词条 | Wisemen |
释义 | 专辑: Wisemen 歌手: James Blunt 公司: Custard Records 时间: 2006-03-16 地区: 欧美 语种: 英语 曲风: 摇滚 专辑简介: 出生于英国英格兰的James Blunt,自小便受传统家教所束缚。7岁时住校学习,其间他在数学和自然科学两门科目上表现优秀,无怪乎之后他的父亲将其推上从军的道路。然而上学并不是那么糟糕,在学校里James Blunt学会了钢琴演奏,并参与学校活动时的表演。由于父亲的催促,James Blunt加入军队,且于1999年在科索沃为当时的停火执行官。或许是经历的一切让James Blunt深深体会到痛及遍身的战争带给人们的伤害,他毅然用亲身经历战争的感受谱写音乐,通过音乐他向人们诉说和证明战争的不幸。脱离军队后,James Blunt组建了一个乐队录制样带。在2003年SXSW表演之后,Pink、Christina Aguilara等艺人的制作人Linda Perry相中James Blunt的才华,将他和他的乐队收入Custard Records唱片公司旗下。至此,James Blunt开始了他音乐人生的又一旅程。 1 Wisemen James Blunt 2 Out Of My Mind James Blunt 歌词She said to me Go steady on me Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said (when they) Came down from Heaven Smoked nine 'til seven All the shit that they could find (but they) Couldn't escape from you Couldn't be free of you And now they know there's no way out And they're really sorry now for what they've done They were three Wisemen just trying to have some fun Look who's alone now It's not me. It's not me Those three Wisemen They've got a semi by the sea Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Really sorry now They weren't to know They got caught up in your talent show With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress Who just judge each other and try to impress (but they) Couldn't escape from you Couldn't be free of you And now they know there's no way out And they're really sorry now for what they've done They were three Wisemen just trying to have some fun Look who's alone now It's not me. It's not me Those three Wisemen They've got a semi by the sea Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Look who's alone now It's not me. It's not me Those three Wisemen, They've got a semi by the sea Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Got to ask yourself the question Where are you now Wisemen 中文歌词 她对我说:「对我有点信心好吗? 你不打算告诉我智者的至理名言吗? 他们从天堂下凡来到人间 晚上九点到早上七点 烟雾弥漫 他们只会发现一堆狗屁倒灶的事 但是 他们却逃不出你的手掌心 无法挣脱你的束缚 现在 他们知道已经无处可逃 他们对於自己的所作所为 心中充满无限愧疚 他们不过是三个想要找点乐子的智者罢了!」 看 谁落单了呢? 落单的人不是我 不是我 这三个智者 他们在海边有栋房子 你扪心自问 你要落脚何方呢? 非常对不起 他们也摸不著头绪 你的才艺大秀 把他们搞得神魂颠倒 还有那件花俏的洋装上的小坏蛋 他们忙著恶搞痛批 想要讨好你 但是 他们却逃不出你的手掌心 无法挣脱你的束缚 现在 他们知道已经无处可逃 他们对於自己的所作所为 心中充满无限愧疚 他们不过是三个想要找点乐子的智者罢了! 看 谁落单了呢? 落单的人不是我 不是我 这三个智者 他们在海边有栋房子 你扪心自问 你要落脚何方呢? |
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