词条 | 魏春景 |
释义 | 职称: 教授 通讯地址: 北京大学地球与空间科学学院 100871 个人简历 教育背景: 1983年于长春地质学院毕业获学士学位,专业:区域地质; 1986年于长春地质学院获硕士学位,专业:岩石学; 1992年于北京大学获博士学位,专业:岩石学 工作经历: 1986.9-1988.8,助教 1988.9-1993.8,讲师 1993.9-2001.7,副教授 2001.8-现在,教授 1991年10月-92年1月,美国斯坦福大学访问学者。 2001年2月-2002年2月,澳大利亚墨尔本大学访问学者 2003年3月-7月,澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者 荣誉、获奖情况(省部级及以上): 1998年度,获教育部科技进步一等奖(第四完成人) 2008年度,获得北京市教育教学成果(高等教育)二等奖(第三完成人)。 学术或社会职务: 北大地空学院矿物学岩石学矿床学研究所所长 造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会变质岩专业委员会委员 国家自然科学基金委员会第十二届专家评审组成员 “地学前缘”中(英)文版杂志编委 “岩石学报”杂志编委 “Journal of Metamorphic Geology” 杂志编委 工作情况及研究方向 教学与主讲课程: 普通岩石学(一)(本科必修) 综合地质实习(本科必修) 高等岩石学(研究生必修) 岩石物理化学 (研究生选修) 所在专业与主要研究方向: 专业:矿物学岩石学矿床学专业 研究方向:变质作用与相平衡 主持的主要科研课题: 1、泥质岩和基性岩变质相平衡研究,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,负责。 2、国家创新群体项目,变质作用与造山带演化,参加。 3、国家自然科学基金重点基金项目:西天山洋壳深俯冲超高压变质及折返,参加。 4、科技部973项目“深俯冲洋壳的化学变化和折返机制”,参加。 5、国家自然科学基金面上项目:安徽南大别超高压榴辉岩和片麻岩的相平衡研究,负责。 6、国家自然科学基金面上项目:山西恒山杂岩的变质作用演化与TTG片麻岩深熔作用的相平衡研究,负责 科研成果与主要论著 国内外学术刊物: Wei C. J., Clarke, G. L., 2011. Calculated phase equilibria for MORB compositions: a reappraisal of the metamorphic evolution of lawsonite eclogite. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 魏春景. 变质作用P-T-t轨迹的研究方法与进展. 地学前缘, 18(2),2-16 Wei C. J., Li Y. J., Yu Y., & Zhang J. S., 2010. Phase Equilibria and Metamorphic Evolution of Glaucophane-bearing UHP Eclogites from the western Dabieshan terrane, Central China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. Shuguang Song, Chunjing Wei, Jianqing Ji, Yaoling Niu, et al., 2010. Tectonic implications of zircon ages in Gongshan block in the northern Indochina continent, Southwest China, Tectonics 田伟,魏春景,陈咪咪,张贵宾.塔里木西克尔基性麻粒岩捕虏体的发现及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 2010年第2期. Tian W., Wei CJ, Chen MM, Zhang GB., 2010. Discovery of granulite xenoliths from Xikeer, Tarim, Northwest China and its geological implications. Acta Petrologica Sinica 26(2): 573-583 Wei, C. J., Yang Y, Su, X. L., Song S. G., Zhang L. F., 2009. Metamorphic evolution of low-T eclogite from the north Qilian orogen, NW China: Evidence from petrography and calculated phase equilibria in system NCKFMASHO. Journal of Metamorphic Geology.27, 55-70. Chu H., Wei C. J., Su S. G., 2009. Phase equilibria of the HP-UHP mica shist from Jiangling, eastern Dabie Mountains. Progress in Natural Science. 19, 973-982. 娄玉行,魏春景,初 航,张景森,2009. 西大别造山带红安高压榴辉岩的变质演化:岩相学与NCKFMASHO体系相平衡关系,岩石学报,25 (01)124-138。/Lou YX, Wei CJ, Chu H, Wang W & Zhang JS. 2009. Metamorphic evolution of high-pressure eclogite from Hong’an, Western Dabie Orogen, central China: Evidence from petrohrophy and calculated phase equilibria in system Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-O(Fe2O3). Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(1): 124-138. 