词条 | 世界上最长最没意义的电影 |
释义 | 基本信息电影中文名称:世界上最长最没意义的电影 电影英文名称:The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World 导演: Anthony Scott 片长:48小时(2880分钟) 语言:英语 国家:英国 类型:地下实验电影(为做实验而拍摄的电影) 上映日期:1968年8月 上映地点:伦敦艺术实验室 注:本片不在电影院放映,只在伦敦艺术实验室放映,并且是为了做实验,不对外销售电影票,所以说这部电影无票房;因电影时长惊人,片长在世界上排名第二,排名第一的是《治疗失眠》。 剧情简介英文简介The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World is an underground movie made in the UK that runs to 48 hours long. No actual footage was shot for the project, which instead consists entirely of outtakes, commercials, strips of undeveloped film, academy leader, and other filmic castoff material, creating a seemingly endless stream of newsreel and stock footage. Some portions of the film consist of the same commercial, repeated over and over again, for more than half an hour. Strips of 35mm still picture film are also included in the film; at times, the images are run upside down, and in reverse. The film was produced by Anthony Scott in association with the Swiss Film Centre, London. The first public screening of the film took place at The New Arts Lab in Drury Lane, London, in the Summer of 1968. It was also screened in 1969 at Cybervironment Plus, an experimental arts festival organised by Simon Chapman, and at the La Cinémathèque française in October 1970. Once the longest film ever made, it now holds the number four spot behind Cinématon (2010), which runs for 152 hours, Matrjoschka (2006), which runs for 95 hours, and The Cure for Insomnia (1987), which runs for 87 hours. 中文简介最长的电影中最无意义的世界是一个地下电影在英国,运行48小时之久制成。该项目没有实际的画面被拍摄,而是由完全的剪余组成,广告,电影未开发,学术领导者,废弃物和其他薄膜类材料的带子,创造了不少新闻和股票镜头似乎层出不穷。影片的某些部分包括相同的商业重复一遍又一遍的半个多小时,。 35毫米电影胶片仍然条中还包括电影,有时,图像倒置运行,并在相反。 这部影片制作的安东尼斯科特在与瑞士电影中心,伦敦协会。第一次公开放映的电影是在1968年夏季在新艺实验室德鲁里巷,伦敦举行。这也是1969年放映在Cybervironment此外,实验艺术节由西蒙查普曼组织,并在1970年10月香格里拉电影法语。 一旦有史以来最长的电影,但它现在拥有四个数字的背后Cinématon点(2010年),这对于一五二小时运行,Matrjoschka(2006年),其中九五小时运行,并为治疗失眠(1987年),其中87运行小时。 注:英文版简介来自豆瓣网,中文简介是通过Google翻译翻译过来的。 |
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