

词条 肖岩

现任美国土木工程学会(ASCE)结构工程杂志(Journal of Structural Engineering)副主编;国际组合结构协会(ASCCS)理事;美国土木工程学会(ASCE)及美国混凝土协会(ACI)联合委员会441(混凝土柱)、335(组合结构)委员;建筑钢结构进展杂志特约编辑;美国土木工程学会(ASCE)会员;美国混凝土协会(ACI)会员。曾任美国大学地震工程研究协会(CUREE)前任理事,参与了NEES 协调组织的启动;中国青年科技工作者协会建筑与公路工程建设技术专业委员会副主任委员。



性 别:男出生年月:1961年1月

民 族:汉

职称职务:终身教授( Professor),
























1992年3月至1994年5月,美国加州大学圣迭哥校,研究员(Research Scientist)并兼任讲师。

1994年6月获美国职业注册土木工程师执照, 同时被评为博士生导师。

1994年6月起,受聘于美国南加州大学土木系,历任助理教授 (Assistant Professor)、副教授(Associate Professor)并获终身教职。担任系试验室主任和工程与抗震研究中心主任。




“Seismic Shear Strength and Design of High-Strength Steel-Concrete Composite Structural Elements,” $168,000, National Science Foundation.

“Seismic Behavior of Bridge Piers Subjected to Different Loading Histories,” $100,000, The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center and the National Science Foundation.

“Federal Highway Administration Task No. E1-1(b): Behavior and Displacement Capacity of Pile and Pile Cap Connections,” $50,000, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Multi-disciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER).

“FEMA-Woodframe Project, Task 1.4.1 - Anchorage of Woodframe Buildings - Hillside connection Tests,” $40,000, Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE).

“Large-scale Testing of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls to Evaluate Retrofit Efficiency of FRP Sheets,” $36,000, Fyfe, Inc.

“Equipment Development for Structures and Materials Laboratories for Teaching and Research,”$60,000, University of Southern California.







肖岩,郭玉荣,何文辉,吴徽. 局部加劲钢套管加固钢筋混凝土柱的研究.建筑结构学报,2003,24(6),79-86

Yan XIAO, Qing HU, Yurong GUO, Pingsheng ZHU, Weijian YI. Dvelopment of a network platform for remote hybrid dynamic testing, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004

Xiao, Y. and Wu, H., “Compressive Behavior of Concrete Cylinders Confined by Carbon Fiber Composite Jackets,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2000, pp. 139-146. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y.; Esmaeily-Ghasemabadi, A.; and Wu, H., “High-Strength Concrete Beams Subjected to Cyclic Shear,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.96, No.3, May-June 1999, pp.392-399. (SCI收录)

Xiao, Y.; H. Wu; and G.R. Martin, “Prefabricated Composite Jacketing of Circular Columns for Enhanced Shear Resistance,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.125, No.3, March 1999, pp.255-264. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y. and Yun H.W., “Dynamic Testing of Full-Scale Concrete and Clay Tile Roof Models,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 124, No.5, May 1998, pp. 482-489. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y. and Martirossyan, A., “Seismic Performance of High-Strength Concrete Columns,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 3, March 1998, pp. 241-251. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y. and Ma, R., “Seismic Behavior of High Strength Concrete Beams,” The International Journal of The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, Vol.7, No.1, March 1998; pp. 73-90. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y. and Ma, R., “Seismic Retrofit of RC Circular Columns Using Prefabricated Composite Jacketing,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.123 No. 10, October 1997, pp.1357-1364. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y.; Priestley, M.J.N.; and Seible, F., "Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Bridge Column Footings," American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.93, No.1, January-February 1996, pp.79-94. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y.; Tomii, M.; and Sakino, K., "Experimental Study on Design Method to Prevent Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Short Circular Columns by Confining in Steel Tube," Transactions of Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.8, 1986, pp.535-542. (EI 收录)

Xiao, Y.; Sakino, K; and Tomii, M., "Ultimate Moment and Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Short Circular Columns Confined in Steel Tube," Transactions of Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.9, 1987, pp.389-396.

Xiao, Y.; Tomii, M.; and Sakino, K., "Triaxial Compressive Behavior of Confined Concrete (in Japanese)," Journal of Concrete Research and Technology, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.2, No.1, January 1991, pp.1-14.

Xiao, Y.; Priestley, M.J.N.; and Seible, F., "Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Bridge Column Footings," American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.93, No.1, January-February 1996, pp.79-94. (SCI, EI 收录)

Xiao, Y. and Ma, R., “Seismic Behavior of High Strength Concrete Beams,” The International Journal of The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, Vol.7, No.1, March 1998; pp. 73-90. (SCI, EI 收录)


Xiao, Y., “Bridge Engineering Handbook, Chapter 38 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges,” W.F. Chen and L. Duan, editors, CRC Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8493-7434-0.


Xiao, Y.; and Mahin, S. “Composite and Hybrid Structures,’’ Vol.1 and 2, Proceedings of 6th ASCCS International Conference, Los Angeles, March 22-24, 2000, 1220p, ISBN 0-9679749-0-9. (EEA 收录)


1. Tomii, M.; Sakino, K.; Watanabe, K.; and Xiao, Y., "Lateral Load Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Confined by Steel Tube" Proceedings of the International Speciality Conference on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures, Harbin, China, August 1985, pp.19-26.

