

词条 权高峰



姓 名:权高峰,工学博士

职 称:教 授

单 位:西南交通大学


所学专业: 金属材料及热处理,材料加工工程

研究方向: 镁、铝合金及复合材料加工技术与装备,材料组织与性能表征


06/2011至今:西南交通大学 教授 博士生导师,交通运输装备轻量化研究所所长

02/2006至06/2011:大连交通大学 教授 博士生导师,交通运输装备轻量化研究所所长

05/2001至01/2006:德国GKSS研究中心 高级研究员材料研究所

02/1999至04/2001:德国勃兰登堡工业大学 研究教授 机械制造与电器工程系

02/1995至01/1999:西安交通大学 副教授 材料科学与工程学院

06/1994至02/1995:国家教育委员会 项目官员 科技司

02/1991至12/1998:陕西省复合材料学会 常务理事 青工委主任、副秘书长

04/1988至05/1994:西安交通大学 讲师 材料系

04/1986至03/1988: 西安交通大学 助教 金属材料强度研究所

01/1991至06/1994:西安交通大学博士研究生 金属材料与热处理

07/1983至03/1986:西安交通大学 硕士研究生 金属材料与热处理













辽宁省政府(镁资源办公室)(2007-2009,2010-2011,2010-1011):“镁合金半固态压铸穿梭式多级感应加热技术及装备开发”、“ 汽车镁合金散热片半固态压铸技术开发”、“ 镁合金-不锈钢和镁合金-铝复合板及其制造工艺”、“ 镁合金多层复合板及其制造技术”



1. 镁合金蜂窝板及其生产工艺,发明专利 ZL 200810011370.X

2. 宽幅挤压装置及挤压工艺,发明专利 ZL 200810228577.2

3. 材料内部组织结构的准三维立体图像构成法,发明专利 ZL200810010827.5

4. 穿梭式镁合金半固态成形装置,实用新型专利ZL 201020142680.8

5. 一种减振隔音复合结构板, 实用新型专利ZL 201020285004.6

6. 镁合金轨道列车车体, 实用新型专利ZL 201020001908.1




论文:共100余篇,其中SCI, EI, ISTP收录和SCI引用80余篇次。近期论文如下:

1 X.L. Ai, G. F. Quan, J. Yang, Z.M. Liu, Effect of Ti addition on the Microstructure and mechanical properties of cast AZ91 Magnesium alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vol189-193 (5):3819-3823

2 X.L. Ai, G. F. Quan, The Recent Research on Properties of Anti-High Temperature Creep of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Magnesium alloys-Design, processing and Properties, , Ed. Frank Czerwinski, INTECH, Croatia Jan. Jan. 2011, pp351-366

3 石琳,权高峰,结构参数对镁铝蜂窝板力学性能的影响 机械工程材料,2011,Vol35(3)

4 G. F. Quan, Evaluation on Vibration Property of Magnesium Honeycomb Panels, Materials Science Forum, 2011, Vol.680-682 (in press)

5 谷秀娥,权高峰,石琳,镁合金蜂窝板隔声性能分析,噪声与振动控制,2011,Vol31(4))

6 王刚,权高峰,镁合金夹层板的制备和力学性能研究,机械工程材料,2011,Vol35(8)

7 孔祥峰,权高峰,杨超凡,挤压比对镁合金宽幅挤压的影响,兵器材料科学与工程,2011,Vol3

8 G. F. Quan, Y.B. Zhang, Z.M. Liu, Sound Insulation Study on Mg sheet and Mg Honeycomb Panels, Materials Science Forum, 2010, Volumes 654 – 656pp743-746

9 张爱民,权高峰,镁合金疲劳性能的研究现状及展望, 机械工程材料,2010年Vol34, 05期,pp1-4

10 G. F. Quan, Dachuan Zhu, Feng Yan, and Zhaoming Liu, The effect of strain rate on the fracture modes of Mg alloys, Advanced Materials & Processing, Vol.165, No.005, 2007

11 G. F. Quan, Twinning and Twinned Bands Turning During Plastic Deformation in Rolled Mg Alloy AZ31, The Mechanical Behavior of Materials X, Key Engineering Materials 2007, Vols. 345-346, pp717-720

12 权高峰,严峰,刘赵铭,镁合金与中国的轨道交通,科学中国人,2007.2,pp81-85

13 G. F. Quan, L. Cai, An in situ study into plastic deformation and damage process of mg- alloy az31 in SEM, Materials Science Forum, 2006 (In Press), & Proc.
THERMEC’2006, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, -Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, July 4-8, 2006, Vancouver BC, Canada,See also: Materials Science Forum,2006

14 G. F. Quan, Mechanical strength assessment of PRMMCs, Proc. ICCE-14 (International Conference on Composite engineering-Composites or Nano Engineering), July 2-8, 2006, Boulder Colorado, USA

15 G. F. Quan, Yield and Plastic Deformation of Mg-Alloy AZ31 at Elevated Temperatures, Materials Science Forum, 2005, Vols. 488-489: 623-628

16 G. F. Quan, J. Heerens, W. Brocks, Distribution characteristics of constituent particles in thick plate of 2024 Al-T351(in English and German), Practical Metallography (Praktische Metallographie), 2004, 24(6): 304-313

17 G. F. Quan, In Situ Observation on Plastic Deformation and Damage Process of Magnesium Alloy AZ31, In: Proc. Thirteenth Int’l Conference on Processing and Fabrication on Advanced Materials (PFAM XIII), Singapore, 6-8 Dec. 2004

18 G. F. Quan, Yield and Plastic Deformation of Mg-Alloy AZ31 at Elevated Temperatures (Invited talk), Int’l. Conference on Magnesium 2004—Science and Application, Sept. 2004, Beijing, China

19 G. F. Quan, J. Heerens, Analysis of Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms in Mg-AZ31 Sheet Material, In: Proc. Int’l Conf. Magnesium 2003-Their Alloys and Applications, Sept 2003, Wolfsburg, Germany: 489-494

20 G. F. Quan, J. Heerens, V. Heitmann, Crack Path and Microstructure In Al-Alloy 2024-T351, In: Proc. 9 Int’l. Congress on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM9), Geneva, Switzerland, May, 2003

21 G. F. Quan, W. Brocks, The Effect of Cold Deformation and Surface Treatment on Fatigue Behaviour of Al2O3-Al6061 Composite Material, In: Proc. 8 Int’l Conference on Shot Peening (ICSP8), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 2002:

22 G. F. Quan, J. Heerens, W. Brocks, Distribution characteristics of constituent particles in thick plate of 2024 Al-T351, In: Proc. 11 Int’l Conference on Metallography, Leoben, Austria, Sept. 2002: 287-293

23 G. F. Quan, W. Brocks, Fatigue Behaviour of Cold Worked Al2O3p/Al6061 with Different Surface Treatment, In: Proc.7th Int’l Fatigue Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2002: V2: 365-372





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