王伟,魏春景,王 涛,娄玉行,初航,2009,阿尔泰地区泥质麻粒岩的确定及其地质意义,科学通报, 54(7): 918-923. Wang W., Wei C. J., Wang T., Lou Y. X., Chu H., 2009. Confirmation of pelitic granulite in the Altai orogen and its geological significance, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(14): 2543-2548 Zhang J. S., Wei C. J., Lou Y.X. and Su X. L., 2009. Phase Equilibria of Hornblende-bearing Eclogites in Western Dabie Mountains, Central China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 83(1): 57-69. 魏春景、苏香丽、娄玉行、李艳娟,2009. 榴辉岩中地质温压计新解:来自PT视剖面图的证据. 岩石学报,25. Wei CJ, Su XL, Lou YX and Li YJ. 2009. A new interpretation of the conventional thermobarometry in eclogite: evidence from the calculated PT pseudosections. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(09):2078-88 Wei C. J., Wang W., Clarke G., Zhang L.F., Song S.G., 2009. Metamorphism of High/ultra High-pressure Pelitic - felsic Schist in the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: Phase equilibria and P–T path. Journal of Petrology. 50(10): 1973-1991. 于孝宁,宋述光,魏春景,张立飞. 2009, 北祁连山含镁纤柱石高压泥质岩及其对古大洋俯冲的意义,北京大学学报 (自然科学版), vol. 45 (3), 472-480. Zhang L., Han B. F., Wei C. J., 2009. Cumulate hornblendite enclaves in diorite–porphyrite intrusions from the Shuangyashan, Northeast China, and implications for the transition from lower crust to upper mantle in subduction setting. International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch). DOI 10.1007/s00531-009-0502-9 Wei C. J., Song S. G., 2008, Chloritoid – glaucophane schist in the north Qilian orogen, NW China: phase equilibria and P–T path from garnet zonation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26: 301–316 Zhou, X. W., Zhao G. C., Wei, C. J., Geng Y. S., Sun M. 2008. EPMA U-Th-Pb monzonite and SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of high-pressure pelitic granulite in the Jiaobei Massif of the North China Craton, American Journal of Science. Vol 308, 328-350. 初航、魏春景、苏尚国,2008,大别山东段江岭地区高压-超高压云母片岩的相平衡研究,自然科学进展 18(8): 891-900. Wei C. J., Zhang Y. H., 2008. Phase transition in the subducted oceanic lithosphere and generation of the subduction zone magma. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(23): 3603-3614 魏春景、张颖慧,2008。俯冲大洋岩石圈的相变化与俯冲带岩浆作用,科学通报, 53(20): 2449-2459 Wei C. J., Clarke G., Tian W., Qiu L., 2007. Transition of metamorphic series from the Kyanite- to andalusite-types in the Altai orogen, Xinjiang, China: evidence from petrography and calculated KMnFMASH and KFMASH phase relations. Lithos. 96: 353-374 Zhu W. P., Wei C. J., 2007. Thermodynamic modelling of the Phengite Geobarometry, Science in China, (D), 50(7): 1033-1039。 朱文萍、魏春景,2007, 多硅白云母地质压力计的热力学模拟,中国科学(D),37(8):1014-1019 邱林、魏春景、娄玉行、田伟,2007,新疆阿尔泰高级变质带中淡色花岗质脉体的特征及成因模拟,岩石矿物学杂志,26(1):27-34 魏春景、王伟,2007,高级变质岩中深熔作用的相平衡研究,地学前缘,14(1):125-134 Wei C. J., Wang W., 2007. Phase equilibria on the anatexis in high-grade metapelites. Earth Science Frontiers, 34(1), English Version. 