词条 | 沃尔特·布伦南 |
释义 | 简介生于马萨诸塞州斯旺普史特。青年时代学工程,但却选了表演作为职业。最初是在杂耍剧团和固定剧团当演员。1923年,他到好莱坞,由于刻苦努力、善于扮演各种角色,终于成为好莱坞一位优秀而有成就的性格演员,他演出的影片达一百部以上。他曾三获奥斯卡最佳男配角金像奖,其中包括第一尊最佳男配角金像奖。 获奖记录奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards 获奖 第13届(1941) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 西部人 (1940) 第11届(1939) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 Kentucky(1938) 第9届(1937) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 Come and Get It(1936) 提名 第14届(1942) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 约克军曹 Sergeant York(1941) 作品年表Classe américaine, La (1993) .....Stumpy (archive footage) Grand détournement, Le Classe américaine, La 电影美国 America at the Movies (1976) .....'Groot' Nadine (archive footage) Il était une fois l'Amérique 侠盗双雄 Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969) .....Pa Danby 伏霸神枪 / 单枪匹马 The Sheriff 独一无二的家庭乐队 The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968) .....Grandpa Bower Fantastiska familjen Bower, Den The Family Band 电影狂欢 The Movie Orgy (1968) .....(archive footage) (uncredited) Cheeseburger Film Sandwich The Movie Orgy 地仙号快车 The Gnome-Mobile (1967) .....D.J. Mulrooney / Knobby 小精灵勇斗巨无霸 Eu Acredito em Gnomos Punaisen metsän salaisuus Who's Minding the Mint? (1967) .....Pop Gillis 谁想要薄荷糖 8 falsari, una ragazza e... un cane onesto Dollariralli 奥斯卡 The Oscar (1966) .....Orrin C. Quentin 雁南飞 Those Calloways (1965) .....Alf Simes Callowayn hanhet De vilda och de fria 西部开拓史 How the West Was Won (1962) .....Col. Jeb Hawkins 平西志 A Conquista do Oeste Das war der wilde Westen 赤胆威龙 Rio Bravo (1959) .....Stumpy 赤胆屠龙 / 红河谷 / 布拉沃河 / 里奥布拉沃 Howard Hawks' Rio Bravo Kahramanlar sehri 神偷俏佳人 The Real McCoys (1957) .....Grandpa Amos McCoy (223 episodes, 1957-1963) 霹雳神偷 "The McCoys" "The Real McCoys" 玉女思情 Tammy and the Bachelor (1957) .....Tammy's Grandpa Tammy 骄傲的人 The Proud Ones (1956) .....Jake, Deputy Jailer Furchtlosen, Die Grande sfida, La 黑岩喋血记 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) .....Doc T.R. Velie Jr. Conspiración de silencio Stadt in Angst 在枪口下 At Gunpoint (1955) .....Doc Lacy Gunpoint! 遥远的国度 The Far Country (1954) .....Ben Tatum Über den Todespaß Je suis un aventurier 穿过河流的鼓声 Drums Across the River (1954) .....Sam Brannon Adlerschwinge La rivière sanglante The Marshal's Daughter (1953) .....Saloon spectator (uncredited) (archive footage) 绿野红颜 Lure of the Wilderness (1952) .....Jim Harper Cry of the Swamp The Wild Blue Yonder (1951) .....Maj. Gen. Wolfe Höllenreiter der Nacht Kampflyver B. 29 木兰远征 Along the Great Divide (1951) .....Tim 'Pop' Keith The Travelers Den Hals in der Schlinge 去托马霍克的票 A Ticket to Tomahawk (1950) .....Terence Sweeny La figlia dello sceriffo La hija del sheriff Singing Guns (1950) .....Dr. Jonathan Mark Rauchende Pistolen Armas Fumegantes 明星猜猜看 What's My Line? (1950) .....Mystery Guest (3 episodes, 1957-1966) "Occupation Unknown" "What's My Line?" 一决胜负 The Showdown (1950) .....Cap MacKellar Blutrache in Montana Sleep All Winter 舰队歼倭记 Task Force (1949) .....Pete Richard Aquile del mare Horisonten i flammer Blood on the Moon (1948) .....Kris Barden 大战红河边 Red River (1948) .....'Groot' Nadine 红河 / 红河劫 / 红河恋 / 红河谷 The River Is Red Panik am roten Fluß 被窃的生活 A Stolen Life (1946) 百年好合 Centennial Summer (1946) .....Jesse Rogers Una vuidita de París A Tia de Paris 侠骨柔情 My Darling Clementine (1946) .....Old Man Clanton 荒野大决斗 / 大侠复仇记 / 三叉口 / 我亲爱的克莱门汀 John Ford's My Darling Clementine Faustrecht der Prärie 无人能够永生 Nobody Lives Forever (1946) .....Pop Gruber Brottsling gör revolt Eine Lady für den Gangster 达科他 Dakota (1945) .....Capt. Bounce of the Riverbird Dakota Blut am Fargo River 公主与海盗 The Princess and the Pirate (1944) .....Featherhead 家在印第安那 Home in Indiana (1944) .....J. F. 