Tomii, M.; Sakino, K.; Xiao, Y.; and Watanabe, K., "Earthquake Resisting Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Confined by Steel Tube" Proceedings of the International Speciality Conference on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures, Harbin, China, August 1985, pp.119-125.

Xiao, Y. et al., "Experimental Studies on Design Method to Prevent Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns by Using Steel Tube - Part 3: Hysteretic behavior of short columns; Part 4: Skeleton curves and energy dissipation capacity (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1985, pp.417-420.

Xiao, Y.; Tomii, M.; and Sakino, K., "Design Method to Prevent Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Short Circular Columns by Steel Tube Confinement (in Japanese)," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Concrete Institute, 1986, pp.517-520.

Xiao, Y. et al., "Experimental Studies on Design Method to Prevent Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns by Using Steel Tube - Part-5: Confining effect of circular steel tube used as transverse reinforcement; Part-6: Hysteretic behavior of columns with strong steel tube enhancement; Part-7: Hysteretic behavior and ultimate strength of short columns subjected to high axial load (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, August 1986, pp. 533-538.

Xiao, Y.; Sakino, K.; and Tomii, M., "Ultimate Moment and Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Short Circular Columns Confined in Steel Tube (in Japanese)," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Concrete Institute, June, 1987, pp.549-554.

Tomii, M.; Sakino, K.; and Xiao, Y., "Ultimate Moment of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Confined in Steel Tube," Proceedings of Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol.2, New Zealand, August 1987, pp.11-22.

Xiao, Y. et. al., "Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior of Concentrically Loaded Aggregates Confined in Circular Steel Tube (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1987, pp.455-456.

Xiao, Y.; and Tomii, M., "Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Under Triaxial Compressive Stresses due to Confinement of Circular Steel Tube (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1987, pp.457-458.

Sakino, K.; Tomii, M.; and Xiao, Y., "Experimental Studies on Design Method to Prevent Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Short Columns by Using Steel Tube - Part-8: Analytical investigation on mechanical behavior of square short columns (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1987, pp.507-508.

Xiao, Y.; Tomii, M.; Sakino, K., "Experimental Study on Triaxial Compressive Behavior of Concrete Confined in Circular Steel Tube (in Japanese)," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Concrete Institute, June 1988, pp.349-354.

Tomii, M.; Xiao, Y.; and Sakino, K., "Experimental Study on Properties of Concrete Confined in Circular Steel Tube," Proceedings of The Second International Speciality Conference on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures, Harbin, China, August 1988, pp.24-30.

Sakino, K.; Xiao, Y.; and Tomii, M., "Elasto - Plastic Behavior of Concrete Confined in Circular Steel Tube or Spiral Reinforcement," Proceeding of The Second International Speciality Conference on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures, Harbin, China, August 1988, pp.67-73.

Sakino, K.; Tomii, M.; and Xiao, Y., "Elasto - Plastic Behavior of Concrete Confined in Circular Steel Tube (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1988, pp.725-726.

Xiao, Y. et. al., "Constitutive law of Confined Concrete - Part-1: Objective and experimental program; Part-2: Octahedral stress-strain model; Part-3: Failure criterion and flow rule; Part-4: Analytical study on concrete filled steel tubular short columns subjected to concentric axial force (in Japanese)," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Architecture Institute of Japan, October 1989, pp.935-942.

Tomii, M.; Xiao, Y., "Constitutive Law of Confined Concrete in Strain Hardening and Slip Stage (in Japanese)," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Concrete Institute, July 1990, pp.759-764.

Priestley, M.J.N.; Seible, F.; Xiao, Y.; and Verma, R., "Steel Jacketing of Bridge Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength," Final Proceedings of Second Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, Reno, Nevada, October 1990.

Xiao, Y.; Priestley, M.J.N.; and Seible, F., "Elliptical Steel Jacketing of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength," Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japan Concrete Institute, June 1991, pp.1027-1032.

Priestley, M.J.N.; Seible, F.; Xiao, Y.; and Verma, R., "Steel Jacket Retrofit to Improve Shear Strength of Concrete Columns," Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Steel - Concrete Composite Structures, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1991, pp.695-700.

Priestley, M.J.N.; Seible, F.; Xiao, Y.; and Verma, R., "Shear Retrofit of Bridge Columns by Steel Jacketing," Proceedings of First Annual Seismic Research Workshop, Caltrans, Sacramento, California, December 1991, pp.209-216.

Xiao, Y.; Priestley, M.J.N.; and Seible, F., "Steel Jacket Retrofit for Enhancing Shear Strength of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns," Proceedings of Third Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, National Science Foundation and Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, University of California, San Diego. November 16-17, 1992, pp.281-284.

Xiao, Y.; Priestley, M.J.N.; and Seible, F. and Hamada, N., "Rocking and Capacity Test of Model Bridge Pier," Proceedings of Third Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, National Science Foundation and Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, University of California, San Diego. November 16-17, 1992, pp.289-292.等





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