词条 | 宋武林 |
释义 | 宋武林,华中科技大学教授、博士生导师 1985年毕业于华中理工大学(现华中科技大学)金属材料专业,获工学学士学位,1988年获硕士学位,1996年获博士学位,1998年-2001年在日本国立岩手大学从事博士后研究。1997 年晋升副教授,2001年晋升教授,现任中国材料研究学会理事;湖北省理化检验学会副理事长;湖北省电镜学会常务理事。在材料激光表面改性、新型模具材料、纳米材料制备与应用等研究方面取得了多项成果。 基本信息性别 男 担任职务 华中科技大学测试中心副主任 专业职称 教授 学术兼职 中国材料研究学会理事;湖北省理化检验学会副理事长;湖北省电镜学会常务理事 研究方向1,纳米材料制备及应用;2,材料激光加工理论及应用;3,新型模具材料及热处理工艺研究;4,材料现代分析测试技术 生平简介获省部级自然科学技术一等奖一项,国家级优秀论文奖等多项,获国家发明专利一项,1998年被评为湖北省跨世纪青年学术骨干,2002年入选湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程,发表学术论文100余篇,其中40余篇分别被SCI、EI收录,发表的论文被国内外同行引用60余次。 主要成果近几年在国外发表论文 1. Song Wulin, Xie Changsheng………Effects of Co on the cracking susceptibility and the microstructure of Fe-Cr-Ni laser-clad layer, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2001,V138,N2-3(APR16),P291-295. 2. Song Wulin, Xie Changsheng……Vacuum laser cladding and effect of Hf on the cracking susceptibility and the microstructure of Fe-Cr-Ni laser-clad layer, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2000,V126,P76-80. 3. Song Wulin, Xie Changsheng……Cracking Susceptibility of a Laser-clad Layer as Related to the Melting Properties of the Cladding Alloy, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 1999, V115,P270-272. 4. Song Wulin, Xie Changsheng……Effect of Ni content on cracking susceptibility and microstructure of Laser-clad Fe-Cr-Ni-B-Si alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology 80(1996)251。 5. Song Wulin, Structure and strength of Multi-layered Foils, Fundamental Study and Application of Intelligent Nano And Microscopic Structure Materials by Field Control, p53-62, International Workshop on Fundamental Study and Application of Intelligent Nano And Microscopic Structured Materials by Filed Control, Sendai, Japan, 2000.8 6. Song Wulin, The Microwire Technique of Cu-Ag Alloy, 国际微线技术学术研讨会,1999.年10月,岩手大学,日本,p1-8 7. 宋武林,越俊谷 淳一 等,圧延による银ニッケル积层板の组织と磁性変化,日本金属学会论文集,2000年秋期(第127回)大会,p34~44 8. 宋武林,越俊谷 淳一 等,圧延したNi-Ag(5:1) 积层板の强度と组织,日本金属学会讲演概要,2001年春期大会,p211. 9. Changsheng Xie, Mulin Hu, Yaming Sheng, Wulin Song. Oxidation reaction during laser cladding of SAE1045 carbon steel with SiC/Cu alloy powder. Journal of Materials Science, 36 (2001): 1501 – 1505。 10. L. Zhu, D.W. Zeng, J. Wu, W.L. Song, C.S. Xie, Synthesis and gas sensitivity of In-doped ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,14(2003), 521-526.。 11. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, W.L. Song, A.H. Wang, Synthesis and character.stics of Sb-doped ZnO nanoparticles, Materials Scienceand engneering: B104(2003), 68-72.。 12. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, W.L. Song, Character.stics of Sb2O3 nanoparticles synthesized from antimony by vapor condensation method, Materials Letters :58(2004), 312-315. 13. A.H. Wang, W.Y. Wang, C.S. Xie, W.L. Song, D.W. Zeng,Microstructural characteristics of Al2O3-based refractory containing ZrO2 induced by CO2 laser melting,Applied surface science, 221 (2004) 293–301, 14. A.H. Wang, W.Y. Wang, C.S. Xie, W.L. Song, D.W. Zeng,CO2 laser-induced structure changes on an alumina-mullite- zirconia refractory,Applied Surface Science, v 233, n 1-4, Jun 30, 2004, p 244-251 15. A.H. Wang, W.Y. Wang, C.S. Xie, W.L. Song, D.W. Zeng,CO2 laser-induced structure changes on a zircon refractory,Applied Surface Science, v 227, n 1-4, 15 April 2004, p 104-13 16. A.H. Wang, W.Y. Wang, C.S. Xie, W.L. Song, D.W. Zeng,Microstructural features of an Al2O3-ZrO 2-SiO2 refractory material treated with CO2 laser melting,Materials Letters, v 58, n 22-23, September, 2004, p 2848-2851 17. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, W.L. Song, A.H. Wang, Oxygen Partial Pressure Effect on Synthesis and Characteristics of Sb2O3 Nanoparticles, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 336, 332-337, 2004. 18. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, R. Jiang, X. Chen, W.L. Song, J.B. Wang, J. Shi, Controlled Growth of ZnO Nanomaterials via Doping Sb, J. Crystal Growth,266(2004)511-518 19. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, W.L. Song, A.H. Wang,,Investigation of gas sensitivity of Sb-doped ZnO nanoparticles,Materials Chemistry and Physics, v 89, n 1, 15 Jan. 2005, p 148-53 20. D.W. Zeng, C.S. Xie, B.L. Zhu, W.L. Song, A.H. Wang,,The gas-sensing properties of thick film based on tetrapod-shaped ZnO nanopowders,Materials Letters, v 59, n 8-9, April, 2005, p 1004-1007 21. Yong Jiang, Wulin Song, Changsheng Xie, Aihua Wang, Dawen Zeng, Mulin Hu, Electrical conductivity and gas sensitivity to VOCs of V-doped ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles, Materials Letters 60 (2006) |
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