

词条 孙永华
1 外科医师



2 鱼类基因工程研究员



今后,我们将发掘鉴定鱼类早期发育过程中决定胚层分化、背腹轴、前后轴等发育图式形成的关键因子,通过现代分子生物学和细胞生物学手段揭示其在早期胚胎发育中的作用模式及参与Wnt, BMP, Nodal, FGF等信号通路的机制;通过多种信号分子的组合对鱼类分化细胞进行体外再程序化研究,比较研究早期胚胎发育中关键效应基因在克隆后的表达模式,从表观遗传学入手,研究细胞核再程序化后重要基因的表观遗传变化及其与再程序化的关系,建立再程序化研究的科学评价体系;进行脊椎动物远源物种细胞核植入鱼类卵质环境后的再程序化研究,以建立一个基于鱼类卵质环境的再程序化研究系统,进而指导治疗性克隆的研究。此外,我们将建立鱼类体系中基于载体驱动的、稳定表达的、可特异诱导的siRNA技术体系并进行鱼类中siRNA作用效应和作用模式的研究。





2005-2006:法国国家科研中心分子细胞及遗传学研究所(Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)博士后及合作访问研究

2006-今:法兰西科学院和中国科学院联合项目“法中科学及应用基金会(La Fondation Franco-Chinoise pour la Science et ses Applications, FFCSA)”博士后研究



1. Liu J, Sun YH*, Wang N, Wang YP, Zhu ZY*. Cloning, characterization and promoter analysis of common carp Hairy/Enhancer-of-split-related gene, her6. Journal of Genetics 2006 (in press, *corresponding author)

2. Liu J*, Sun YH*, Wang N, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Upstream Regulatory Region of Zebrafish lunatic fringe: Isolation and Promoter Analysis. Marine Biotechnology 2006; 8: 357-365 (*equal contribution)

3. Sun YH, Chen SP, Wang YP, Hu W, Zhu ZY. Cytoplasmic impact on cross-genus cloned fish derived from transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio) nuclei and goldfish (Carassius auratus) enucleated eggs. Biology of Reproduction 2005; 72: 510-515 (Highlight in this issue of BOR; Reported by Science News and The Scientists in US.)

4. Wu B*, Sun YH*, Wang YW, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Characterization of transgene integration pattern in transgenic F4 common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)。 Cell Research 2005; 15: 447-454 (*equal contribution)

5. Liu WY, Wang Y, Sun YH*, Wang Y, Wang YP, Chen SP, Zhu ZY*. Efficient RNA interference in zebrafish embryos using siRNA synthesized with SP6 RNA polymerase. Development Growth & Differentiation 2005; 47: 323-331 (*corresponding author)

6. Wu B*, Sun YH*, Wang YP, Wang YW, Zhu ZY. Sequences of transgene insertion sites in transgenic F4 common carp. Transgenic Research 2004; 13: 95-96. (*Equal contribution)。

7. Sun YH, Zhu ZY, 2004. Producing transgenic fish for aquaculture. In: Lee CS editor, Aquaculture: Retrospective and Outlook - An Aquaculture Summit. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines and World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. p. 245-262 (peer reviewed chapter in an internally published book)。

8. Wu G*, Sun YH*, Zhu ZY. Gene transfer in common carp. Aquatic Living Resources 2003; 16: 416-420 (*Equal contribution)。

9. Sun YH, Chen SP, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. The onset of foreign gene transcription in nuclear-transferred embryos of fish. Science in China (Series C) 2000; 43: 597-605.

10. Zhu ZY, Sun YH. Embryonic and genetic manipulation in fish. Cell Research 2000; 10: 17-27.


1. Thisse B, Sun YH, Thisse C. The D/V patterning is maternally controlled by EndoP, a novel endopeptidase that regulates Chordin activity. 7th International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, US, 14-18, June, 2006. pp55 (Plenary oral presentation)

2. Sun YH, Wang YP, Chen SP, Hu W, Zhu ZY. Nuclear transplantation and nuclear reprogramming in fish. 5th International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, US, 12-16, June, 2002. pp19 (Oral presentation)

