

词条 吴仁彪
1 中国民航大学电子信息工程学院院长




1985.5-1991.1: 提前高中毕业,免试特招进入西北工业大学首届教改试点班学习,并用五年半时间(提前一年大学毕业)同时取得该校通信工程专业学士学位和信号、电路与系统专业硕士学位。

1991.3-1994.4: 西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国防科技重点实验室博士生。在中国科学院院士保铮教授的指导下,1994年7月获该校信号与信息处理专业(国家级重点学科)博士学位。由于科研和学习成绩突出,毕业时他被授予1994年度电子工业部优秀博士毕业生称号。

1994.5-1996.2: 西北工业大学航海工程学院博士后,合作导师是中国工程院马远良院士。95年12月破格晋升为副教授。

1996.3-1997.2: 美国Virginia Tech大学智能交通运输(ITS)研究中心博士后。

1997.3-1998.12: 美国Florida大学电子与计算机工程系博士后。

1999.1-1999.12: 中国民航学院电子工程系, 99年10月破格晋升为教授,


2000.1-2006.12: 历任中国民航学院(现为中国民航大学)空中交通管理学院副院长、院长(2002.1月起),天津市重点学科“通信与信息系统” 学科带头人,天津市智能信号与图像处理重点实验室主任, 2000年9月被聘为天津市首批聘任的3位特聘教授之一(年津贴10万元),2001年被评为西安电子科技大学信号与信息处理专业(国家级重点学科)博士生导师,2006年被评为天津大学信号与信息处理专业博士生导师。


2001.3-2001.8: 美国Florida大学电子与计算机工程系访问教授。

2002.5-2002.8: 美国Florida大学电子与计算机工程系访问教授。

2004.8-2005.1: 英国帝国理工大学电子工程系通信与信息处理实验室高级研究学者。




John Wiley and Sons, Inc.《电子与电气工程百科全书》

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propogation

IEE Proceedings: Radar, Sonar, and Navigation

Signal Processing

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

Optical Engineering





















































[1] Renbiao Wu, Zheng Bao, “Control of peak sidelobe level in adaptive arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 44, No. 10, October 1996, pp. 1341-1347.(SCI收录号: VK650,EI收录号: EIX96100382424)

[2] Renbiao Wu, Yuanliang Ma, Robert D. James, “Array pattern synthesis and robust beamforming for a complex sonar system”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 144, No. 6, December 1997, pp. 370-376(SCI收录号:ZQ540,EI收录号: EIX98024055807).

[3] Renbiao Wu, Zheng Bao, “Array pattern distortion and remedies in space-time adaptive processing for airborne radar”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 46, No. 7, July 1998, pp. 963-970. (SCI收录号:107ND,EI收录号:EIP98094367482)

[4] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Time delay estimation via optimizing highly oscillatory cost functions”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 3, July 1998, pp. 235-244. (SCI收录号:ZZ281,EI收录号:EIP98084311257)

[5] Jian Li, Renbiao Wu, “An efficient algorithm for time delay estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 46, No. 8, August 1998, pp.2231-2235. (SCI收录号:104PE,EI收录号: EIX98084341057)

[6] Renbiao Wu, Zheng-She Liu, Jian Li, “Time-varying complex spectral analysis via recursive APES”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 145, No. 6, December 1998, pp.354-360. (SCI收录号:167JF,EI收录号: EIX99034610645)

[7] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, Zheng-She Liu, “Super resolution time delay estimation via MODE-WRELAX”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 1999, pp.294-307. (SCI收录号:165DE,EI收录号:EIP99034595209)

[8] Zheng-She Liu, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Complex ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets via the Capon estimator”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 47, No. 5, May 1999, pp.1262-1271. (SCI收录号: 187GK,EI收录号: EIX99064693497)

[9] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, Zhaoqiang Bi, Petre Stoica, “SAR image formation via semi-parametric spectral estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.35, No.4, October 1999, pp.1318-1333. (SCI收录号:256EZ,EI收录号: E2000025058861)

[10] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Time delay estimation with multiple looks in colored noise”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.35, No.4, October 1999,pp.1354-1361. (SCI收录号:256EZ,EI收录号: E2000025058864)

