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The Development and Use of Rubber Polyester Steel Brown Wire Reinforcing Materials


With the rapid development of rubber industry, rubber reinforcing materials have become an important supporting raw material in the rubber industry. The quality of reinforcing materials determines the grade of rubber products and has become the most important sign of the development of rubber industry.


The development of rubber reinforcing material has a history of almost hundred years from cotton fibers, artificial fibers to chemical fibers. Currently, reinforcing materials mainly are nylon, polyester, aramid and other products. During the upgrading process of reinforcing materials, we will find that it’s the frame of materials that changed, while the structure of the frame did not change fundamentally, which is fiber structure. The fibrous reinforcing materials demonstrate various degrees of different fatal weaknesses in industrialized production such as non-uniform load, susceptibility to stretching and short life span. Focusing on these fatal weaknesses of fibrous reinforcing materials, in order to improve the service life of belt body, in the 1960s and 1970s, Japan, United States and some other countries conducted similar experiments on changing the frame structure, nevertheless without any success due to flex and adhesion problems.

张学申——威海天乘华轮特种带芯有限公司董事长,上世纪九十年代初,张学申在我国第一个研究出了涤纶浸渍工艺,在此基础上也开始向橡胶骨架结构的研制发起挑战。经过无数次试验,耗费了大量的人力、物力和财力,终于在2000年突破屈挠、粘合两大技术难关,成功研制出了整体实芯结构的聚酯钢化棕丝骨架新材料,获得了传动带、运输带两项国家发明专利(专利号:ZL00110179.X 专利号:ZL00107472.5)。从发明专利到实现工业化大生产,张学申先生又经过了十余年时间进行工艺完善,设备研发,于2009年实现了工业化全线连续运行,批量生产出了合格产品,前后花了近20年的时间最终获得成功。

Xueshen Zhang - Chairman of Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co. Ltd. In the 1990s, Zhang Xueshen first developed the polyester impregnation process in China and on this basis challenged the development of rubber frame structure. After numerous experiments and costing lots of labor, materials and financial resources, in 2000, he finally overcame the two technical difficulties flex and adhesion and successfully developed the polyester steel brown wire reinforcing materials with overall solid core structure and gained two national invention patent for transmission belt and conveyor belt (patent number: ZL00110179.X Patent Number: ZL00107472.5). From invention patent to the actualization of major industrialized production, Zhang Xueshen spent another decade perfecting the process and developing devices. Finally in 2009, he actualized industrialized full-range continuous operation and mass produced qualified products. It took him a total of nearly 20 years to achieve the final success.


With the invention of polyester steel brown wire, another major technical problem in the rubber reinforcing material industry is solved, and its excellent uniqueness is embodied in large-scale production and commercialization.


The fiber processing and twisting of traditional fibrous reinforcing materials requires combining, initial twisting, second twisting and other links. Therefore fiber lengths cannot be guaranteed the same; particularly because of the existence of irregularity of twisting in initial twisting and second twisting and the severe phenomenon of unevenly-long frame (the state has clear regulation on the irregularity of twisting). We take a piece of traditional reinforcing material of 20 cm, make both ends, then twist this frame and measure the length of each section again. Look, this section is 20.7 cm, the second section is 21.1 cm, the third section is 20.9 cm, this simple experiment illustrates that the traditional fibrous reinforcing materials with the same length of frame don’t have equal length of internal fibers. This unavoidable shortcoming leads to the non-uniform load of tapes, causing the short fibers in movement to gradually break, frame to collapse and stretch, rubber to fracture, the service life of rubber tapes to shorten, and the service life cannot be even which disables the company to replace them regularly; besides, the multi-layer structure of the conveyor belt and the multi-layer weaving the of the overall belt core are also fibrous, leading to the heavy belt body, the cut phenomenon of “loose outside and tight inside” at the corners of the pack during movement, the delamination between layers of belt body, poor flex resistance, stretched belt body and short service life. It can be said the unreasonable fiber structure of traditional reinforcing materials is the fundamental cause of the short service life of belt body.