'Thunder' Bolt Due donne e un puro sangue Travkungen 江湖侠侣 To Have and Have Not (1944) .....Eddie 逃亡 / 取舍之间 Ernest Hemingway's To Have and Have Not Le port de l'angoisse 反攻洛血战 The North Star (1943) .....Karp 北极星 Étoile du Nord, L' Överraskande i gryningen 刽子手之死 Hangmen Also Die (1943) .....Prof. Stephen Novotny 侩子手之死 Lest We Forget Hangmen Also Die! 轻微冒险 Slightly Dangerous (1943) .....Cornelius Burden Careless Careless Cinderella 扬基的骄傲 The Pride of the Yankees (1942) .....Sam Blake 走廊 Stand by for Action (1942) .....Chief Yeoman Henry Johnson 跨海征东 Cargo of Innocents Forzate il blocco 沼泽地 Swamp Water (1941) .....Tom Keefer Águas Sombrias Étang tragique, L' This Woman Is Mine (1941) .....Captain Jonathan Thorne Det stora äventyret El rey de los mares 群众 Meet John Doe (1941) .....The Colonel Frank Capra's 'Meet John Doe' John Doe, Dynamite 飞翔闪耀 Rise and Shine (1941) .....Grandpa 约克军曹 Sergeant York (1941) .....Pastor Rosier Pile 神枪勇士 Sargento York Kersantti York 神枪游侠 Northwest Passage (1940) .....Hunk Marriner 西部人 (1940) .....Judge Roy Bean The Westerner V与I的故事 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (1939) .....Walter Ash Grande farandole, La Història de Vernon i Irene Castle, La Mélodie de la jeunesse (1939) .....Prof. Lawson Ragged Angels Ungdommens melodi 荡寇志 Stanley and Livingstone (1939) .....Jeff Slocum 大海贼 The Buccaneer (1938) .....Ezra Peavey 大海战 Buccaneer Corsário Lafitte, O Kentucky (1938) .....Peter Goodwin Um Dia de Glória 汤姆历险记 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) .....Muff Potter 汤姆·索耶历险记 Toms Abenteuer As Aventuras de Tom Sawyer 牧童与贵妇 The Cowboy and the Lady (1938) .....Sugar Mein Mann, der Cowboy El vaquero y la dama 怒火 Fury (1936) .....'Bugs' Meyers 愤怒 Mob Rule The Mob 荒漠三雄 Three Godfathers (1936) .....Sam 'Gus' Barton Das Wunder in der Wüste Desperados 三人行 These Three (1936) .....Taxi Driver Aquells tres De tre Banjo on My Knee (1936) .....Newt Holley Mississippi-Melodie A Canção do Rio Come and Get It (1936) .....Swan Bostrom Ambizione Mands vilje 秋千上的人 Man on the Flying Trapeze (1935) .....'Legs' Garnett Homme sur le trapèze volant, L' The Memory Expert 科学怪人的新娘 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) .....Neighbor (uncredited) 弗朗肯斯坦的新娘 Frankenstein Lives Again! The Bride of Frankenstein 洞房花烛 The Wedding Night (1935) .....Jenkins 北非海岸 Barbary Coast (1935) .....Old Atrocity San Francisco im Goldfieber Barbaarirannikko 爱丽丝·亚当斯 Alice Adams (1935) .....(scenes deleted) 19 år 19-vuotiaana 单身女郎传记 Biography of a Bachelor Girl (1935) .....Reporter on Ship (uncredited) 神秘的面纱 The Painted Veil (1934) .....(scenes deleted) 天堂谷 Paradise Valley (1934) .....Farmer Hiram Great Expectations (1934) .....Prisoner on Ship (uncredited) Forzato, Il Sträflings Lösegeld, Des 越野克鲁斯 Cross Country Cruise (1934) .....Niagara Falls Boatman (uncredited) To eglima tou leoforeiou Cross Country Cruise 娃娃脸 Baby Face (1933) .....(scenes deleted) Carita de ángel Elskovs magt Rustlers' Roundup (1933) .....Walt (uncredited) 隐形人 The Invisible Man (1933) .....Bicycle owner (uncredited) Parachute Jumper (1933) .....Counterman at Jewel Diner (uncredited) Gángsters del aire, Los Uomini nello spazio 德克萨斯飓风 Texas Cyclone (1932) .....Sheriff Lew Collins (as Walter Brenan) El ciclón tejano Texas Cyclone The Fourth Horseman (1932) .....Town Drunk (uncredited) 旋转木马 Merry-Go-Round (1932) .....Protester Sign Carrier (uncredited) Afraid to Talk Fighting for Justice (1932) .....Blackie Fletcher (uncredited) Two-Fisted Law (1932) .....Deputy Sheriff Bendix 悲伤大街 Grief Street (1931) .....Walt (as Arthur Brennan) Stage Whispers Grief Street Scratch-As-Catch-Can (1931) Broadway Headliners: Scratch-As-Catch-Can 爵士之王 King of Jazz (1930) .....Desk Sergeant ("Springtime") / Soldier ("All Noisy on the Eastern Front") / Waiter ("Oh! Forevermore Der Jazzkönig Jazzkungen Hot Heels (1928) .....Pool Hall Habitant (uncredited) Painting the Town Patents Pending 非法图利 The Racket (1928) .....Man on Street in Front of Barber Shop (uncredited)
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