词条 | 艾亚尔·戈拉萨 |
释义 | 球员资料姓名:艾亚尔-戈拉萨(Eyal Golasa ) 身高:1米74 体重:70公斤 位置:中场 现效力俱乐部:海法马卡比 介绍艾亚尔.戈拉萨仍然是个在以色列之外没有什么名气的小球员,但是可以确定的是,这名在场上可以令观众兴奋的中场球员将会在未来被以色列之外的球迷所认识。这个即将在10月17号度过自己的18岁生日的年轻球员已经成为以以色列冠军身份参加欧州冠军联赛球队海法马卡比的重要成员。 尽管在欧冠首轮主场以0-3大比分惨败给德甲巨人拜仁慕尼黑,但是对于观看了比赛的球迷来说戈拉萨在海法马卡比就像珍珠一样宝贵。海法马卡比过去已经培养出不少很棒的中场球员,所以戈伊萨有很好的例子去吸收和学习,而最出名的两个著名球员一个是退役的中场playmaker-Eyal Berkovic和现役的利物浦球星贝纳永。 戈拉萨在很多方面和贝纳永很相似,他们两个在非常小的时候就已经来到海法马卡比,贝纳永来自Hapoel Beer Sheva,戈伊萨则来自Beitar Nes Tubrok的一个青训学院。而戈伊萨的15号球衣则在02年贝纳永去了西班牙之后就没有一个海法马卡比球员穿过。 当然,这两名球员的相似地方并不是只有以上这些,他们对待比赛的方式和心态很是相当相似的。戈伊萨是一个无所畏惧的球员,他从来不会在比赛中失控,而且有很好的决心要去赢得比赛。他的盘带能力和传球技术(除了射门)已经在一个相当高的水准,有了正确的指导,他就能成为一个更高级别的球员。 戈拉萨是一个非常全面的球员,作为一个年轻球员他可以在前锋身后做plymaker也可以自由游弋危险区域。自从08年来到海法马卡比以后,他不停地在提升自己的技术然后也可以在两翼大量活动制造杀机,更令人惊喜的是,他的防守技术也有很大提高所以他也可以作为box-to-box的中路球员出现在球场两端。 尽管他很纤细,但是这个只有173cm高的中场球员在场上是一个真.斗士。在球场上有良好的协调能力和职业素养,从来不害怕强硬的拦截。他可以为队友送出美妙的助攻和轻易把防守球员过掉,尽管他的速度不是非常的快。他就像贝纳永,一个防守加强版的贝纳永。 戈拉萨从5岁开始踢足球,在他14岁的时候他参加了巴黎圣日耳曼和托特纳姆热刺的试训,为了和圣日耳曼签约他必须有欧盟居民的资格,但是他不是欧盟居民。后来他又回到以色列和他孪生兄弟orel(一个左路的防守球员)加入了海法马卡比,在08年他和球员签定了一份2M谢克尔(以色列货币)约合360K欧元时长6年的合约。从此,他在海法马卡比获得了巨大成功。 上个赛季,戈拉萨作为球队的替补球员一共出场了27次,在和MS Ashdod的比赛还收获一粒进球。在新赛季,他已经成为球队首发的11球员之一,他带领海法马卡比进入了欧冠的正赛阶段。到目前为止,他在八场比赛里面已经为球队贡献了3个进球和1个助攻,当然他为球队的贡献并不只是这些数字。他全面的能力让他在比赛里面表现得像成熟的球员向队友要球组织进攻,在以色列由于他出色的表现让人觉得他在足球方面有罕见的天赋。 戈拉萨必须努力在他的主要缺点上面有所突破,那就是他在门前把握机会的能力和远射的精准度。假如他继续在这方面努力训练可以预期的是他的射门能力会像他的技术让人印象深刻,此外,他还要加强他的力量让他可以离球门相对较远的位置得分。 英文介绍Player Information: Eyal Golasa General Information Courtesy of: Maccabi Haifa official website Team:Maccabi Haifa Shirt Number:15 Nationality:Israel Position:Central midfielder Secondary:Right midfielder, Left midfielder, Attacking mid(C), Attacking mid(R), Attacking mid(L) Age:17 Height:1.73 m / 5.68 ft. Weight:70 kg / 154 lbs The new Yossi Benayoun17/09/2009Eyal Golasa is a still a relatively unknown name outside Israel. But one can bet this exciting midfielder will be well known in the future. This youngster, who will celebrate his 18th birthday on October 7th, is already one of the most important players of Maccabi Haifa, Israel's champions and representative in the UEFA Champions League. In spite of Haifa's 3-0 home loss against Bayern Munich, it was clear to all who saw the match that Golasa is a real gem. Maccabi Haifa have produced some magnificent midfielders in the past, so Golasa has legends to look up to and follow. Two of the most famous are retired playmaker Eyal Berkovic and current Liverpool player Yossi Benayoun. Golasa resembles Benayoun in many ways. Both of them came to Maccabi Haifa at a very young age – Benayoun from Hapoel Beer Sheva and Golasa from the youth Academy of Beitar Nes Tubrok. Golasa wears the number 15 shirt, a shirt that hasn't been worn by any green player since the departure of Benayoun to Spain in 2002. The resemblance between the two doesn't end there, but also in their mentality and approach to the game. Golasa is a fearless player, who almost never loses his temper and has immense determination to succeed. His technical abilities of dribbling and passing (apart from shooting) are