunhua Wang and Lishu Wu. Boron uptake and retranslocation in cultivars of Brassica napus differing in boron efficiency. In: Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition, edited by Heiner E. Goldbach et al., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York, 2002, pp127-135

15. Yang Yuhua, Yu Min, Wang Huoyan, Xu Fangsen, Wang Yunhua and Wu Lishu. Effect of B on cell wall regeneration from protoplasts of B-efficient and B-inefficient rape cultivars. In: Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition, edited by Heiner E. Goldbach et al., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York, 2002, pp289-298

16. F. S. Xu, Y. H. Wang, J. Meng. Mapping boron efficiency gene(s) in Brassica napus using RFLP and AFLP markers. Plant Breeding, 2001, 120(4):319-324. (SCI 1.092)

17. Xu Fangsen, Wang Yunhua, Wang Lixia, Meng Jinling. Identification of boron efficiency gene in Brassica napus L. Proceedings of international symposium on Rapeseed sciences, science press, New York, 2001, 105-110.





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