

词条 王忠刚











Macromolecules, J. Phys. Chem. B, Polymer, J. Fluorine Chem., J. Membr. Sci., Eur. Polym. J., Polym. Bull., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Adv. Polym. Technol. 等国际期刊审稿人。



1. 国家自然科学基金(#51073030):“孔径可调的微孔/介孔氰酸酯树脂的合成与储氢性能研究”。

2. 国家自然科学基金(#20874007):“共价有机骨架(COFs)聚酰亚胺有序介孔材料的分子设计合成”。

3. 国家自然科学基金(#50673014):“类金刚石笼形结构超低介电常数聚合物薄膜的分子构筑”。

4. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(#NCET-06-0280):“功能高分子材料”。

5. 教育部“留学回国人员科研基金 [#外司留(2005)546] :“多芯片组装技术用液体环氧树脂的制备研究”。

6. 辽宁省自然科学基金(#20052185):“环境友好的热控可分解型环氧树脂的制备研究”。

7. 大连理工大学“光电子+X”计划:“聚芳醚光学功能材料的合成研究”。

8. 企业委托项目:”具有自清洁功能的含氟树脂的制备研究”。


1. 微孔聚合物合成方法学研究

2. 稀土配位的高耐热聚合物发光薄膜材料

3. 笼型倍半硅氧烷POSS的合成及有机/无机纳米功能材料

4. 集成电路和LED封装用脂环族环氧树脂合成与性能

5. 环境友好的自清洁含氟高分子材料

6. 高性能基体树脂


1. Zhanbin Wang, Shiwei Leng, Zhonggang Wang*, Guiyang Li, Hao Yu

Nanostructured organic–inorganic copolymer networks based on polymethacrylate-functionalized octaphenylsilsesquioxane and methyl methacrylate: synthesis and characterization

Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 566-574.

2. Fuhua Liu, Zhonggang Wang*, Yilong Wang, Bin Zhang

Copolymer networks from carboxyl-containing polyaryletherketone and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A: preparation and properties

Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2010, 48, 2424-2431.

3. Bufeng Zhang, Zhonggang Wang*

Microporous thermosetting film constructed from hyperbranched polyarylate precursors containing rigid tetrahedral core: synthesis, characterization, and properties

Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 2780-2789.

4. Zhonggang Wang*, Bufeng Zhang, Hao Yu, Lixian Sun, Chengli Jiao,Wanshuang Liu

Microporous polyimide networks with large surface areas and their hydrogen storage properties

Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 7730–7732.

5. Dan Liu, Hao Yu, Zhonggang Wang*

Synthesis and fluorescence properties of novel 1,10-phenanthroline-functionalized polyaryletherketone and its rare earth complexes

Polymer International, 2010, 59, 937–944.

6. Wanshuang Liu, Zhonggang Wang*, Li Xiong, Linni Zhao

Phosphorus-containing liquid cycloaliphatic epoxy resins for reworkable environment-friendly electronic packaging materials

Polymer, 2010, 51, 4776-4783.

7. Hao Yu, Linghua Wang, Zhonggang Wang*, Xiuyou Han, Mingshan Zhao

Alkyl-substituted carboxyl-containing polyaryletherketones and the crosslinking modifications with various bisphenols: Preparation and optical properties

Polymer, 2010, 51, 3269-3276.

8. Wanhua Wu, Shaomin Ji, Wenting Wu, Huimin Guo, Xin Wang, Jianzhang Zhao*, Zhonggang Wang*

Enhanced luminescence oxygen sensing property of ru(ii) bispyridine complexes by ligand modification

Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2010, 149, 395-406.

9. Zhonggang Wang*, WenjuanLi, Xiaolin Zhao, Dongjun Zhu, Jia You

Self-segregation behavior of N-ethyl-pentadecafluorooctanamide-terminated polybutylene isophthalate and its effects on film morphology and wettability

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113, 15204–15211.

10. Bufeng Zhang, Zhonggang Wang*

Building ultramicropores within organic polymers based on a thermosetting cyanate ester resin

Chemical Communications, 2009, 33, 5027–5029.

11. Dan Liu, Zhonggang Wang*, Hao Yu, Jia You

Fluorescence properties of novel rare earth complexes using carboxyl-containing polyaryletherketones as macromolecular ligands

European Polymer Journal, 2009, 45, 2260–2268.