[11] Zhaoqiang Bi, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, Robert L. Williams, “Joint super resolution moving target feature extraction and stationary clutter suppression”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol.147, No.1, February 2000, pp.23-29. (SCI收录号:298LZ,EI收录号:E2000045108197)

[12] Nanzhi Jiang, Renbiao Wu, Guoqing Liu, and Jian Li, “Clutter suppression and moving target parameter estimation for airborne phased array radar”, Electronic Letters, Vol.36, No.5, March 2000, pp.456-457. (SCI收录号:294FD,EI收录号:E2000035100019)

[13] Zhigang Su, Renbiao Wu, "Delay and Doppler scale estimation of multiple moving targets via DS-WRELAX", Electronic Letters, Vol.36, No.9, April 2000, pp.827-828. (SCI收录号:314BN,EI收录号:E2000275185422)

[14] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Autofocus and super resolution SAR image formation”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation,Vol.147, No.5, October 2000,pp.217-224. (SCI收录号:366JK,EI收录号: E2000115387174)

[15] Nanzhi Jiang, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Super resolution featute extraction of moving targets”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.37, No.3, July 2001, pp.781-793(SCI收录号:477VQ, EI收录号:E2002136899762).

[16] Jian Li, Renbiao Wu, Victor C. Chen, “Robust autofocus algorithm for ISAR imaging of moving targets”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.37, No.3, July 2001, pp.1056-1069. (SCI收录号:477VQ, EI收录号:E2002136902629 )

[17] Renbiao Wu, Antonne Clement, Jian Li, Erik G. Larsson, Marshall Bradley, James Habersat, and George Maksymonko, “Adaptive ground bounce removal”, Electronic Letters, Vol.37, No.20, September 2001, pp.1250-1252.(SCI收录号:482FJ, EI收录号:E2001476737869)

[18] Xi Li, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, and Mark Sheplak, “Multi-frequency CW-based time delay estimation for proximity ultrasonic sensors”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol.149, No.2, April 2002, pp.53-59. (SCI收录号:559UV, EI收录号:E2002246978385)

[19] Renbiao Wu, Xi Li, and Jian Li, “Continous pavement profiling with ground penetrating radar”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol.149, No.3, June 2002, pp.183-193. (SCI收录号:593CA, EI收录号:E2002397109302)

[20] Renbiao Wu, Qian Gao, Jiaxue Liu, and Hong Gu, “Novel ATR scheme based on 1-D HRR profiles”, IEE Electronic Letters, Vol.38, No.24, November 2002, pp.1586-1588(SCI收录号:624FF, EI收录号:E2003027308353)

[21] Xi Li, Renbiao Wu, Srihari Rasmi, Jian Li, Louis N. Cattafesta III, Mark Sheplak, “An acoustic proximity ranging system for monitoring the cavity thickness”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol.50, No.7, July 2003, pp.898-910 (SCI收录号:702EC, EI收录号:E2003387640711.)

[22] Renbiao Wu, Kunlong Gu, Jian Li, Marshall Bradley, James Habersat, and George Maksymonko, “Propagation velocity uncertainty on GPR SAR processing”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.39, No.3, July 2003, pp849-861.( SCI收录号:728NJ, EI收录号:E2003517786123 )

[23] Xi Li, Renbiao Wu, Srihari Rasmi, Jian Li, Louis N. Cattafesta III, Mark Sheplak, “Acoustic proximity ranging in the presence of secondary echoes”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.52, No.5, October 2003, pp.1593-1605.( SCI收录号:736EN, EI收录号:E2003487751878)

[24] Mengdao Xing, Renbiao Wu, Jinqiao Lan, and Zheng Bao, “Migration through resolution cell compensation in ISAR imaging”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.1, No.2, April 2004, pp.141-144(EI收录号:E2004228189512)

[25] Mendao Xing, Renbiao Wu, and Zheng Bao, “High resolution ISAR imaging of high speed moving targets”, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol.152, No.2, April 2005, pp.58-67(SCI收录号:921FP EI收录号:E2005209098888)

