词条 | 谭久彬 |
释义 | 教授,男,汉族,中共党员,1955年3月出生,哈尔滨工业大学超精密光电仪器工程研究所所长。多次获得国防科工委科学技术奖一等奖,2006年获得全国五一劳动奖章,并被评为省劳动模范,主持过多项国防重点项目。 个人简介哈尔滨工业大学超精密光电仪器工程研究所教授、博士生导师、所长,仪器科学与技术国家重点学科带头人。兼任国务院学位委员会学科评议组(仪器科学与技术学科、光学工程学科)召集人,国际测量与仪器委员会常务委员,全国计量仪器专业委员会主任委员,中国仪器仪表学会常务理事,中国计量测试学会常务理事。创建了哈工大超精密光电仪器工程研究所;建立起超精密仪器技术研究基地;作为会议主席,组织系列国际仪器科学与技术学术会议5次,主编会议论文集9部。 人物生平谭久彬教授长期坚持超精密仪器工程与超精密加工/测量一体化装备技术方向的研究,注重超精密仪器及装备核心技术与基础单元技术的创新与积累,注重工程应用,突破一批关键技术,掌握了构成大型超精密仪器和专用超精密装备的主要核心技术,带领研究团队自主研制成功系列大型超精密测量仪器和专用加工/检测装备50余台套,并成功应用于航天和国防工业部门。 成就及荣誉取得一系列创新性研究进展和成果。作为第一完成人近年获国家和部级科学技术奖5项,其中国家技术发明奖一等奖1项,国家科技进步奖三等奖1项,部级科学技术奖一等奖3项。申请中外发明专利92项,已获授权53项;发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,EI收录130余篇,他引550余篇次;出版专著1部。培养博士25名,硕士37名,其中2名获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖, 发表论文(2007年以来)1. Tao Liu,Jiubin Tan, and Jian Liu. Spoke wheel filtering strategy for on-axis flattop shaping. Optics Express, 2010. 18(3): 2822-2835 (EI检索: 20100612700563;SCI检索IDS 号: 559AD, 2008年IF: 3.880) 2. Wang Lei, Tan Jiubin, Zhang Shan. A giant magnetostrictive actuator based on use of permanent magnet. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010. 46(9-12): 893-897(EI检索: 20100912740104; SCI检索IDS号: 552XI, 2008年IF: 0.743 ) 3. Lin Jie, Tan Jiubin, Liu Jian, Liu Shutian. Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of two dimensional micro-axicon by boundary integral equations. Optics Express. 2009, 17(3): 1466-1471(EI检索: 20090711910667; SCI检索IDS号: 408JX, 2008年IF: 3.880) 4. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Chenguang Zhao, Zhenggui Ge, Daqing Zhang. Phase-shift resolving confocal microscopy with high axial resolution, wide range and reflectance disturbance resistibility. Optics Express. 2009. 17(18): 16281-16290(EI检索: 20093712307214; SCI IDS: 494AO, 2008年IF: 3.880) 5. Liu Jian, Tan Jiubin, Hu bin, Wang Yuhang. Improved differential confocal microscopy with ultrahigh signal-to-noise ratio and reflectance disturbance resistibility. Applied Optics. 2009. 48(32):6195-6201(EI: 20100112615694; SCI检索IDS号: 517WM, 2008年IF: 1.763) 6. Tan Jiubin, Jin Zhanlei. Depth of focus estimation based on exposure dose distribution. Optics Communication. 2008, 281(8): 2233-2237(EI检索: 20080911123353; SCI检索 IDS号: 282KH, 2008年IF: 1.552) 7. Tan Jiubin, Shan Mingguang, Zhao Chenguang, Liu Jian. Design and fabrication of diffractive microlens arrays with continuous relief for parallel laser direct writing. Applied Optics. 2008, 47(10): 1430-1433(EI检索: 20083311455183; SCI检索 IDS号: 293OU, 2008年IF: 1.763) 8. Tan Jiubin, Liu Yan, Wang Lei, Yang Wenguo. Identification of modal parameters of a system with high damping and closely spaced modes by combining continuous wavelet transform with pattern search. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2008, 22(5): 1055-1060(EI检索:20081511198117; SCI检索IDS号: 297BO, 2008年IF: 1.984) 9. Liu Jian, Tan Jiubin, Zhao Chenguang. Convex objective function-based design method developed for minimizing side lobe. Applied Optics. 2008, 47(22): 4061-4067(EI检索: 20084311659322; SCI检索IDS号: 347CT, 2008年IF: 1.763) 10. Liu Jian, Tan Jiubin, Wang Yanchao. Synthetic complex superresolving pupil filter based on double-beam phase modulation. Applied Optics. 2008, 47(21): 3803-3807(EI检索: 20083911590208; SCI检索IDS号: 337EW, 2008年IF: 1.763) 11. Tan Jiubin, Liu Yongmeng. Optimization of optical communication window mesh through full-wave analysis of periodic mesh. Optics Communication. 2008, 281(19): 4835-4839(EI检索: 20083511483540; SCI检索IDS号: 351PW, 2008年IF: 1.552) 12. Lu Zhengang, Tan Jiubin. Analysis of transmitting characteristics of high-transparency double-layer metallic meshes with submillimeter period using an analytical model. Applied Optics. 