3. Sun YH, Hu W, Chen SP, Zhu ZY. Cloning of transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in goldfish (Carassius auratus) eggs. 3rd IUBS Symposium on Molecular Aspect of Fish Genomes and Development. Singapore, 18-21, Feb, 2001. pp69 (Oral presentation)

4. Sun YH, Hu W, Zhao HB, Chen SP, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Cloning of transgenic fish. The Third Word Fisheries Congress. Beijing, 31, Oct - 3, Nov, 2000. pp185 (Oral presentation)


学科组成员:朱作言 汪亚平 胡炜 陈尚萍 孙永华


A. 在鱼类的基因工程育种方面


1. 于上世纪80年代中期率先建立鱼类转基因技术,获得具快速生长效应的转基因鱼;

2. 以转生长激素基因鲤鱼为研究对象,系统阐述了外源基因在鱼体基因组中整合的动力学过程,提出了外源基因的镶嵌性整合及三种整合模式(沉默整合、毒性整合、有效整合)理论;

3. 生物能量学研究深入分析了转基因鱼在不同饵料蛋白水平时快速生长的生物学机制;

4. 首次提出“全鱼”重组基因的概念,克隆并构建了来源于鲤科鱼类的“全鱼”生长激素基因构建体;

5. 完成了快速生长转“全鱼”生长激素基因鱼的中试研究,建立了快速生长转基因鱼高效、安全的集约化养殖模式。


1. 转基因鱼全面的安全性评价:包括在模拟自然水域环境中的生态安全评价,转基因鱼体内的激素水平分析等;

2. 育性可控的转基因鱼研制:包括以反义RNA技术介导的育性可逆的转基因鱼研究和以cre-loxP系统介导的性腺中自消除转植基因的转基因鱼研究。

B. 在以鱼为模式系统的发育生物学研究方面


1. 建立了重要模式动物斑马鱼的核移植技术;

2. 获得转基因鲤鱼细胞核和金鱼细胞质配合以及金鱼细胞核和鲤鱼细胞质配合的属间克隆鱼,证实了属间克隆鱼的核基因组来源于供体物种,线粒体基因组来源于受体物种,观察到受体金鱼细胞质对克隆鱼发育和性状决定的重要影响;

3. 分别以转植基因MThGH和内源重要基因ntl和gsc在克隆胚和正常胚中转录图式的比较分析,探讨了鱼类克隆过程中的再程序化问题;

4. 分别构建了斑马鱼正常胚和体细胞克隆胚在合子型基因激活时期的Smart cDNA文库及差减杂交文库,筛选获得一批与克隆胚发育相关的差异表达基因。


1. 以差减技术、噬菌体展示技术、DNA芯片技术等克隆获得与斑马鱼胚胎发育重要时段相关的基因;

2. 以转基因、RNAi、morpholino、胚胎原位杂交等技术进行这些基因的功能研究;

3. 结合鱼类异种克隆中卵细胞质对克隆鱼发育和性状决定的影响,力图阐明卵细胞质影响种间克隆鱼发育和性状决定的关键因子及其影响的途径;

4. 鱼类生长和尺寸决定的关键基因克隆及其功能分析。

C. 此外,本实验室尚开展其它方面的研究

1. 转基因鱼的定点整合研究:利用荧光蛋白基因作为筛选标记,分别构建正向和正负筛选载体,在鱼类培养细胞和受精胚中进行基因打靶的研究;

2. 以鱼为模型的转基因高效生物反应器研究;

3. 具重要生物学和经济学价值的蛋白在原核和真核系统中的高效表达研究。总之,鱼类基因工程学科组以鱼类的转基因研究为发端,以推动具重要经济性状的转基因鱼产业化为重要目标之一,其研究内容横跨从分子生物学、个体行为学、种群遗传学到群落生态学的各个生物学研究领域,研究手段和研究方法亦相应涉及各研究领域中最前沿的概念和技术。




1. Fu C, Hu W, Wang Y and Zhu Z. Developments in transgenic fish in the People’s Republic of China. Rev Sci Tech Off int Epiz, 2005, 24(1):299-305.