[26] Zhisong Wang, Jian Li, and Renbiao Wu, “Time-delay- and time-reversal-based robust Capon beamformers for ultrasound imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.24, No.10, October 2005, pp.1308-1322(SCI收录号:969LX EI收录号:E2005439435334)

[27] ]Guo B,Wang,Y,Li J,Stoica P,Wu R, “Microwave imaging via adaptive beamforming methods for breast cancer detection”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.20,No.1,pp.53-63,2006.(SCI 收录号 999YP EI收录号:: 06029641900)

[28] Feng Zhou, Renbiao Wu, Mengdao Xing, Zheng Bao, “Eigensubspace-Based Filtering with Application in Narrow-Band Interference Suppression for SAR,” IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, VOL.4, NO.1, JANUARY 2007.

[29] Feng Zhou, Renbiao Wu, Mengdao Xing, Zheng Bao, “A Novel Approach for single channel SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging and Motion Parameter Estimation,” 已被IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar & Navigation录用。

[30] Qi Wang,Renbiao Wu, Mengdao Xing, and Zheng Bao, “A New Algorithm for Sparse Aperture Interpolation”, 已被IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS录用


[31] Renbiao Wu, Chongping Lin, Xingen Chen, Bianzhang Yu, “A novel separable approach to estimate two-dimensional angles of arrival with high resolution”, International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Shenzhen, June 1991, pp.588-591.(EI收录号:


[32] Renbiao Wu, Zheng Bao, Yuhong Zhang, “Subarray -level adaptive spatial-temporal processing for airborne radar”, International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, October 26-30, 1993, pp.391-395.

[33] Renbiao Wu, Zheng Bao, “Training method in space-time adaptive processing with strong generalization ability”, The Record of the IEEE 1995 International Radar Conference, Washington D. C., May 8-11, 1995, pp.603-608. (EI收录号: EIX95092850005 ISTP收录号:BD58D)

[34] Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, “Novel time delay estimation methods with applications to ultra wideband ground penetrating radar”, Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 3395: Radar Sensor Technology III, Orlando, Florida, April 11-15, 1998, pp.57-68. (EI收录号:E2002377086536 ISTP收录号:BL66L)

[35] Jian Li, Renbiao Wu, Zheng-She Liu, “Efficient super resolution time delay estimation techniques”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Seatle, Washington D. C., May 12-15, 1998, pp.2473-2476. (EI收录号:EIX99084345440)

[36] Renbiao Wu, Zheng-She Liu, Jian Li, “Time-varying complex spectral estimation with applications to ISAR imaging”, 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Control, Pacific Grove. California, November 1-4, 1998, pp.14-18.(特邀论文)(EI收录号: EIX99034624548 ISTP收录号:BM43X)

[37] Li-Kang Yan, Jose C. Principe, Renbiao Wu, “A CFAR intensity pattern detector for MMW SAR images”, 32nd Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems, and Control, Pacific Grove. California, November 1-4, 1998, pp.974-978. (EI收录号:EIX99034624874 ISTP收录号:BM43X)

[38] Jian Li, Petre Stoica, Zhaoqiang Bi, Renbiao Wu, Edmund G. Zelnio, “A robust hybrid spectral estimation algorithm for SAR imaging”, 32nd Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems, and Control, Pacific Grove. California, November 1-4, 1998, pp.1322-1326.(特邀论文)(EI收录号: EIX99034624939 ISTP收录号:BM43X)

[39] Jian Li, Renbiao Wu, Zhaoqiang Bi, Petre Stoica, Edmund G. Zelnio, “A robust semi-parametric method for feature extraction and SAR image formation of targets consisting of trihedrals and dihedrals”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3721: Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VI, Orlando, Florida, April 5-9, 1999, pp.92-103. (EI收录号:EIX99104847570 ISTP收录号:BN775)

[40] Zhaoqiang Bi, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, Robert L. Williams, “Simultaneous HRR feature extraction and Doppler shift estimation of moving targets with rigid bodies”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3721: Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VI, Orlando, Florida, April 5-9, 1999, pp.425-436. (EI收录号: EIX99104847600 ISTP:BN775)

