

词条 世界公共卫生协会联盟

世界公共卫生协会联盟 The World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA),组织成员:是由非政府的公共卫生协会组成,协会的成员应包括来自政府和非政府的机构和个人,也包括对健康问题有兴趣的组织和个人。


由于公共卫生协会是一个国家内所有相关机构、组织的集合体,因此该组织只接受各国的一个协会作为会员。设4类会员:正式会员(Full membership)、副会员(Associate membership)、地区会员(Regional membership)和支持会员(Sustaining membership)。 正式会员是国家级公共卫生协会,由多学科组成的非政府团体,能够代表所有从事公共健康工作人员的组织,在全体大会有1票表决权。副会员是正式会员以外的其他国家级多学科公共卫生协会,副会员有权参与对政策方案的制订并进行投票,但不担任领导职务,不参与管理。地区会员是地理区域的国家级公共卫生协会联盟,地区会员以观察员身份出席大会,应在本地区推行WFPHA的目标。支持会员是赞同联盟的原则并愿意在经济上资助联盟的团体和个人,支持会员不担任职务,对政策决定无投票权。 到1999年为止,已有58个国家的公共卫生协会或预防医学会加入了该组织。


The World Federation of Public Health Associations is an international'' nongovernmental organization bringing health workers throughout the world together for professional exchange'' collaboration'' and action. Its members are multidisciplinary'' national and regional public health practice and academic organizations whose own memberships include nurses'' sanitarians'' administrators'' physicians'' health educators'' pharmacists'' anthropologists'' researchers'' and many other persons interested in public health. Founded in 1967'' WFPHA is the only worldwide professional society representing and serving the broad field of public health'' as distinct from single disciplines or occupations. WFPHA is an international body'' organized under the Swiss Charter'' with offices in Geneva'' Switzerland and Washington'' DC'' USA. The WFPHA Secretariat is located at the Washington'' DC office. WFPHA enjoys official relations status with the World Health Organization and maintains close ties with UNICEF and other international organizations.


International Congresses - WFPHA convenes a scientific conference every three years. Public health professionals and experts in related fields'' nongovernmental and governmental'' from around the world gather at the Congress to share ideas'' experiences'' and research. Previous Congresses include: Bonn'' Germany (1975); Halifax'' Canada (1978); Calcutta'' India (1981); Tel Aviv'' Israel (1984); Mexico City'' Mexico (1987); Atlanta'' United States (1991); Bali'' Indonesia (1994); Arusha'' Tanzania (1997); Beijing'' China (2000); and Brighton'' UK (2004). The next Congress'' the 11th'' is scheduled for 2006 in Rio de Janeiro'' Brazil.

Annual Meeting - The Annual Meeting is held in Geneva each May at the time of the World Health Assembly. This scheduling facilitates the participation of representatives of WHO and key government officials.

Collaborative Projects - The Federation encourages partnerships among member associations to share resources and expertise and to implement innovative health strategies.

Information Exchange - The newsletter'' WFPHA Report'' provides information on the activities of the Federation'' its member associations'' and international organizations. Occasional special studies'' reports'' and conference proceedings are published that address key issues in international health. WFPHA members exchange journals'' news­letters'' and other association publications.

Action on International Health Issues - WFPHA and its members influence international health policy through the development and implementation of policy resolutions and other advocacy initiatives. WFPHA has led the NGO community at Alma Ata in endorsing the concept of primary health care'' urged linking health with economic development strategies'' raised awareness of the health consequences of landmines and nuclear weapons'' engaged as an active NGO participant in the negotiations leading up to the passage of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control'' and is committed to providing leadership in efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals.


The World Federation of Public Health Associations was formally established in May 1967 in Geneva'' Switzerland at the World Health Assembly. “A group of delegates representing 32 national public health associations convened and established the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) with 16 core member associations1.” Among the founding members of WFPHA were associations from India'' the United Kingdom and the United States.

WFPHA provided leadership for the nongovernmental community when it represented NGOs at the landmark WHO UNICEF Alma Ata Conference that established the mandate of Health for All by the year 2000. WFPHA leaders drafted the language that went into the Alma Ata Declaration. WFPHA renewed its commitment to primary health care and Health for All through its “Call to Action''” at WFPHA’s 9th International Congress on Public Health in Beijing'' China'' held in September 2000.


WFPHA has a total of 73 members from around the world: 68 national public health association members and five regional association members representing both public health associations and schools of public health. WFPHA’s members represent a diverse population of public health professionals working as nurses, sanitarians, administrators, physicians, health educators, pharmacists, anthropologists, and researchers, among many others. WFPHA's members are presented in the table below by name and WHO region.

Contact U

Office of the Secretariat

c/o American Public Health Association

800 I Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001


Vina HuLamm

Program Manager

Geneva Officec/o Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine

University of GenevaCMU1, rue Michel ServetCH-1211 Genève 4 SWITZERLAND

Prof. Bettina Borisch, MD, MPH, FRCPath

Head of the WFPHA Geneva Office and Chair of the Policy Committee

Laetitia BourquinProject Manager

Office of the President


R. Leopoldo Bulhões 1480, sala 208

Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil


Dr. Paulo M. Buss

WFPHA President

Ms. Joan Bell Davenport


11, route de Nant d’Avril

1214 Vernier (GE)



If you are a current WFPHA member and your association’s contact information has changed in any way (new address, new phone number, new website, new leadership, etc.), we kindly ask that you notify the WFPHA Secretariat so that we may continue to communicate with you effectively. Please complete the Contact Information Update Formand submit it as soon as possible after any changes.





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