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释义 | 中国科学院心理研究所研究员性 别: 女 职 务: 副所长 职 称: 研究员 学 历: 应用心理学博士 简历: 本科毕业于武汉大学数学系。2001年底获得中科院心理所应用心理学博士学位。长期从事工程心理学研究。研究主要集中在人机界面、驾驶行为、心理负荷、公共安全等领域。 研究领域: 心理负荷、驾驶行为、人机交互 社会任职: 中国人类工效学会副秘书长, 中国心理学会副秘书长泛太工效学委员会 理事 代表著作: 1.Xianghong Sun, Sumei Guo, Kan Zhang (1998). The Effect of Inputting Modality of Secondary Task on Tracking Performance and Mental Workload. ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA SINICA. Vol(30)3:343-347 2. Xianghong Sun, Enlie Wang, Kan Zhang (1999).A time study in HCI, the 5th proceedings of Chinese Congress of Application of Computer Science p28-33 3. Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003), Comparison of Verbal Comprehension and Speech Production During Driving, IEA2003 proceedings, Vol 1, p123-126 4. Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003). In-Vehicle Navigation Information Display: Integration of Visual and Auditory Presentation, IEA2003 proceedings, Vol 1, p354-357 5. Xianghong Sun, Tom Plocher (2004). Changes of Elders’ Attitude and Behavior to High-tech Products, ICP2004 proceedings 6. Qingxin Shi,Xianghong Sun,Kan Zhang. Usability Test Method: Focus Group, Journal of Chinese Ergonomics, 2005(3): 64-67 7. Liang Zhang, Xianghong Sun. Voice warning system design in Fire Detecting Interface, Journal of Chinese Safety Science, 2006 Vol. 16(4): 13-18 8. Sun X., Plocher, T. (2006) The smallest comfortable size of on touch screen APCHI2006 proceedings 9. Sun X, Plocher T, Zhang L. (2006) The Intelligibility of Speech Signal in Fire Alarm System APCHI2006 proceedings 10. Ning Liu, Kan Zhang, Xianghong Sun. (2007). The measurement of driver's mental workload: a simulation-based study. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings 11. Xianghong Sun, Qingxin Shi. (2007). Language issues in cross cultural usability testing: a pilot study in China. HCII2007 conference proceedings 12. Xianghong Sun, Tom Plocher, Weina Qu. (2007). A Study on the Vertical Navigation of High Rise Buildings. HCII2007 conference proceedings 13. Weina Qu, Xianghong Sun. (2007). Interactive Style of 3D Display of Buildings on Touch Screen. HCII2007 conference proceedings 14. Ning Liu, Zhiguo Wang, Xinghong Sun. Do the users really hate it: evidence from both explicit and implicit attitudes towards mobile added-value service? PPCOE2007 conference proceedings 15. Weina Qu, Xianghong Sun. Cultural differences between Chinese and Dane in card sorting. PPCOE2007 conference proceedings 16. Huiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG.. Cultural Centered Design: Cultural Factors in Interface Usability and Usability Tests. Proceeding - SNPD 2007: Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, v 3, Proceedings - SNPD 2007: Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2007, p 1084-1088 17. Huiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG. Voice Alarm System in Emergency Evacuation. D. Harris (Ed.): Engin. Psychol. and Cog. Ergonomics, HCII 2007 (12th Conference of Human Computer Interaction. Beijing, China, 2007.7), LNAI 4562, pp. 723–730, 2007. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 18.Weina Qu, Xianghong Sun, Tom Plocher. A Study of Information Retrieval of En Route Display of Fire Information on PDA. LNCS 5612, 2009, p. 86 ff. 19. Xianghong Sun, Weina Qu, Tom Plocher. A Study of Fire Information Detection on PDA Device. LNCS 5612, 2009, p. 105 ff. 专利 一种基于模拟驾驶平台的心理和行为监测系统 200710063789.5 软件著作权 模拟驾驶情境意识测量软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-情境) 登记号:2007SRBJ0804 模拟驾驶心理和行为监测系统软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-监测) 登记号:2007SRBJ0837 模拟驾驶心理负荷测量软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-导航) 登记号:2007SRBJ0836 承担科研项目情况: 空港X光行李检测的视觉搜索效率的研究 (所发展基金) 人机工程评审标准研究(国防科工委) 多模态汉字输入的人因学研究(Nokia, 20万,2008-2009) 驾驶事故倾向性测评研究 火情探测界面的人因学研究(国际合作) |
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