周喜文、魏春景、耿元生,2007,胶北地块高压与低压泥质麻粒岩的相平衡关系与pt演化轨迹,地学前缘,14(1):135-143 Li X. P, Zhang, L. F., Wei C. J., Ai Y. L., Chen J., 2007. Petrology of rodingite derived from eclogite in western Tianshan. China, Journal of Metamorphic Geology 25, 363–382 张翠光、魏春景、侯荣玖、后立胜、卜小平,2007,新疆阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用相平衡研究,中国地质,34(1):34-41 Song S.G., Ji J.Q., Wei C.J., Su L., Zheng Y.D., Song B., Zhang L.F. 2007. Early Paleozoic granite in Nujiang River of northwest Yunnan in SW China and its tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (17), 2402-2406. Song S. G., Zhang L. F., Niu Y. L., Wei C. J., Liou J. G., Shu G. M., 2007, Eclogite and carpholite-bearing meta-pelite in the North Qilian suture zone, NW China: implications for Paleozoic oceanic subduction, Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 25, 547–563. 宋述光、季建清、魏春景、苏 犁、郑亚东、宋 彪、张立飞,2007,滇西北怒江早古生代片麻状花岗岩的确定及其构造意义。科学通报,52(8):927-930 魏春景、张景森,2007,固相线以下变质过程中水的行为,高校地质学报,13(3):507-514。 魏春景、朱文萍,2007,多硅白云母地质压力计的研究进展,地质通报,26(9):1123-30。Wei CJ and Zhu WP. 2007. Progress in the study of phengite geobarometry. Geological Bulletin of China, 26(9): 1123-1130 Wei C. J. & Powell R., 2006. Calculated Phase Relations in the System NCKFMASH????? (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O) for High-Pressure Metapelites.?????? Journal of Petrology, 47(2): 385-408.??? 14 Zhou X. W., Wei C. J., Zhang S. K., 2006, Implications of micro-compositions of garnet and biotite from high-grade meta-pelites. Progress in Natural Science. 16(2): 209-214. 张景森、魏春景、周喜文,2006. 大别山西段含蓝闪石-蓝晶石榴辉岩的相平衡研究. 岩石学报, /Zhang JS, Wei CJ & Zhou XW, 2006. Phase equilibria of glaucophane- and kyanite-bearing eclogites in the UHP belt of western Dabieshan. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 22(9)2861-74 Zhou X. W, Wei C.J., Geng Y. S. & Zhang L. F., 2005. Electron microprobe monazite dating and constraints on multiple metamorphism of low pressure pelitic granulite from the Jingshan Group of Jiaobei massif. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50:1009 - 1015. 周喜文、魏春景、耿元生、张立飞. 2005. 胶北荆山群泥质低压麻粒岩电子探针独居石定年及其对多阶段变质演化的制约。科学通报,50(4) 369- 374。 田伟、魏春景,2005,北秦岭造山带中加里东期低Al-TTD系列:岩石特征、成因模拟及地质意义,中国科学(D),35(3): 215-224. Tian W, Wei C. J., 2005. The Calidonian low Al-TTD series from the Northern Qinling Orgenic Belts: rock properties, genetic simulation and geological implication, Science in China (D), 48(11): 1837-1847 Zhao Z. Y., Wei C. J., Fang A. M., 2005. Plastic flow of coesite eclogite in a deep continent subduction regime: microstructures, deformation mechanisms and rheologic implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237. 209-222. 周喜文、魏春景,2005. 高温变质泥质岩中石榴石、黑云母微区成分的指示意义,自然科学进展,15(11):1389-1395 陈 燕, 魏春景, 张景森,初航,2005,安徽省大别山南部高压-超高压变质地体中云母片岩和片麻岩的相平衡研究, 岩石学报,21(6)1657-1668。Chen Y., Wei CJ, Zhang JS, Chu H., 2005. Phase equilibria of mica-schists and gneisses in the HP-UHP belts of Southern Dabie Shan. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21(6): 1657-1668. Wei C. J. & Powell R., 2004. Calculated Phase Relations in High-Pressure Metapelites in the System NKFMASH (Na2O-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O) with Application to Natural Rocks, Journal of Petrology 44, 183-202 张翠光、魏春景、邱林,2004,新疆阿尔泰造山带变质作用演化及其地质意义,新疆地质,22(1):16-23。 