2. Liu Weiyi, WangYan, SunYonghua, Wang Yun, Wang Yaping, Cheng Shangping, Zhu Zuoyan. Efficient RNA Interference in Zebrafish Embryos Using siRNA Synthesized with SP6 RNA Polymerase. Development growth & differentiation, 2005,47(5):323-331

3. Sun YH, Chen SP, Wang YP, Hu W, Zhu ZY. Cytoplasmic impact on cross-genus cloned fish derived from transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio) nuclei and goldfish (Carassius auratus) enucleated eggs. Biology of Reproduction 2005,72, 510–515.

4. Wu B, Sun YH, Wang YW, Wang YP, Zhu ZY.Characterization of transgene integration pattern in F4 hGH-transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Cell Res. 2005 15(6):447-454.

5. 胡炜,汪亚平,朱作言。鱼类性腺发育调控的生物技术应用前景分析,科学通报,2005,50(23):2689-2694

6. 黎双飞,胡炜,汪亚平,胡章立,朱作言,转反义sGnRH基因败育鲤鱼的性成熟诱导,激光生物学报,2005,14(5):348-352

7. 黎双飞,胡炜*,林浩然,刘晓春,汪亚平,朱作言,壳聚糖-激素药条埋植技术初探,高技术通讯,2005,15(8):78-81

8. 王文博,汪亚平,胡炜,汪建国,朱作言。转生长激素基因鲤鱼几项血液指标的检测。高技术通讯,2005,15(10):89-93


1. Hu Wei, Wang Yaping and Zhu Zuoyan. Perspective of fish gonad manipulation for biotechnical applications. Chinese Science Bulletin 2006,51(18):1-7

2. Liu J, Sun Y and Zhu Z. 2006, Upstream regulatory region of zebrafish lunatic fringe: Isolation and promoter analysis. Marine biotechnology. 8: 357-365

3. Liu J, Sun Y, Wang N, Wang Y and Zhu Z. 2006, Cloning, characterization and promoter analysis of common carp Hairy/Enhancer-of –split related gene, her6. Journal of Genetics. 85: 171-178.

4. Sun Xiaofeng, Guo Qionglin, Hu Wei, Wang Yaping, Zhu Zuoyan. Molecular cloning of growth hormone receptor (GHR) from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) and identication of its two forms of mRNA transcripts, Progress in Natural Science. 2006(11):1156-1163

5. Wen-Bo Wang, Ya-Ping Wang, Wei Hu, Ai-Hua Li, Tao-Zhen Cai, Zuo-Yan Zhu, Jian-Guo Wang Effects of the “all-fish” growth hormone transgene expression on non-specific immune functions of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture. 2006, 259:81-87

6. Yuping Wu, Guangxian Zhang, Qian Xiong, Fang Luo, Caimei Cui, Wei Hu, Yanhong Yu, Jin Su, Anlong Xu, Zuoyan Zhu Integration of the double fluorescence expression vectors into zebrafish genome for the selection of site-directed knockout / knockin. Marine Biotechnology. 2006, 1-8

7. Qun Wang, Baolong Bao , Yaping Wang ,Eric Peatman, Zhanjiang Liu. Characterization of a NK-lysin antimicrobial peptide gene from channel catfish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 20 (2006) 419-426.

8. Qun Wang, Yaping Wang, Peng Xu, Zhanjiang Liu. NK-lysin of channel catfish Gene triplication sequence variation and expression analysis. Molecular Immunology 43 (2006) 1676–1686.

9. 胡炜、裴得胜,戴军,陈尚萍,汪亚平,朱作言。斑马鱼和稀有鮈鲫亚科间SCAR分子标记的建立与应用,高技术通讯,2006,9:959-963。

10. 黎双飞,胡炜,汪亚平,胡章立,朱作言,脊椎动物GnRH肽的分子多态性和功能,深圳大学学报,2006,23(1),57-63

11. 刘静,王娜,朱作言。2006, 动物体节发生模型及其相关基因研究进展,遗传,28:1023-1030

12. 孙晓凤,郭琼林,胡炜,汪亚平,朱作言. 鲤鱼(Cypricus carpio L.)GH受体的分子克隆及其两种转录子的发现.自然科学进展,2006,16(9):1093-1100

13. 王蕴 胡炜 汤斌 戴军 汪亚平 朱作言. 鲤鱼(Cyprinus Carpio) 促性腺激素基因的克隆、原核表达及多克隆抗体的制备。高技术通讯, 2006,16(6):633-637

