



出版社: 外文出版社; 第1版 (2009年10月1日)

丛书名: 21世纪中国当代文学书库

平装: 400页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787119059419, 7119059416

条形码: 9787119059419

尺寸: 23.2 x 16.2 x 2.6 cm

重量: 540 g


Zhang YiWU is a Professor and PhD supervisorat Peking University’S Chinese Language andLiterature Department.and Deputy Head of thePeking University Cultural Resources ResearchCenter.He specializes in teaching and research inChinese contemporary literature.mass culture andcritical theory.Since the 1990s.Zhang has engagedin a series of pioneering research examining the“relationship between globalization and China’Scontemporary mass culture.”0ffering insightfuIinterDretations of current cultural phenomena i11Chinese society during this transitional phase.Hismain works are:Searching at the Margins。TbeBig Turn.From Modernity to Post.modernity,Images of“NeW New China.”and G10balizationand Chinese Film jn Transition.He also compiledCultural Development History during Thirty YearsOfChina's Reform and Opening—up.


《JADE STREETLIGHTS:AND MORE STORIES OF LONGING(淡绿色的月亮)》内容简介:China has been experiencing soaring development, and itslinks with the rest of the world have been growing closer. Even ifyou might not know anyone from China, "made in China" stillcan now be found in most aspects of your life, or as expressed ina Chinese idiom, "Look up, and see it everywhere." News aboutChina appears regularly in newspapers, on TV and the Internet,trying to tell you what is happening in this remote yet nearcountry called China, and what China is thinking and planningIn this way, peoples of the world have developed their general viewsof China

Many of those views are often insightful.


Although the stories in this collection may not be considered masterpieces,they are yet epitomes of the subtle sentiments and secret longings of urbanlife in the process of modern China's rapid development.

——Zhang Yiwu

These are stories representing over a billion ordinary people living on Chinesesoil, their social quests and personal passions, their dreams or frustrations,their very spirit, revealing the intrinsic structure of their lives.

——Li Jingze

The world of passions embeds the most complex and vibrant experiencesof human lives. It is through our emotions, which distinguish us from otheranimals, that humanity creates the brilliance of literature and arts, to tellstories of joy or sorrow to the world. These selected stories, especiallycommended, unveil new emotional trends flowing through our unchangingessential humanity in changing times.

——Qiu Huadong

Readers from all over the world, who areused to learning about China through foreignnewspapers, TV and the Internet, may nowopen up these books to see China through theheartfelt thoughts and writings of Chinesepeople themselves. The many authors ofthese new short stories, living in this rapidlydeveloping and changing, yet ancient nation,have strived to describe all that is happeningin and around themselves, to give genuinedynamic expression to the intricate recentexperiences of the Chinese people. Throughthe power of their words you will be ableto catch glimpses of the real, complex andliving China, as well as other possibilities forall humanity, including yourself.



Wang Meng

21st Century Chinese Literature——Points of Departure

Zbang Yiwu

Small Stories in a Great Epoch

Pan Jun

A Contract Marriage

Kim In-Sun

Ballad for Adeline

Pan Xiangli

Plain Soup with Greens

Zbang Xin

There's No Waiting for Some People

Xu Yigua

Jade Streetlights

Dai Lai

A Flash of IIIumination

Fang Fang

Shades of Autumn on All the Trees

Qiu Huadong

Living Together After the Divorce

Editor's Recommended Reading (in Chinese)





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