张阿利、魏春景,田伟,张翠光,2004,东秦岭二郎坪低压变质带研究,岩石矿物学杂志,23(1): 26-36。 Liu X., Wei C., Li S., Dong S. and Liu J., 2004. Thermobaric structure of a traverse across western Dabieshan: implications for collision tectonics between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Journal of Metamorphic Geolology, 22, 361–379. Wei C. J., Powell, R. & Clarke, G. L., 2004. Calculated phase equilibria for low-and medium-pressure metapelites in the KFMASH and KMnFMASH systems. J. Metamorphic Geol. 22, 495–508??? 20 张翠光、魏春景,2004,KFMASH体系泥质岩石低压变质作用岩石成因格子,岩石学报,20 (3): 0725-36 周喜文、魏春景、耿元生、张立飞,2004,胶北栖霞地区高压泥质麻粒岩的发现及其地质意义,科学通报,49(14),1424-1430。 Zhou X. W., Wei C. J., Geng Y. S., Zhang L. F.,? 2004. Discovery and implications of the high-pressure pelitic granulite from the Jiaobei massif. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (18): 1942-48 邵济安、魏春景、张履桥、牛树根、牟保磊,2004,张宣隆起核部的转枝莲辉石闪长岩, 岩石学报,20(6): 1389-1396. Wei? C. J., Powell, R. & Zhang L. F., 2003. Eclogites from the south Tianshan, NW China: petrologic characteristic and calculated mineral equilibria in the Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO– Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 21:163-179.? 47 Wei C. J. & Powell R., 2003. Phase relations in high-pressure metapelites in the system KFMASH (K2O-FeO- MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O) with application to natural rocks. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology.145: 301-315.? 37 魏春景,周喜文. 2003. 变质相平衡研究进展. 地学前沿,10(4):341-352 周喜文,魏春景,董永胜,卢良兆. 2003. 胶北荆山群富铝岩系石榴石扩散环带特征及其成因指示意义. 岩石学报, 19 (4): 752-760. / Zhou X. W., Wei C. J., Dong Y. S., Lu L. Z., 2003. Characteristics and genetic implications of diffusion zoning in garnet from Al-rich rock series of the Jingshan Group in North Jiaodong. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 19 (4): 752 – 760.? 周喜文,魏春景,卢良兆. 2003.高温变泥质岩石中石榴石-黑云母温度计的应用—以胶北荆山群富铝质岩石为例. 地学前沿,10(4):353-364 张翠光 魏春景 张阿利 邱林,2003,河南桐柏地区麻粒岩和片麻岩的岩石学特征及其成因意义,矿物岩石. 023(004). 63-69 Wei C. J., 2003. Using contemporary education strategies to improve teaching and learning in petrology courses at Peking University. In: M. Peat & M. King eds. The China Papers. 84-89. The University of Sydney. Chen B, Jahn BM, Wei CJ, 2002, Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids in the Dabie UHP complex, central China: trace element and Nd-Sr isotope evidence. LITHOS 60 (1-2): 67-88 魏春景、张翠光,2002,陆-陆碰撞造山带中压型变质作用的PT轨迹-以南秦岭佛坪地区为例。岩石矿物学杂志,21(4):356-362。 张翠光、魏春景、张阿利,2002,河南桐柏麻利岩相变质作用的P-T条件。岩石矿物学杂志,21(3):242-250 邵济安、张履桥、魏春景、韩庆军,2001,北京南口中生代双峰式岩墙群的组成及其特征,地质学报,75(2):205-212 魏春景、张翠光、张阿利、伍天洪、李江海. 辽西建平杂岩高压麻粒岩相变质作用的P-T条件及地质意义,岩石学报,17(2):2001,269-282/ Wei, C. J., Zhang C. G., Zhang A. L., Wu T. H. and Li J. H., 2001. Metamorphic P-T conditions and geological significance of high-pressure granulite from the Jianping complex, western Liaoning province. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 17(2) : 269- 282 魏春景、张立飞、王式光,2000,安徽省大别山东段中生代高钾花岗质岩石及其地质意义,中国科学(D),30(4):355-363。 Wei Chunjing, Zhang Lifei and Wang Shiguang, 2001. Mesozoic High-K granitic rocks from the eastern Dabie Mountains, Central China and their geological implications. Science in China (D), 43(6):525-534. 魏春景、陈斌、陈晶,2000,大别地区的变质作用及其与碰撞造山过程的关系,地质力学学报,6(3): 25-38 Wei Chunjing, Yang Chonghui and Zhang Shouguang, 1999. Metamorphism of the east sector of the southern Qinling orogenic belt and its geological significance. Acta Geologica Sinica. 73(1): 65-77. 魏春景、吴玉新、倪云燕等,1999,河南桐柏地区榴辉岩的特征及其地质意义,科学通报,44(17):1082-1084。 Wei Chunjing, Wu Yuxin, Ni Yunyan et al., 1999, Characteristics and geological significance of the eclogites from the Tongbai Mountains, Henan Provinces, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(22): 2076-2079 杨崇辉、魏春景、张寿广等,1999,南秦岭佛坪地区麻粒岩相岩石锆石U-Pb年龄,地质论评,45(2):173-179 Wei Chunjing, Shan Zhengang and Zhang Lifei, 1999, Orogenic model of eastern Dabie Mountains, Central China. Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia. 2(1): 21-33. 张立飞、江文波、魏春景、董申保,1998,新疆阿克苏前寒武纪蓝片岩地体中迪尔闪石的发现及其地质意义,中国科学(D)28(6):539-545 Zhang Lifei, Jiang Wenbo, Wei Chunjing and Dong Shenbao, 1999, Discovery of deerite from the Aksu Precambrian blueschist terrane and its geological significance. Science in China (D) 42:233-239. Wei Chunjing, Shan Zhengang and Zhang Lifei et al., 1998. Determination and geological significance of the eclogites from the northern Dabie Mountains, central China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(3): 253-256. 魏春景、杨崇辉、张寿广等,1998,南秦岭佛平杂岩中麻粒岩的发现及其地质意义,科学通报,43(9):982-984。 Wei Chunjing, Yang Conghui & Zhang Shouguang et al., 1998. Discovery of granulite from the Fuping area in southern Qinling Mountains and its geological significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43 (16): 1358-1361. 魏春景、王式光、张立飞、陈晶,1998. 安徽省大别山东段江岭地区榴辉及其围岩的变质作用研究. 高校地质学报,4(3):262-270. 魏春景、单振刚, 1997. 安徽省大别山南部宿松杂岩变质作用研究. 岩石学报,13(3): 356-368 魏春景,1997,对”大陆地质学研究的若干问题思考”一文的质疑,高校地质学报3(4) 董申保、魏春景,1997,变质地质学的某些进展,岩石学报,13(3):274-288。 魏春景、单振刚、张立飞等,1997,北大别榴辉岩的确定及其地质意义,科学通报,42:1832-1835 魏春景,王式光,张立飞等,1996,对中国中部超高压榴辉岩的P-T轨迹及回返机制的新认识,岩石学报,第12卷,第1期,70-78。 Wei Chunjing, 1996, REE Geochemistry of the Mid-Late Proterizoic volcanic series from the southern Shaanxi Province. In: Dong Shenbao et al., eds., Precambrian? glaucophane? schist? belt and some eclogites? in? the northern Yangtze Craton. 86-92. Science Press: Beijing. 张寿广、魏春景、赵子然、沈洁,1996,东秦岭陡岭杂岩的形成与变质演化,中国科学(D), 26(增刊),73-77 Zhang Shouguang, Wei Chunjing, Zhao Ziran et al., 1996 Formation and metamorphic evolution of the Douling complex from the east Qinling Mountains, Science in China (D), 39 (Supp.):80-86. Wei Chunjing, 1995. Metamorphism of the Bikou Group in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Sichuan border region. Acta Geologica Sinica. 8(1): 53-68 |
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