

词条 艾海舟









1996.9—2003.11: 清华大学计算机系,副教授





(1)本科生基础课 “数理逻辑与集合论”(1991—1993,1996—1997)

(2)研究生专业课 “专家系统”(1998—2001)

(3)本科生专业课 “数字图象处理”(2000—2002,2004—2006,2008—2009)

(4)研究生专业课 “计算机视觉专题”(2002—2008)

(5)研究生专业课 “计算机视觉”(2005—2009)


M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, and R. Boyle,(艾海舟、武勃 等译),图像处理、分析与机器视觉,人民邮电出版社,2003.9。目录。





1.Zhaorong Li, Haizhou Ai, Texture-Constrained Shape Prediction for Mouth Contour Extraction and its State Estimation, in 18th Inter. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 Aug., 2006.

2.Zhiguang Yang, Ming Li, Haizhou Ai, An Experimental Study on Automatic Face Gender Classification, in 18th Inter. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 Aug., 2006.

3. Li Zhang, Haizhou Ai, Multi-View Active Shape Model with Robust Parameter Estimation, in 18th Inter. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 Aug., 2006.

4. Chang HUANG, Haizhou AI, Yuan LI, Shihong LAO, Learning Sparse Features in Granular Space for Multi-View Face Detection, 7th IEEE International Conference, Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG2006, pp.401-406, Southampton, UK, April 10-12 2006.

5. Yuan LI, Haizhou AI, Chang HUANG, Shihong LAO, Robust Head Tracking Based on a Multi-State Particle Filter, 7th IEEE International Conference, Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG2006, pp.335-340, Southampton, UK, April 10-12 2006.

6. Yuan LI, Haizhou AI, Chang HUANG, Shihong LAO, Robust Head Tracking with Particles Based on Multiple Cues Fusion, T.S. Huang et al. (Eds.): HCI/ECCV 2006, LNCS 3979, pp.29-39, 2006. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

7. Li Zhang, Haizhou Ai, Shihong Lao, Robust Face Alignment Based On Hierarchical Classifier Network, T.S. Huang et al. (Eds.): HCI/ECCV 2006, LNCS 3979, pp.1-11, 2006. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.


1. Cong HOU, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Multiview Pedestrian Detection Based on Vector Boosting, 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2007), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 18-22, 2007.

2. Chang HUANG, Haizhou AI, Takayoshi YAMASHITA, Shihong LAO, Masato KAWADE, Incremental Learning of Boosted Face Detector, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 14-21, 2007.

3. Yuan Li, Haizhou Ai, Fast Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds Guided by Supervised Learning, The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-07), San Antonio, Texas, USA, September 16-19, 2007.

4. Bangpeng YAO, Haizhou AI, Yoshihisa IJIRI, Shihong LAO, Domain-Partition RankBoost for Face Recognition, The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-07), San Antonio, Texas, USA, September 16-19, 2007.

5. Zhiguang YANG, Haizhou AI, Demographic Classification with Local Binary Patterns, 2nd International Conference on Biometrics (ICB2007), Seoul, Korea, August 27-29, 2007.

6. Pengxu LI, Haizhou AI, Yuan LI, Chang HUANG, Video Parsing based on Head Tracking and Face Recognition. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR-07), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 9-11 2007.

7. Yuan LI, Chang HUANG, Haizhou AI, Tsinghua Face Detection and Tracking for CLEAR 2007 Evaluation, CLEAR 2007 Workshop.

The paper and presentation for CLEAR 2007 are available on

8. Yuan LI, Haizhou AI, Takayoshi YAMASHITA, Shihong LAO, Masato KAWADE, Tracking in Low Frame Rate Video: A Cascade Particle Filter with Discriminative Observers of Different Lifespans, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Minneapolis, USA, June 17-22, 2007. (Best student paper prize)

9. Chang HUANG, Haizhou AI, Yuan LI, Shihong LAO, High Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.29, No.4, pp. 671-686, APRIL 2007.

10. 李召荣,艾海舟. 实时鲁棒的自动人眼状态分类,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, Vol.19, No.3, pp.292-297, 2007。


1. Yuan LI, Haizhou AI, Takayoshi YAMASHITA, Shihong LAO, Masato KAWADE, Tracking in Low Frame Rate Video: A Cascade Particle Filter with Discriminative Observers of Different Lifespans, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.30, No.10, pp. 1728-1740, 2008.

2. 杨之光,艾海舟,基于形状无关纹理和Boosting学习的人口统计学分类,电子与信息学报,Vol.30, No.3, pp.721-724, 2008。

3. 杨之光,艾海舟,基于聚类的人脸图像检索及相关反馈,自动化学报,Vol.34, No.9, pp.1033-1039, 2008.

4. Bangpeng YAO, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Logit-RankBoost with Pruning for Face Recognition, 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 17-19, 2008.

5. Bangpeng YAO, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Personalized Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments: a Combination of Offline and Online Learning, 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 17-19, 2008.

6. Yanchao SU, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Real-Time Face Alignment with Tracking in Video, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008), San Diego, California, USA, October 12-15, 2008.

7. Bangpeng YAO, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Matching Texture Units for Face Recognition,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2008), San Diego, California, USA, October 12-15, 2008.

8. Bangpeng YAO, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Build A Compact Relevant Sample Coverage for Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2008), Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008. LNCS 5302, pp. 697-710.

9. Yanchao SU, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Robust Real-Time Face Alignment Based on ASM with Boosting Regression for Displacement Prediction, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), Tampa, Florida, USA, December 8-11, 2008.

10. Zhaojie LIU, Haizhou AI, Automatic Eye State Recognition and Closed-eye Photo Correction, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), Tampa, Florida, USA, December 8-11, 2008.


1. Yanchao SU, Haizhou AI, Shihong LAO, Multi-View Face Alignment Using 3D Shape Model for View Estimation, The 3rd IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, University of Sassari, Italy, June 2-5, 2009.

2. Wei GAO, Haizhou AI, A Probabilistic Boosting Tree for Face Gender Classification on Consumer Images, The 3rd IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, University of Sassari, Italy, June 2-5, 2009.

3. Feng GAO, Haizhou AI, Face Age Classification on Consumer Images with Gabor Feature and Fuzzy LDA Method, The 3rd IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, University of Sassari, Italy, June 2-5, 2009.

4. Wei GAO, Haizhou AI and Shihong LAO, Adaptive Contour Features in Oriented Granular Space for Human Detection and Segmentation, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2009), Miami Beach, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2009.

5. Junliang XING, Haizhou AI and Shihong LAO, Multi-Object Tracking through Occlusions by Local Tracklets Filtering and Global Tracklets Association with Detection Responses, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2009), Miami Beach, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2009.





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