2008, 47(29): 5519-5526(EI检索: 20090911933243; SCI检索IDS号: 368AN, 2008年IF: 1.763) 13. Tan Jiubin, Shan Mingguang, Liu Jian, Zhang Hui, Zhao Chenguang. Model analysis of effect of diffraction focus characteristics of microlens arrays on parallel laser direct writing quality. Optics Communications. 2007, 277(2): 237-240(EI检索: 20073110744229; SCI检索IDS号: 243IX, 2007年IF: 1.314) 14. Tan Jiubin, Ao Lei, Cui Jiwen, Kang Wenjing. Further improvement of edge location accuracy of charge-coupled-device laser autocollimators using orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments. Optical Engineering. 2007, 46(5): 1-12(EI检索: 20073010706787; SCI检索IDS号: 186XW, 2007年IF: 0.757) 15. Tan Jiubin, Lu Zhengang. Contiguous metallic rings: an inductive mesh with high transmissivity, strong electromagnetic shielding, and uniformly distributed stray light. Optics Express. 2007, 15(3): 790-796(EI检索: 20070710420964; SCI检索IDS号: 142WS, 2007年IF: 3.709) 16. Tan Jiubin, Lu Zhengang, Liu Jian, Jin Peng, Wang Yanchao. Analysis of Fraunhofer diffractive characteristics of a tilted metallic mesh for its effect on optical measurement. Measurement Science and Technology. 2007, 18(6): 1703-1709(EI检索: 20072010599330; SCI检索IDS号: 169JU, 2007年IF: 1.297) 17. Liu Siyuan, Tan Jiubin, Hou Binke. Multicycle synchronous digital phase measurement used to further improve phase-shift laser range finding. Measurement Science and Technology. 2007, 18(6): 1756-1762(EI检索: 20072010599338; SCI检索IDS号: 169JU, 2007年IF: 1.297) 18. Shan Mingguang, Tan Jiubin. Modeling focusing characteristics of low F-number diffractive optical elements with continuous relief fabricated by laser direct writing. Optics Express. 2007, 15(25): 17032-17037(EI检索: 20075110985049; SCI检索IDS号: 240YT, 2007年IF: 3.709) 19. Liu Yongmeng, Tan Jiubin, Liu Jian. Use of a genetic algorithm with a penalty strategy to optimize optical communication window mesh. Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics. 2009. 11(4): 045403.1-5 (EI: 20094712477822 ; SCI检索IDS号: 414UI, 2007年IF: 1.732) 20. Cui Jiwen, Tan Jiubin, Shi Qian. Measurement method for micro-cavity based on super-resolution restoration. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image and Graphics. 2007, 139-142(EI检索: 083011396631; ISTP检索: BGT94) 21. Wang Weibo, Tan Jiubin, Zhu Liming, Ge Zhenggui. Alignment Error Model of Subaperture Stitching Interferometry for Aspheric Surface Based on Wavefront Aberrations. Proc. of SPIE. 2009. 7283 72830F-1~5(EI:20093812313266) 22. Tan Jiubin, Ao Lei, Cui Jiwen, Kang Wenjing, Liu Dandan. Subpixel edge location based on orthogonal fourier-mellin moments. Image and Vision Computing, 2008, 26(4): 563-569(EI: 080411053324) 23. 崔继文, 谭久彬, 刘洋. 基于双光纤耦合的微深孔测量方法. 红外与激光工程. 2009, 38(1):106-109(EI:20092212098422) 24. Jingzhi Huang, Jiubin Tan. Effect of probe offset on ultra-precision measurement of circular profile. 5th International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Shenyang, China, 2008. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008, 7133: 71330G1~71330G6 (EI收录号: 20091311978237) 25. 黄景志, 谭久彬, 谷伟. 光学圆柱几何形状的精确测量和误差消除. 光电子·激光. 2009, 20(9): 1174~1180 (EI收录号:20094512432716) 26. 王雷, 谭久彬, 黄景志. 基于圆度评定方法的气浮轴系回转误差分析. 红外与激光工程. 2009, 38(3): 441~444 ( EI收录号: 20094112367149) 27. Lang Zhiguo, Tan Jiubin. Improvement of calculation efficiency for locating diffraction spot of phase plate with correlation function fitting extreme method. Optics and Precision Engineering. 2009. 17(10):2392-2400(EI: 20094912530500) 28. 胡鹏程, 谭久彬, 王琪, 李婧, 张培. 基于非对称热结构的激光热稳频系统. 红外与激光工程. 2009. 38(2):261-266(EI: 20094212378006) 29. 崔继文, 谭久彬. 基于变窗口浮动阈值的调制结构光三维测量方法. 计量学报. 2008, 29(10): 88-92(EI: 084511683516) 30. 胡鹏程, 谭久彬, 杨宏兴, 闫磊. 一种基于控制点偏移修正的纵向塞曼稳频方法与系统. 光电子·激光. 2008, 19(1): 46-49(EI检索: 081111147279) |
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