14. 陈芸,朱作言。RNA干扰在抗病毒研究中的应用。水生生物学报,2006;30:356-359。

15. 彭 扣,王玉凤,刘绪生,胡 炜,陈伟伟,赵浩斌。稀有鮈鲫_肌动蛋白基因片段的克隆及其同源性分析。华中师范大学学报,2006;40:580-584。

16. 赵浩斌,彭 扣,王玉凤,胡 炜。鱼类肌肉生长抑制素研究进展。水生生物学报,2006;30:227-231。

17. 颜庆云,舒少武,冯伟松,胡炜,宋碧玉,汪亚平,余育和。转基因鱼试验湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与优势种的关系。自然科学进展,2006;16:889-893。


1. Fu, C., Li, D., Hu, W., Wang, Y. & Zhu Z. (2007). Fast-growing transgenic common carp mounting compensatory responses. Journal of Fish Biology 70,Supplement X, 1-12.

2. Fu, C., Li, D., Hu, W., Wang, Y. & Zhu, Z. (2007). Growth and energy budget of F2 “all-fish” growth hormone gene transgenic common carp. Journal of Fish Biology 70, 347-361.

3. Hu Wei, Li Shuangfei, Tang Bin, Wang Yaping, Lin Haoran,Liu Xiaochun, Zou Jun & Zhu Zuoyan. Antisense for gonadotropin-releasing hormone reduces gonadotropin synthesis and gonadal development in transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture, 271 (2007) 498–506.

4. HU Wei, WANG YaPing & ZHU ZuoYan. Progress in the evaluation of transgenic fish for possi-ble ecological risk and its containment strategies. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci . 2007, 50(5):573-579.

5. Li, D., Fu, C., Hu, W., Zhong, S., Wang, Y. & Zhu, Z. (2007). Rapid growth cost in “all-fish” growth hormone gene transgenic carp: reduced critical swimming speed. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(11), 1501-1506.

6. Na Wang, Yong-Hua Sun, Jing Liu, Gang Wu, Jian-Guo Su, Ya-Ping Wang&Zuo-Yan Zhu. Knock down of gfp and no tail expression in zebrafish embryo by in vivo-transcribed short hairpin RNA with T7 plasmid system. Journal of Biomedical Science, DOI 10.1007/s11373-007-9189-8.

7. Pei D, Sun Y, Chen S, Wang Y, Hu W, Zhu Z, 2007. Zebrafish GAPDH can be used as a reference gene for expression analysis in cross-subfamily cloned embryos. Anal Biochem, 363(2):291-3

8. Pei D, Sun Y, Chen S, Wang Y, Zhu Z, 2007. Cloning and characterization of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COXI) in Gobiocypris rarus. DNA sequence, 18(1):1-8

9. Pei DS, Sun YH, Chen SP, Wang YP, Hu W, Zhu ZY. Identification of differentially expressed genes from the cross-subfamily cloned embryos derived from zebrafish nuclei and rare minnow enucleated eggs. Theriogenology. 2007, 68(9):1282-91.

10. Wang N, Sun Y, Liu J, Wang Y and Zhu Z. 2007. Molecular characterization of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sonic hedgehog and discovery of its maternal expression. Development genes and Evolution. 2007; 217: 299-305

11. Wei-yi Liu, Yun Wang, Yao Qin, Ya-ping Wang, Zuo-yan Zhu. Site-Directed Gene Integration in Transgenic Zebrafish Mediated by Cre Recombinase Using a Combination of Mutant Lox Sites. Marine Biotechnology, 2007; 9: 420–428.

12. Wang Yun, Hu Wei, Liu Weiyi, Wang Yaping, Zhu Zuoyan. Identification and characterization of a novel alternative splicing transcript of gonadotropin alpha subunit in the common carp (Cyprinus Carpio). J Fish Biology, 2007, 71: 1082–1094.

13. 李德亮, 傅萃长, 胡炜, 钟山, 汪亚平, 朱作言. (2007). 快速生长导致转“全鱼”生长激素基因鲤鱼临界游泳速度的降低。科学通报,52(8),923-926.