[41] Jian Li, Renbiao Wu, and Victor C. Chen, “Robust autofocus algorithm for ISAR imaging of moving targets,” Proceedings of SPIE, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VII, Orlando, Florida, April 24-28, 2000, pp.199-210. (EI收录号:E2000105364801 ISTP收录号:BQ82J)

[42] Zhigang Su, Renbiao Wu, and Jianping Yu, “Further results on the DS-WRELAX algorithm for the delay and Doppler scale estimation of multiple moving targets”, 2000 5th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, August 21-25, 2000, Beijing, China, pp.201-205. (ISTP收录号: BR32Z)

[43] Zhigang Su, Renbiao Wu, Jiaxue Liu, Jie Liu, “A Robust Autofocus Algorithm for the 3-D Target Feature Extraction via Curvilinear SAR”, 2001 CIE International Conference on Radar Proceedings, October 15-18, 2001, Beijing, China, pp.644-648. (EI收录号:E2002126890886 ISTP收录号:BU74M)

[44] Kunlong Gu, Renbiao Wu, Jian Li, Marshall Bradley, James Habersat, and George Maksymonko, “SAR processing for GPSAR systems”, Proceedings SPIE Vol.4742: Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VII, Orlando, Florida, April 2002, pp.1050-1060. (EI收录号:E2002507274909 ISTP收录:BV54P )

[45] Renbiao Wu, Zhisong Wang, and Jian Li, “Mainlobe and peak sidelobe control in adaptive arrays”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, China, April 6-10, 2003, pp.325-328(EI收录号:E2003397649596 ISTP收录号:BX49C)

[46] Ping Han, Renbiao Wu, Yunhong Wang, and Zhaohua Wang, “An efficient SAR ATR approach,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, China, April 6-10, 2003,pp.429-433(EI收录号:E2003397649000 ISTP收录:BX44V )

[47] Renbiao Wu, Tang Li, “Robust Linear Prediction For Landmine Detection”,International Conference on Radar Systems, 18-22 October 2004, Toulouse, France

[48] Qian Gao, Renbiao Wu, Tang Li, and Jiaxue Liu, “A HRRP-ATR Method based on Adaptive Power Transform”,International Conference on Radar Systems, 18-22 October 2004, Toulouse, France

[49] Renbiao Wu , Jiaxue Liu, Qian Gao, Hongyu Li, and Bei Zhang, “Progress in the Research of Ground Bounce Removal for Landmine Detection with Ground Penetrating Radar,” PIERS 2005,August 22-26,Hangzhou.

[50] Renbiao Wu, Guangli Wang, and Minxin Zhang, “Quick determination of refraction points for GPR SAR imaging,” SPIE Defense & Security Symposium,28 March-1 April 2005,Orlando(Kissimmee),Florida USA.(EI收录号:E2005439428748 ISTP收录号:BCR67)

[51] Jiaxue Liu, Renbiao Wu, Tang Li, Hongyu Li, Bei Zhang, and Jingxiong Huang “Reference Data Selection for Ground Bounce Removal with Ground Penetrating Radar,” IRS 2005.

[52] Weikun He, Jiaxue Liu, and Renbiao Wu, “Localized parametric electromagnetic inversion for pavement profiling with ground penetrating radar,” PIERS 2005,August 22-26,Hangzhou.

[53] Qian Gao, Renbiao Wu, “Kernel ICA for Ground Bounce removal with GPR,” IRS 2005

[54] Haitao Liu, Xingqing Cheng, Daoben Li and Renbiao Wu, “A JOINT M-IQRD AND ML DETECTION ALGORITHM FOR V-BLAST,” Global Mobile Communication 2005, 2005.10, Chongqing, China.

[55] Xiaoguang Lu, Ping Han, Renbiao Wu, Jingxiong Huang, “A Novel Approach Based on Wavelet-ICA for SAR Image Speckle Suppression”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP’06, proceedings) ,Nov.16-20, Guilin China, 2006, pp2839~2842,

[56] Jinfeng Yang, Renbiao Wu, Yanjun Li,Ruihui Zhu, “Fast Contour Construction for Skin Regions”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing(ICSP’06, proceedings) Nov.16-20, Guilin China, 2006,pp1031-1034.