of a high caliber and under the right guidance he could evolve into a high level player. Golasa is a very versatile player. As a youth player he was a playmaker positioned only behind the strikers and moves freely in the danger zone. Since his arrival to Haifa in the summer of 2008 he developed his skills and played a lot on both wings. But more than that, he developed his defensive abilities so much that he became a central box-to-box midfielder. Despite his small frame, the 1.73m tall midfielder is a real fighter on the field. He isn’t afraid to go into a tackle and has fine tuning and positional sense in the middle of the park. He can provide wonderful passes to his team mates and dribble easily past defenders, even though his speed is not extraordinary – just like Benayoun, with better defensive ability. Golasa, who started playing football at the age of 5, underwent trial periods while he was 14-years-old with French side PSG and England's Tottenham. He tried to get European citizenship in order to sign with PSG, but he didn't succeed and went back to Israel. He joined Maccabi Haifa together with his twin brother Orel (a left-sided defender) in 2008 for a sum of 2 million shekels (around 360k euro), signed a 6-year-contract and since then has enjoyed great success. Last season Golasa played mainly as a substitute, recorded 27 appearances and one super-goal against MS Ashdod. From the beginning of the current season he became a first XI player, and led Haifa to the Champions League. So far he has three goals and one assist in eight matches – but his overall contribution to the team is much more than just numbers. His all-around ability, the fact that he plays like a mature player and always asks for the ball points out that this is a rare talent in Israel. Golasa has one main weakness he must work on in order to develop. His finishing in front of goal and the accuracy of his long-distance shots are not great. It is clear that with extensive training, he can improve his shooting as he has impressive technique and the necessary power to score goals from long range. 准备加盟拜仁据《慕尼黑日报》报道,拜仁看上了18岁的海法马卡比新秀戈拉萨(Eyal Golasa)。 在接受《慕尼黑日报》的问询时,戈拉萨的经纪人舍尔曼表示:“我们不想参与到流言当中,但是确实有不少德国球队对戈拉萨感兴趣,其中包括拜仁、弗赖堡、霍芬海姆、斯图加特和科隆。” 戈拉萨在今年10月份才刚刚年满18岁,不过在海法马卡比他已经打上了主力,本赛季共为球队在欧冠中出场10次,其中6场是预选赛,4场是小组赛。在两次对阵拜仁的比赛中,戈拉萨都得到了出场机会,因此他也得到了拜仁俱乐部的特别关注。 戈拉萨的场上位置与拜仁小将穆勒颇为相似,而在以色列,球迷们已经将这位国内最出色的年轻人看做是贝纳永的接班人。 去一段时间,拜仁体育主管内林格不断强调俱乐部不会在冬天买人,但据《图片报》透露,他们正在积极追求海法马卡比队的小将艾亚尔-戈拉萨。 戈拉萨出生于1991年10月7日,刚满18岁不久,身高1米74的他速度快,突破能力强,有“新贝纳永”之称,2008年,他开始代表海法马卡比队出战,但一直介于主力和替补之间,今年夏天,在欧冠资格赛最后一轮,海法马卡比主场4-3疯狂逆转阿克托比的比赛中,他打入一球,成为俱乐部的英雄。 在欧冠小组赛的六场比赛中,他总共出场了4次,其中三次首发,而两次面对拜仁,他都有出场机会,特别是主场同拜仁的比赛,他踢满了90分钟,送出一次关键球,有两次射门,给拜仁方面留下了深刻的印象。 据《图片报》报道,甚至在冬歇期时,这桩转会就会敲定,从2010-2011赛季起,戈拉萨就可以为拜仁效力。戈拉萨和海法马卡比的合同明年夏天就要到期,他的身价不会太高,只要支付大约一百万欧元的培养补偿金即可,而戈拉萨本人也急切地盼望离开以色列,因为一旦他留下来,明年夏天开始,他就要前往部队服兵役。 除了拜仁之外,霍芬海姆和多特蒙德也对这位小将颇有兴趣,不过,要是拜仁诚心向戈拉萨抛出橄榄枝,这位小将很难不动心。当然,要是选择了拜仁,戈拉萨就得做好当替补的心理准备,此前,索萨、布雷诺、多斯桑托斯等新人都没能在拜仁立足,同样来自西亚的阿里代伊、哈什米安也都是匆匆过客。 |
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