词条 | 石志飞 |
释义 | 石志飞,毕业于哈尔滨船舶工程学院,汉族,现为北京交通大学土建学院教授,博士生导师,中国力学学会第六届固体力学专业委员会委员(2003年 - 2007年)。 个人简历社会经历2008,01- : 北京交通大学二级岗教授; 2002,10- : 北京交通大学特聘教授; 1999,08- : 北京交通大学, 博士生导师; 1997,09- : 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,教授; 1994,04 - 1997,08: 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,副教授; 1992,04 - 1994,03: 哈尔滨工业大学,博士后(合作导师:杜善义院士); 1989,03 - 1992,03: 哈尔滨船舶工程学院,博士研究生(导师:高玉臣院士); 1986,09 - 1989,01: 哈尔滨船舶工程学院,硕士研究生(导师:梁立孚教授); 1982,09 - 1986,07: 太原工业大学,本科生。 突出经历其间于1997,11-1998,10在香港理工大学从事合作研究(Research Associate);2005,06-2005,12在美国伊利诺伊大学作访问学者。 个人贡献研究领域工程结构抗震:主要研究工程结构的隔震、防震措施及分析计算方法; 智能材料与结构:主要研究各种智能材料的力学性能及其在结构安全监测、振动控制等方面的应用。 科研项目已主持完成国家自然科学基金项目4项,主持完成国家教育部优秀青年教师教学和科研奖励计划项目一项。 在研项目有: 钢筋混凝土梁-墙节点平面外抗震性能的分析模型研究 (国家自然科学基金,主持,2007-2009) 关于内置式水泥基压电机敏器件几个基础问题的研究 (国家自然科学基金,主持,2008-2010) 强震下超高建筑与周期性基础的相互作用与破坏机制研究 (国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,主持,2008-2010) 论文及著作发表论文60余篇,主要有: Part I: Composite Materials and Fracture Mechanics 1 Liang Lifu, & Shi Zhifei, On the Inverse Problem in Calculus of Variationals, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(9): 815-830 2 Shi Zhifei, Zhao Shiying, Zhou Limin & Du Shanyi, On the Inverse Problem in Calculus of Variationals for piezoelectric media, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 1998, 15(3): 119-123, (in Chinese) 3 Shi Zhifei, Huang Shuping & Du Shanyi, Several variational principles of coupled fluid-saturated porous media, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1998, 19(2): 176-179, (in Chinese) 4 Shi Zhifei, Huang Shuping & Zhang Zimao, Variational principles of fluid full-filled elastic solids, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1999, 20(3): 262-268 5 Huang Binbin, Shi Zhifei, & Zhang Zimao, On the inverse problem in calculus of variationals for piezoelectric media , the inverse problem in dynamics, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2000, 17(3):103-106, (in Chinese) 6 Du Shanyi, Shi Zhifei & Wu Linzhi, A transverse crack tip field in bimaterial, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1994, 10(3): 267-272 Part II: Variational Principles 7 Gao Yuchen & Shi Zhifei, Large strain field near an interface crack-tip, International Journal of Fracture, 1994/1995, 69(3): 269-279 8 Gao Yuchen & Shi Zhifei, The plane stress crack-tip field for an incompressible rubber material, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(5): 499-506 9 Shi Zhifei & Gao Yuchen, Stress-strain field near the notch tip of a rubber sheet, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1995, 11(2): 169-177 10 Shi Zhifei, Zhou Limin, Interfacial debonding of coated-fiber-reinforced composites under tension-tension cyclic loading, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2000, 16(4): 347-356 11 Zhang Zimao, Shi Zhifei, Huang Binbin, The general solutions of smart materials and structures - Part three: intelligent cantilever beam subjected to a transverse concentrated force, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001, 18(1): 112-114 (in Chinese) 12 Shi Zhifei, Huang Binbin & Du Shanyi, The general solutions of smart materials and structures - Part two: intelligent cantilever beam under tension, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001, 18(1): 109-111 (in Chinese) 13 Shi Zhifei, Huang Binbin & Du Shanyi, The general solutions of smart materials and structures - Part one: intelligent cantilever beam under bending, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001, 18(1): 105-108 (in Chinese) 14 Huang Binbin, Shi ZhiFei, Piezoelectric cantilever subjected to distributed forces, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2002,19(4):106-113 (in Chinese) 15 Shi ZhiFei, Zhou Limin, Interfacial damage in fiber-reinforced composites subjected to tension fatigue loading, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2002, 25: 445-457 16 Shi Zhifei, General solution of a density functionally gradient piezoelectric cantilever and its applications, Smart Materials and Structural,2002, 11(1): 122-129 17 Zhang Linnan, Shi Zhifei, Analytical solution of a simply supported piezoelectric beam subjected to a uniformly-distributed loading, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2003, 24(10): 1215-1223 18 Chen Yanhua, Shi Zhifei, Zhu Qingjie, Interfacial debonding of composite under two-stage loading, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2004,21(4):140-145 19 Chen Ying, Shi Zhifei, Fundamental solution and applications of a FGM piezoelectric cantilever, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2004, 25(2): 241-245 (in Chinese) 20 Yang Yongbo, Shi Zhifei, Chen Ying, Piezoelectric cantilever actuator subjected to a linearly distributed loading, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2004, 36(3): 305-310 (in Chinese) 21 Liu Tingting, Shi Zhifei, Bending behavior of functionally gradient piezoelectric