14. 秦瑶,汪亚平,胡炜,朱作言。斑马鱼胚胎中Cre_lox介导的定点整合。高技术通讯,2007;17:1072-1076。

15. 方平,李英文,胡炜,丁诗华。黄鳝cGnRH_的cDNA克隆与序列分析。水生生物学报,2007;31:260-264。

16. 李兴美,范巍,张彬,彭扣,王玉凤,胡 炜,赵浩斌。鲤鱼肌肉生长抑制素基因_MSTN_的克隆及其组织表达特征。水生生物学报,2007;31:643-648。

17. 彭扣,陈伟伟,胡炜,王玉凤,赵浩斌。泥鳅肌肉生长抑制素基因片断的克隆及其表达。水产学报,2007;31:145-141。

18. 孙晓凤,黄 容,胡 炜,肖梦颖。汪亚平,郭琼林。转“全鱼”GH基因鲤鱼胸腺发育差异表达基因的筛选与鉴定。高技术通讯,2007;17:1184-1191。

19. 胡炜,汪亚平,朱作言。转基因鱼生态风险评价及其对策研究进展。中国科学 C 辑: 生命科学,2007;37: 377-381。


1. De-Sheng Pei, Yong-Hua Sun, Chun-Hong Chen, Shang-Ping Chen, Ya-Ping Wang, Wei Hu and Zuo-Yan Zhu. Identification and characterization of a novel gene differentially expressed in zebrafish cross-subfamily cloned embryos. BMC Developmental Biology 2008, 8:29 doi:10.1186/1471-213X-8-29

2. Guan Bo, Hu Wei, Zhang Tanglin, Wang Yaping, Zhu Zuoyan. Metabolism traits of ‘all-fish’ growth hormone transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Aquaculture (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.06.028

3. Jianguo Su & Zuoyan Zhu & Yaping Wang & Jun Zou &Wei Hu. Toll-like receptor 3 regulates Mx expression in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus after viral infection. Immunogenetics, 2008, 60:195–205.

4. Pei DS, Sun YH, Long Y, Zhu ZY. Inhibition of no tail (ntl) gene expression in zebrafish by external guide sequence (EGS) technique. Mol Biol Rep. 2007, DOI 10.1007/s11033-007-9063-9

5. Pei DS, Sun YH, Zhu ZY. Construction of cytoplasmic molecular markers distinguishing Danio rerio from Gobiocypris rarus at high identity domains based on MP-PCR strategy and Sybr Green I detection. Mol Biol Rep. 2008, 35(1):45-50

6. Rong Huang, Xiao-Feng Sun, Wei Hu, Ya-Ping Wang, Qiong-Lin Guo. Structure, organization and expression of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) SLP-76 gene. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, (2008) xx, 1-12.

7. WU Gang, CHEN LiHua, ZHONG Shan, LI Qi, SONG ChaoJun, JIN BoQuan & ZHU ZuoYan. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of changes in serum levels of growth hormone (cGH) in common carps (Cyprinus carpio). Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 2008, 51(2):157-163

专著专利:【1】 Method for preparing a sterile transgenic carp. 发明人:Hu Wei, Zhu Zuoyan, Wang Yaping and Li Shuangfei. 2007年获美国发明专利授权,专利号:US7,230,156B2 【2】不育转基因鱼的制备方法,发明人:胡炜,朱作言,汪亚平,黎双飞。2007年获中国发明专利授权,专利号:2006, ZL031254551。【3】一种壳聚糖甲基睾酮缓释药条的制备方法,发明人:胡炜,朱作言,黎双飞,汪亚平。2007年获中国发明专利授权,专利号:ZL:200510018148.9 【4】鱼类基因原位修饰育种的方法,发明人:吴玉萍,朱作言,胡炜,徐安龙。2006年获中国发明专利授权,专利号:ZL200410015247.7 【5】外源基因定点整合的双重荧光筛选方法。发明人:汪亚平,胡炜,陈尚萍,朱作言。2000,专利申请号:00116072.9。【6】鱼类基因剔除的方法,发明人:吴玉萍,朱作言,徐安龙,张广献,胡炜等,2005,国际专利申请号:PCT/CN2005/000677





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