Polyester steel brown wire is an overall solid core structure, with no requirement of twisting, which fully reflects the physical characteristic of fatigue resistance of polyester materials and solves the traditional problem of unequal length in fiber structure. The product has the advantages of a uniform load, no looseness, no stretching, flex resistance, etc. It greatly improves the service life of rubber products and maintains a balanced, so that enterprises can replace the products regularly.


The V belt under trial of polyester steel brown wire has proven qualified for nine indicators after being tested by Qingdao Oil and Chemical Industrial New Materials and Products Quality Supervision and Examination Center based on the GB12732-1996 standards, and the results are all higher than the national standards, especially in the fatigue life test in which the result is almost five times higher than national standard, running 400 hours with the belt body still intact. (Test report attached)


Qingdao Sixth Rubber Triangular Belt Factory used polyester steel brown wire to make ordinary rubber V belt, which passed the fatigue test exceeded with a result two to three times higher than the national standard, running for four and hundred hours with the body intact until the test was terminated. (can still keep running).


The 4L5V-5000 PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt made of polyester brown wire was tested in Liaohe Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield and Shengli Oilfield. PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt averagely runs for more than 12 months (more than 9 months). Compared to similar international products, the service life of the belt body is 3-5 times higher. It solves the technical problems of the conveyor belt‘s susceptibility of to stretching in oilfield area, slipping, loss in transmission, low transmission efficiency, huge consumption of electricity, severe damage in rainy and snowy weather, short service life, uneven service life and impossibility for corporate to replace regularly.


In September 2010, Beijing polyester steel brown wire new type reinforcing materials expert evaluation conference was held. Experts at the conference highly acknowledged the excellent quality and high-standard performance of polyester steel brown wire (conference content). Polyester steel brown wire is a leap of quality in rubber reinforcing materials, revised the hundred-year-history of rubber reinforcing materials and rubber transmission belts and is a new milestone in the world’s rubber industry.


Polyester steel brown wire uses new technology, new process and new devices for production. It’s a highly efficient, low consuming, energy saving and environmental protecting product. It meets with the world’s requirement of emission reduction, not only bringing huge economic benefits to the corporate but also bringing tremendous social benefits to the world.


For the corporate—V belt’s service life is prolonged, amount of usage is reduced, which avoids frequent change of belt and consumption of labor and materials. Since it doesn’t stretch easily and overcomes the loss in transmission, it reduces consumption of power, saves energy and resources, improves productivity and brings huge economic benefits to the corporate.


For the resources—since PUGUANDE conveyor belt’s service life is 3-5 times higher than traditional fibrous conveyor belt, it can save 80% of the product’s total rubber, frame and other material resources. With the wide application of new reinforcing materials, it surely will save much resource for the world.


For the environment—every ton of the traditional fibrous reinforcing material needs 300 kg of impregnation solution, but every ton of polyester steel brown wire only needs 30 kg of impregnation solution, which can reduce 90% of emissions, and since the service life is prolonged 3-5 times, the reduction of emission can be 45 times higher. With the wide application of polyester steel brown wire, it surely will make great contribution to the world’s environmental protection.


Polyester steel brown wire reinforcing materials will surely replace traditional fibrous reinforcing materials. Its invention indicates the development of rubber industry has marched into a new era. As the company intensified the development of polyester steel brown wire, it will complete the entire product chain and polyester steel brown wire can thus be widely applied in conveyor belt, transmission belt, rubber tubes, tires and other rubber field. The bird Penghu stretches its wings as wide as ninety thousand miles and flies straight up to heaven to take the stars and the moon. The successful development of polyester steel brown wire will surely lead a upgrade revolution in the rubber industry and make great contribution to the development of the world’s rubber industry.


Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co., Ltd


October, 2010


For the corporate—take oil exploration industry for example. In respect to consumption reduction, due to the improvement of service life brought by using PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt, the usage of jointed belt is greatly reduced—50&% of the belt expense can be reduced for the corporate annually. In respect to energy saving, PUGUANDE oilfield jointed group overcame slipping, loss in transmission and power loss and can save 5—10% of electricity usage (around 5%) for the corporate. In respect to efficiency increase,


Avoids frequent change of belt and reduces consumption of labor and materials.


Reduces the unplanned downtime due to belt-changing downtime and fracture due to snow and rain, increases several hours of working time annually and increases yield of crude oil.


Reduces loss in transmission to the greatest degree, increases the working efficiency of oil extraction machine while saving electricity.


PUGUANDE jointed belt changed the internal frame structure of the belt body, so the corporate doesn’t need to modify any devices or process. According to estimate, take ten thousand oil extraction machines for example, the corporate can increase 200-300 million Yuan worth economic benefits in respect to consumption reduction, energy saving and efficiency increase.


PUGUANDE rubber jointed belt


Not only brings huge social benefit to the world but also brings tremendous economic benefits to the corporate.


Polyester steel brown wire modified the hundred-year-history of rubber reinforcing materials


Surely will lead a quality upgrade revolution in the rubber industry


Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co., Ltd


Address: East Yinkou Road, West Huoju Road, Gao District, Weihai, Shandong


Words from the Chairman


Reflection on the 20 years


When the needle of times pointed to 2010, the development of polyester steel brown wire rubber reinforcing material has gone through twenty years from the beginning to today’s industrialized mass production. We have been on the same path for twenty years, and when I look back to this journey, my heart is filled with complex emotions.


Twenty years ago, we started the development of rubber reinforcing new materials in harsh environment.


Ten years ago, we successfully developed polyester steel brown wire rubber reinforcing material and achieved the national patent of conveyor belt and transmission belt.

5年前, 我们威海天乘华轮特种带芯有限公司破土动工,一个现代化、充满生机活力的高新企业拔地而起。

Five years ago, Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co., Ltd was established. A modernized and lively high-technology company came into this world.


Today, polyester steel brown wire has achieved industrialized mass production, is applied into rubber transmission belt field and the product quality has improved tremendously. PUGUANDE jointed belt, Four month's Free maintainance, more than 12 months'average life, improved 3-5 times compared to international products of the same kind. It’s truly a breakthrough in the industry.


Twenty years of hard work has built in us a persistent and strong faith. Twenty years witnessed the process of our maturity. The members in this company will see the end of the past twenty years as a new beginning, set higher goals, keep innovating and keep exceeding beyond excellence. The road ahead of us is long and we are embarking on a new journey with the expectation a more brilliant twenty years.


Chairman of Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co., Ltd

Xueshen Zhang


Introduction of the company

威海天乘华轮特种带芯有限公司是一家致力于研发和生产聚脂钢化棕丝新型橡胶骨架材料的高新企业,公司座落于美丽的海滨城市威海,占地二万六千平方米,设计安装聚脂钢化棕丝生产线20条。核心产品聚脂钢化棕丝橡胶骨架新材料是公司自主研发,拥有自主知识产权的高新产品,获得了传动带、运输带两项国家发明专利(专利号:ZL00110179.X 专利号:ZL00107472.5)。目前公司依托聚脂钢化棕丝橡胶骨架新材料的技术优势,与中国橡胶行业的龙头企业——青岛橡胶六厂强强合作,开发出了以普冠得油田联组带为核心的橡胶V带系列产品,品质卓越,获得了国内外客户的高度认可。产品远销世界各地,聚脂钢化棕丝是一种实芯结构橡胶骨架新材料,是传统纤维结构骨架材料的替代品。随着公司及合作的橡胶企业对聚脂钢化棕丝开发力度的加大,打通后续产品链,聚脂钢化棕丝可广泛应用于传动带、运输带、胶管、轮胎等橡胶领域,为公司的可持续发展提供了可靠保障。目前公司已经进入了橡胶行业的快车道,公司正向着做大做强,把普冠得打造成世界品牌的目标,稳步迈进。