[57] Wei Huang, Dan Lu, Renbiao Wu and Zhigang Su, “A Novel Blind GPS Anti-jamming Algorithm Based on Subspace Technique”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP’06, proceedings) ,Nov.16-20, Guilin China, 2006, pp447~450,

[58] Lu,Dan, Wu Renbiao; Su Zhigang; Feng,Qing, “A Novel Roubust Cyclic Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP’06, proceedings) Nov.16-20, Guilin China, 2006,pp463-466

[59] Qingyan Shi, Renbiao Wu, Shuyan Wang, “A Novel Approach to Blind Source Extraction Based on Skewness”, 2006 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP’06, proceedings) Nov.16-20, Guilin China, 2006,pp3187-3190

[60] Wu Renbiao,Wang Zhisong,Lu Dan,Feng Qing,Li Jian, “Further Results on Peak Sidelobe Control in Adaptive Arrays”, Proceedings of 2006 CIE International conference on radar,Oct.16-19,Shanghai, China,2006,pp951-956

[61] Qian Gao, Tang Li,RenbiaoWu, “A Novel KICA Method for Ground Bounce Removal with GPR” Proceedings of 2006 CIE International conference on radar,Oct.16-19,Shanghai, China,2006,pp1058-1061

[62] Ping Han, Renbiao Wu, Jingxiong Huang, “A Novel Preprocessing Approach for SAR ATR”, Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, Oct , 16-19, 2006 Shanghai, China, pp1462~1465,

[63] Ying Wang , Ping Han, Xiaoguang Lu, Renbiao Wu, Jingxiong Huang, “The Performance Comparison of Adaboost and SVM Applied to SAR ATR”, Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar , Oct , 16-19, 2006 Shanghai, China, pp1432~1435,

[64] Jiaxue Liu, Renbiao Wu, Tang Li and Bei Zhang “Novel Ground Bounce Removeal Algorithms Based on Non-homogeneous Detector”, Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar ,Oct, 16-19, 2006 Shanghai, China, pp1088-1091

[65] Ruihui Zhu,Jinfeng Yang, Renbiao Wu, Yanjun Li, “Iris Recognition Based on Local Feature Point Matching”, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Oct.18-20,2006,Bangkok,Thailand

[66] Yanjun Li, Jinfeng Yang, Renbiao Wu, Ruihui Zhu, “Efficient Object Tracking Based on Local Invariant Features”, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Oct.18-20,2006,Bangkok,Thailand

[67] Juan Wang, Qing Feng, Renbiao Wu, Zhigang Su, Jian Li,“Robust constant-beamwidth beamforming based on focusing approach for acoustic imaging,” International Sympo, sium on Communications and Information Technologies, Oct.18-20,2006,Bangkok,Thailand

[68] Lu Dan, Feng Qing,Wu Renbiao, “Survey on Interference Mitigation via Adaptive Array Processing in GPS”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006), MAR 26-29,2006,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA. pp357-362(ISTP:BFD87)

[69] W.Liu,R.B.Wu, R.Langley,“Analysis and a Novel design of the beamspace broadband Adaptive array” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006), MAR 26-29,2006,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA. pp368-373(ISTP:BFD87)

[70] Zhao Wanyou, Xu Lifa,Wu Renbiao, “A simulation tool for space-time adaptive processing in GPS”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006), MAR 26-29,2006,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA. pp363-367(ISTP:BFD87)

[71] Liu Jiaxue,Zhang Bei, Wu Renbiao, “GPR ground bounce removal methods based on Blind Source Separation”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006), MAR 26-29,2006,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA. pp256-259(ISTP:BFD87)

[72] Yang, Jinfeng , Wu, Renbiao, Zhu, Ruihui; Li, Yanjun, “Contour construction based on adaptive grids”, 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2006), SEP 24-28, 2006,Xi’an,China(SCI:BFH68,ISTP: BFH68)

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