12. Fuhua Liu, Zhonggang Wang*, Dan Liu, Jianfeng Li

Curing of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A epoxy resin using a poly(aryl ether ketone) bearing pendant carboxyl groups as macromolecular curing agent

Polymer International, 2009, 58: 912–918.

13. Bufeng Zhang, Zhonggang Wang*, Xia Zhang

Synthesis and properties of a series of cyanate resins based on phenolphthalein and its derivatives

Polymer, 2009, 50, 817–824.

14. Bufeng Zhang, Zhonggang Wang*, ZhanbinWang, Jianfeng Li, Shiwei Leng, Changjiang Shen, Yiwen Jiang

Tetraphenylsilane-containing polyarylates with well-defined functional groups via postpolymerization modification

Polymer, 2009, 50, 2025–2034.

15. Zhonggang Wang*, Xiaobo Lin, Wanshuang Liu

Synthesis of bis(2,3-epoxycyclohexyl) and its cationic photopolymerization in the presence of different diols

Polymer International, 2009, 58: 74-80.

16. Zhonggang Wang, Dietmar Appelhans, Alla Synytska, Hartmut Komber, Frank Simon, Karina Grundke, Brigitte Voit

Studies of surface segregation and surface properties of n-pentylperfluorooctaneamide end-capped semicrystalline poly(butylene isophthalate) films

Macromolecules, 2008, 41: 8557-8565.

17. Dan Liu, Zhonggang Wang*

Novel polyaryletherketones bearing pendant carboxyl groups and their rare earth complexes: synthesis and characterization

Polymer, 2008, 49: 4960-4967.

18. Zhonggang Wang*, Tianlu Chen, Jiping Xu

Hydrogen-bonding in cardo copoly(aryl ether ketone)s and its effects on the gas permeation behavior

Macromolecules, 2007, 40: 3238-3245.


1. 王忠刚,刘万双, “一种阻燃型含硅液体脂环族环氧树脂及其制备方法”, 申请号: 200910010267.8(已收到授权通知).

2. 王忠刚,刘富华, “含羧基侧基聚芳醚固化改性环氧树脂组合物及其制备方法”,申请号:2009103011539(已收到授权通知).

3. 王忠刚,冷世伟,张步峰, “多羧基笼型苯基倍半硅氧烷及其合成方法”, 申请号: 200810010837.9(已收到授权通知).

4. 王忠刚,张步峰, “一类酚酞型氰酸酯单体和聚合物及其制备方法”,申请号:200810011355.5.

5. 王忠刚,刘丹, “含羧基侧基聚芳醚共聚物及其制备方法”,申请号:200710012929.6.

6. 王忠刚,刘丹, “聚芳醚稀土配合物发光材料及其制备方法”,申请号:200810012430.X.

7. 王忠刚,程耀波, “一种含氟丙烯酸酯、制备方法及其共聚物制备方法”,申请号:200910010270.X.


1. 王忠刚,谢美然,陶志强,“一种半导体封装用的液体环氧组合物及其用途”, 2003年,专利号: ZL 00123621.0.

2. 王忠刚,谢美然,“一种高耐热液体脂环族环氧化合物及其制备方法”, 2003年, 专利号: ZL 00123737.3.

3. 王忠刚,谢美然,“一种低粘度液体脂环族环氧化合物及其制备方法”, 2003年, 专利号: ZL 00123735.7.

4. 王忠刚,谢美然,“一种二官能团液体脂环族环氧化合物及其制备方法”, 2004年, 专利号: ZL 00123736.5.

5. 王忠刚,谢美然,赵云峰,“一种含醚键的液体脂环族烯烃化合物及其制备方法”, 2004年, 专利号: ZL 00123738.1.

6. 王忠刚,赵云峰,谢美然,陶志强,巩芳玲,“一种含磷的脂环族环氧化合物及其制备方法”, 2004年, 专利号: ZL 01130820.6.

7. 巩芳玲,赵云峰,陶志强,王忠刚,余云照,“一种磷酸酯型的液体脂环族烯烃化合物及其制备方法”, 2004年, 专利号: ZL 02119743.1.







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