词条 | 汤克勇 |
释义 | 简介姓名:汤克勇 性 别:男 出生年月:1964年03月 籍 贯:河南省孟州市 最高学历:博士 从事专业:材料科学与工程 职 务:副院长 职 称:教授 河南工业大学兼职教授;《中国皮革》编审;《皮革科学与工程》、《皮革化工》、《西部皮革》编委 个人简历:1987年07月毕业于成都科技大学(现四川大学)高分子材料系,获工学学士学位; 1990年07月毕业于成都科技大学(现四川大学)皮革工程系,获工学硕士学位; 1998年06月毕业于四川大学轻工与纺织学院,获工学博士学位; 2008年—2009年,在美国Texas Tech University化学与生化系做访问学者。 2002年晋升教授,2005年任苏州大学博士生导师,2006年被郑州大学评为博士生指导教师。 教学情况:先后承担工程力学、高分子材料基础、材料科学基础、胶原化学(硕士生)、制革化学(硕士生)、绿色化学与皮革工业(硕士生)、天然有机材料(博士生)等课程的讲授。 曾在郑州大学中青年教师讲课大赛中获奖;多次被评为郑州大学学生最为满意的授课教师。 研究领域:熟悉天然有机材料的制备、结构与性能;熟悉胶原基复合材料的研究与开发,主要研究方向为天然有机材料、生物复合材料、皮革的结构与性能等。已主持或作为主要成员承担包括国家自然科学基金、国家“十五”科技攻关重点项目、国家高技术研究计划(“863”计划)项目在内的省部级以上科学研究项目16项,通过国家及省部级以上鉴定6项;获省部级以上奖励5项;在国内外著名期刊上发表学术论文180余篇,撰写学术专著4部。指导博士研究生4名、硕士研究生28名。 主要荣誉:1、河南省中青年骨干教师(河南省教育厅、人事厅,1999年) 2、郑州市优秀教师(郑州市,2000年) 3、荣获郑州市“五一”劳动奖章(郑州市,2000年) 4、河南省教育厅学术技术带头人(河南省教育厅,2004年) 5、河南省学术技术带头人(河南省,2006年) 成果:已发表论文180余篇,其中代表性论文有: 1 Tang Keyong, Zhang Chunhui, Wang Fang, etal. Study on the stress-relaxation behaviour of nappa upper pig leather. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologies and Chemists, 2008, 92(6): 262-266 2 Chunhui Zhang, Xuejing Zheng, Keyong Tang. Study on the three-dimensional stress-relaxation diagram of cattlehide shoe upper leathers, Materials Science and Engineering A. 2009, 499(1-2): 167-170. 3 Keyong Tang, Dominick J. Casadonte, Jr, Xuejing Zheng, etal. Thermal shrinkage effedcts on the mechanical behavior of leathers, Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2010, 105(3): 94-99 4 Tang Keyong, Zheng Xuejing, Yang Ming, etal. Influence of retanning on the adsorption capacity of water on cattlehide collagen fibers. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2009, 104(11): 367-374. 5 Tang Keyong, Zhu Bing, Zheng Xuejing, etal. Pepraration and properties of polyurethane finishing agent using butylamine as chain-extension agent. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2009, 104(9): 295-301. 6 Tang Keyong, Ren Bin, Qin Shufa. Modification and application of aminosiloxane in fatliquoring. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2009, 93(6): 219-222. 7 Keyong Tang, Xuejing Zheng, Wei Li, etal. Modification of polyurethane finishing agent using collagen hydrolydate from chrome shavings. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2010, 105(1): 25-31. 8 Tang Keyong, Cao Jian, Wang Jintao, etal. Modification of collagen hydrolysate by EDAC. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2008, 92(1): 23-29. 9 Keyong Tang, Jie Liu, Fang Wang, Jian Cao. Dry heat resistance of hide and leather. Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association, 2003, 98(5): 168-172 10 Keyong Tang, Fang Wang, Jie Liu, Jinglong Liu, Quanjie Wang. Preliminary studies on the Thermal degradation kinetics of cattlehide collagen fibers. Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association, 2004, 99(10): 401-408 11 Tang Keyong, Wang Fang, Liu Jie, Liu Jinglong, Wang Quanjie. An air permeability model for leathers, Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists. 2006, 90(3):108-111 12 Tang Keyong, Wang Fang, Liu Jinglong, Wang Quanjie. Influence of sweat on hide and leather. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists. 2007, 91 (1): 30-35 13 Keyong Tang, Fang Wang, Pengxiang Jia, Jinglong Liu, Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Sweat Soaked Cattlehide Collagen Fibers, Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association. 2007,102(2): 52-61 14 Jia P., Zheng X., Liu J., Tang K.. Influence of sweat-soaking on the thermal stability of retanned and fatliquored cattlehide collagen fibers. Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association. 2007,102(7): 227-233 15 Jian Cao, Yanhong Lv, Gongyu Chang, Keyong Tang, Glutaraldehyde Modification of Collagen Obtained from Chrome Shavings, Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association. 2005,100(7): 265-272 16 Tang Keyong, Liu Jinglong, Qin Shufa, Jia Pengxiang, Liu Jie, Study on the Dry Heat Resistance of Collagen from Cattlehide, The 6th Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology, Oct, 2004, Hemiji, Japan 17 Tang Keyong, Zheng Xuejing, Tu Lianmei, Shelly Dennis C. Study on the Adsorption Kinetics of Water Vapor on Collagen Fibers, XXX Congress of the International Union of Leather Technologitts & Chemists, Beijing, CHINA, OCT 11-14, 2009 18 Tang Keyong, Wang Fang, Jia Pengxiang, etal. Studies on the factors affecting the water vapor permeability of leathers by Grey System Theory, 7th Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology, 2006, 538-549 业务特长天然高分子材料;胶原基复合材料;皮革及其中胶原高分子材料的结构与性能;清洁化皮革材料的生产技术与污染治理;精细皮革化学品的分子设计、合成与应用;高性能皮革材料的研究与开发……..。 |
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