Chairman of Weihaitian Chenghualun Special Belt Core Co., Ltd is a high-technology company dedicated to the development and production of polyester steel brown wire rubber reinforcing materials. The company is located in the beautiful coastal city Weihai. It has an area of 26,000 m2. It designs and installs 20 polyester steel brown wire production lines. The core product polyester steel brown wire rubber reinforcing material is a high-technology product with independent intellectual property rights developed autonomously by the company, which achieves the national invention patent for conveyor belt and transmission belt (patent number: ZL00110179.X and ZL00107472.5). Currently the company depends on the technological advantage of polyester steel brown wire rubber reinforcing material, cooperated with the leading company in Chinas rubber industry—Strong cooperation with Qingdao No.6 Rubber Factory and developed rubber V belt series with PUGUANDE jointed belt as the core. The excellent quality of the products won the high recognition from domestic and international customers. The products are sold all over the world. Polyester steel brown wire is a rubber reinforcing new material with solid core structure; it’s a replacement of the traditional fibrous reinforcing material. As the company and its partner rubber company strengthen the development of polyester steel brown wire and complete the development of the product chain, polyester steel brown wire can be widely applied in conveyor belt, transmission belt, rubber tubes, tires and other rubber field, which provides substantial guarantee for the company’s sustainable development. Currently the company has entered a fast lane of rubber industry, working towards a stronger and bigger company with PUGUANDE as a world leading brand.


The shortcomings of fibrous reinforcing material conveyor belt


The usual reinforcing materials mainly are nylon, polyester, aramid and other products. During the upgrading process of reinforcing materials, we will find that it’s the frame of materials that changed, while the structure of the frame did not change fundamentally, which is fiber structure. Because of the unequal fiber and uneven twisting, these reinforcing materials will surely have non-uniform load during movement, short fibers will gradually break, frame will collapse and stretch, rubber will fracture, the service life of rubber tapes will shorten, and the service life will be uneven which disables the company to replace them regularly. Take oilfield jointed belt as an example, the average service life of international products of the same kind is 2-4 months.


Comparison of products


The advantage of polyester steel brown wire conveyor belt


Polyester steel brown wire is an overall solid core structure, with no requirement of twisting, which fully reflects the physical characteristic of fatigue resistance of polyester materials and solves the traditional problem of unequal length in fiber structure. The product has the advantages of a uniform load, no looseness, no stretching, flex resistance, etc. It greatly improves the service life of rubber products and maintains a balanced, so that enterprises can replace the products regularly. The service life of PUGUANDE jointed belt is 3-5 times higher than international products of the same kind. Four month's Free maintainance, more than 12 months'average life.


Polyester steel brown wire passed the evaluation of expert groups


In September 2010, in the Beijing polyester steel brown rubber wire new type reinforcing materials expert evaluation conference, the experts at the conference highly acknowledged the excellent quality and high-standard performance of polyester steel brown wire. Polyester steel brown wire is an overall solid core structure, with no requirement of twisting. Compared to traditional fibrous structure, polyester steel brown wire has the advantages of high elasticity, low possibility of stretching, low deformation, flex resistance and good adhesion. The service life of rubber V belt made of polyester steel brown wire can be prolonged 5 times. Polyester steel brown wire is a leap of quality in rubber reinforcing materials, revised the hundred-year-history of rubber reinforcing materials and rubber transmission belts and is a new milestone in the world’s rubber industry.


