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2001-2002年, 2005-2007年两次赴美国留学,于美国明尼苏达大学进行胶质瘤的基因治疗与免疫治疗工作,于美国西雅图华盛顿大学以及美国巴罗神经外科研究所学习颅底手术(spetzler fellow)。专业方向为神经系统肿瘤的诊断与治疗,专业特色为颅底手术(包括垂体瘤,听神经瘤,及各种累及颅底的疾病),同时与美国明尼苏达大学神经外科及北京天坛医院神经外科合作进行胶质瘤综合治疗(手术,放疗,化疗及生物治疗)研究,作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金项目,教育部霍英东基金项目及省科技厅项目,作为博士生导师培养博士生8人,硕士生两人,其中1人获得辽宁省优秀博士毕业生称号,已发表及已投稿的主要文章:

1. An-hua Wu, Walter C.Low. Molecular cloning of the rat IL-13Ra2 receptor cDNA and its expression in rat tissues. Journal of Neuro-oncology, 2002,59:99-105. SCI收录。

2. An-hua Wu, Walter C.Low. Molecular cloning and identification of the human interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 receptor(IL13Ra2) promoter. Neuro-oncology, 2003, 5:179-187. SCI收录。

3. Wu AH, Hall WA and Low WC. Identification of HLA a*0201 glioblastoma multiforme cell lines for immunotherapy by PCR-SSP and DNA sequencing. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2004,66:1-8. SCI收录。

4. An-hua Wu, Jing Xiao, Lars Anker, Walter A. Hall, Dale S.Gregerson, Wei Chen and Walter C. Low. Identification of EGFRvIII-derived CTL Epitopes Restricted by HLA*0201 for dendritic cell based immunotherapy of gliomas. Journal of Neuro-oncology,2006,76(1):23-30.. SCI收录。

5. Wu A, Wiesner S, Xiao J, Ericson K, Chen W, Hall WA, Low WC, Ohlfest JR. Expression of MHC I and NK ligands on human CD133(+) glioma cells: possible targets of immunotherapy. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2007,83(2):121-31. SCI收录。

6. Wu A, Oh S, Ericson K, Demorest ZL, Vengco I, Gharagozlou S, Chen W, Low WC, Ohlfest JR. Transposon-based interferon gamma gene transfer overcomes limitations of episomal plasmid for immunogene therapy of glioblastoma. Cancer Gene Therapy. 2007, 14(6):550-60. SCI收录。

7. Anhua Wu, Seunguk Oh, Soheila Gharagozlou, Raji N Vedi, Katya Ericson, Walter C.Low, Wei Chen, and John Ohlfest. in vivo vaccination with tumor cell lysate plus CpG oligodeoxynucleotides eradicates murine glioblastoma. Journal of immunotherapy, 30(8):789-797,2007. SCI收录。

8. Anhua Wu, Seunguk Oh, Stephen M. Wiesner, Katya Ericson, Lisa Chen, Walter A.Hall, Paul E.Champoux, Walter C.Low, and John Ohlfest. Persistance of CD133+ cells in human and mouse glioma cell lines: detailed characterization of GL261 glioma cells with cancer stem cell like properties. stem cells and development, 17(1):173-84. 2008 SCI 收录。

9. Tang C, Wu AH(reprint), Xue HL, Wang YJ. Tanshinone IIA inhibits endothelin-1 production in TNF-alpha-induced brain microvascular endothelial cells through suppression of endothelin-converting enzyme-1 synthesis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2007, 28(8):1116-1122. SCI收录。(通讯作者)

10. Wu anhua, Tie xinxin, Wang yunjie, Yang guorui. Expression of IL13Ra2 gene in human brain tumors. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 17(3):157-160,2005. CA 收录.

11. Wu anhua, Zhang xue, Walter C.Low. a method to generate mature dendritic cells from cryopreserved PBMC. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 15(1):9-13. 2003

12. Wu anhua, Wang yunjie, Zhang xue, Walter C.Low. expression of immune related molecules in glioblastoma multiform cells. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 15(2):112-115. 2003. CA 收录.

13. Steve W.Chang, Anhua Wu, Pushpa Deshmukh, Mark C.Preul, Robert F.Spetzler, Nicholas Bambakidis. Quantitative comparision of Kawase’s approach versus retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgery. (影响因子:2.587) 已接受

14. Anhua Wu, Pakrit Jittapiromsak, Pushpa Deshmukh, Mark C.Preul, Robert F. Spetzler, and Joseph M. Zabramski. Quantitative Analysis of Variants of the Far Lateral Approach: condylar Fossa and Trans-Condylar exposure. Neurosurgery(影响因子: 2.587) 已修回

15. Anhua Wu, Katya Ericson, Xiao Feng, Wei Chen, John R.Ohlfest, and Walter C.Low. NFAT and AP1 are essential for the expression of a glioblastoma multiforme related Il13Ra2 transcript. Nature Medicine(影响因子:28.8) 已投稿

16. Anhua Wu, Pushpa Deshmukh, Steve W. Chang, Robert F. Spetzler, Mark C. Preul. Quantitative analysis of trans-sylvian, trans-choroid fissure approach, compared with lateral trans-temporal approach. Neurosurgery(影响因子:2.587) 已投稿

17. Anhua Wu, Steve W.Chang, Pushpa Deshmukh, Robert F.Spetzler, Mark C.Preul. Quantitative analysis of prevascular trans-cervical versus retrovascular extreme-lateral approach for odentoidectomy. Journal of Neurosurgery. (影响因子:2.587) 已投稿

18. Steve W.Chang, Anhua wu, Pukaj Gore, Kumar Kakarla, Peter Maughan, Randall Porter, Nicholas Theodore, Wolker Sonntag. Anterior prevascular extraoral approach for odoitoidectomy and fusion: anatomic and technical description of a novel single stage decompression and fusion. Journal of Neurosurgery, Spine. (影响因子:2.587) 已投稿



长期从事传染病及感染性疾病的临床、教学和科研及管理工作。在感染性疾病的诊断、治疗、预防方面有较深的造诣和丰富的临床经验,尤其是各种难治性感染,耐药细菌感染,免疫功能低下者感染,不明原因发热的诊断治疗;医院感染的诊断、治疗、管理;医院感染暴发流行的处置扑疫。 参加卫生部《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》、《消毒技术规范》、《医院感染管理办法》及释义与指南等编写,在《中华医学杂志》等国家一级刊物发表科研论文80余篇,主编或参加编写《临床医院感染学》、《医院感染管理学》、《临床新传染病》、《现代肺部真菌病学》 专著20本,关于病毒性肝炎及肾综合征出血热的研究分别获湖南省科技进步奖,医学生综合能力培养模式获湖南省教学成果奖,承担和参加卫生部有关标准、抗菌药物临床应用、耐药细菌传播机制、医院感染监测等课题多项。








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