cantilever, Ferroelectrics, 2004, Vol 308:43-51 22 Peng Minglan, Shi Zhifei, Interface characteristics of RC beams strengthened with FRP plate, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2004, 18(3): 315-330 23 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Linnan, Simulation of interfacial fatigue of reinforced concrete under different loading cases, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2004,12(4): 561-573 24 Shi Zhifei, Chen Ying, Functionally Gradient Piezoelectric Cantilever Subjected to Different Loadings,Archive of Applied Mechanics,2004, 74(3-4): 237-247 25 Chen Yanhua, Shi Zhifei, An Investigation of Interfacial Fatigue in Fiber reinforced Composites, Applied Composite Materials, 2005,12(5): 265-276 26 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Exact solutions of functionally gradient piezo-thermal-elastic cantilevers and parameter identification, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2005, 16(6): 531-539 27 Shi Zhifei, Chen Yanhua, Zhou Limin, Micromechanical damage modeling of fiber/matrix interface under cyclic loading, Composites Science and Technology, 2005, 65(7-8):1203-1210 28 Shi Zhifei, Bending behavior of piezoelectric curved actuator, Smart Materials and Structures, 2005,14(4): 835-842 29 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Elastic solutions of graded piezoelectric hollow cylinders, Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vols. 302-303: 658-668 30 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layered piezothermoelastic hollow cylinder under thermal loading,Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vols. 302-303: 684-692 31 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layered piezothermoelastic hollow cylinder under some coupled loadings, Archives of Applied Mechanics, 2006, 75(6-7): 326-337 32 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Two-dimensional Exact Analyses for Piezoelectric Curved Actuators, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2006, 16(3): 640-647 33 Shi Zhifei, Cui Chang, Zhou Limin, Interfacial damage of reinforced concrete under two-stage loading, EUR J MEC A SOLIDS, 2006, 25:808-818 34 Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei and Zhang Taotao,Elastic Analyses of Heterogeneous Hollow Cylinders,Mechanics Research Communications,2006,33:681-691 35 Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei, Electrostatic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric cantilevers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2007, 18(7): 719-726 36 Shi Zhifei, Xiang HongJun and B. F. Spencer, Jr., Exact analysis of multi-layer piezoelectric/composite cantilevers, Smart Materials and Structures, 2006 15: 1447-1458 37 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao and Xiang Hongjun, Exact Solutions of Heterogeneous Elastic Hollow Cylinders, Composite Structures, 2007,79(1):140-147 38 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Bending Behavior of 2-2 Multi-layered Piezoelectric Curved Actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, 2007,16: 634-641 39 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao, Static Analyses for 2-2 Multi-layered Piezoelectric Curved Composites,International Journal of Engineering Science, 2007,45: 509-524 40 Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei,Static Analysis for Multi-layered Piezoelectric Cantilevers,Int. J. Solids Struct. 2008,45:113-128 41 Zhang Rong and Shi Zhifei, Bi-interfacial Debonding of Coated Fiber Reinforced Composites under Fatigue Load, International Journal of Fatigue, (2008,出版中。doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2007.08.003) 42 Han Rong and Shi Zhifei, Exact Analysis of Two Kinds of Piezoelectric Actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, (2008, 17(1). doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015018) 43 Zhang Rong, Shi Zhifei, Numerical simulation of rebar/concrete interface debonding of FRP strengthened RC beams under fatigue load, Materials and Structures. (2008,出版中。doi:10.1617/ s11527-008- 9352-3) 44 Li Yang, Shi Zhifei, Free vibration of a functionally graded piezoelectric beam via state-space based differential quadrature, Composite Structures. (2008, 出版中。doi:10.1016/j.compstruct. 2008.01.012 ) 45 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Spencer BF Jr, Vibration analysis of a functionally-graded piezoelectric cylindrical actuator, Smart Materials and Structures. (2008, 17(2). doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/2/025018) 46 李阳, 石志飞,压电-弹性层合梁自由振动分析的新方法,力学学报.(2008,已录用,出版中) 获得荣誉部分获奖 ¨ 2000年获国家教育部首届青年教师奖 ¨ 1999年获首都5.1劳动奖 ¨ 1998年获铁道部有突出贡献的中青年专家称号 ¨ 1998年获霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师三等奖 ¨ 1997年获北京市优秀青年教师称号 ¨ 1996年获国家教委科技进步一等奖(第二获奖者) ¨2000年获北京交通大学<结构力学>课程优秀主讲教师称号 ¨2001年被本科毕业生评为“我最敬爱的老师” |
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