Application field of PUGUANDE conveyor belt:

石油开采 ●矿山开采 ●机械制造业 ●汽车工业 ●农业机械 ●电子行业

玻璃设备 ●包装行业 ●纺织行业 ●印刷行业 ●陶瓷行业 ●输送行业

造纸设备 ●食品行业 ●烟草行业 ●石材行业

Oil exploration ●Mining ●Machinery manufacturing ●Automobile ●Agricultural machinery ●Electronics

Glass equipment ●Packaging ●Textile ●Printing ●Ceramics ●Transportation

Papermaking ●Food ●Tobacco ●Stone materials


E.g. heavy-horsepower various models of jointed belt


Oil extraction machine, rolling machine, compressor, screening machine, piston pump, crusher, grinding machine, shredder, hammer crusher, saw, centrifuge, mixer, etc.


E.g. high-horsepower various models of triangular belt


Cooling air conditioning system, drum dryer, air compressor, concrete mixer, generator, food mixer, agriculture machinery, woodworking machinery and other production equipment.


E.g. usual-industrial-use various models of triangular belt


Household washing machine, sewing machine, dishwasher, fan, blower, centrifugal pump, lawn mower, garden equipment, other


Science and technology create wealth


A major breakthrough of oilfield jointed belt


PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt uses polyester steel brown wire as rubber reinforcing material, and its service wife is improved 3-5 times compared to international products of the same kind Four month's Free maintainance, more than 12 months'average life. It solves the oil exploration industrial conveyor belt’s technical difficulties of susceptibility to stretching, skipping, loss in transmission, low transmission efficiency, large electricity consumption, severe damage in snowy and rainy weather, short life span, uneven service life and impossibility of company to replace the belt regularly and brings huge economic benefits to the corporate in respect of consumption reduction, energy saving and efficiency increase.


In respect to consumption reduction: because of the improvement in service life of PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt, the usage of jointed belt is greatly reduced, reducing 50% of the belt expenditure for the company annually. In respect to energy saving: PUGUANDE oilfield jointed belt overcomes slipping, loss in transmission and power consumption, saving 5~10% of the electricity expenditure for the company annually. In respect to efficiency increase:


1、Avoids frequent change of belt and reduces consumption of labor and materials.


2、Reduces the unplanned downtime due to belt-changing downtime and fracture due to snow and rain, increases several hours of working time annually and increases yield of crude oil.

3、 最大程度的减少了丢转现象,在节电的同时,提高了磕头机的工作效率。

3、 Reduces loss in transmission to the greatest degree, increases the working efficiency of oil extraction machine while saving electricity.


PUGUANDE jointed belt changed the internal frame structure of the belt body, so the corporate doesn’t need to modify any devices or process. According to estimate, take ten thousand oil extraction machines for example, the corporate can increase 200-300 million Yuan worth economic benefits in respect to consumption reduction, energy saving and efficiency increase.

强大的营利整合能力 独特的营销模式

Stronger profitability and integration ability Unique marketing mode

“创造市场 引领市场”是普冠得团队的市场原则。公司以前瞻的眼光洞察市场动态,以灵敏的嗅觉、快捷的反应速度响应客户的需求,坚持以最快的速度为客户提供“量身定做”的针对性策略方案,坚持站在为客户创造价值的角度思考问题。

“Create market, Lead market” is the market principle of PUGUANDE team. The company observes the market movements with prospectful vision, swiftly responds to the customer’s need, insists on providing “customized” strategic plan for customers with fastest speed and insists on thinking in the perspective of creating values for the customers.


As for rubber companies: we will depend on the technological advantage of polyester steel brown wire reinforcing material and domestic prospectful companies, cooperates under the principles of win-win and mutual benefits, improves the product quality and attached value of rubber V belt, expands the application field of polyester steel brown wire reinforcing new materials and brings more economic benefits for partner companies;


PUGUANDE free trial belt plan is put into practice


Quality is the life of a company. We will use internationally first-rate products to solve the technical difficulties related to conveyor belt which companies encounter in industrialized production and increase the company’s economic benefits. PUGUANDE team will first promote the experiential marketing mode in the rubber industry. You only need to call us and tell us the type of belt body you are using, we will send you some sample for free and allow every customer to experience the product and witness the excellent quality of PUGUANDE.


The story of global village—a revolution of rubber reinforcing materials





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