

词条 秦皇岛新远船舶机械设备有限公司


秦皇岛新远船舶机械设备有限公司坐落于世界第一大煤炭输出港--秦皇岛, 成立于1995年,始终致力于为船舶行业提供系统和专业的一站式服务。2007年公司强势入驻秦皇岛市经济技术开发区,占地面积20亩, 拥有自己的办公大楼及三个总面积达8,000平米的备件仓库,公司现有员工68人, 其中各类高级技术人才15人,是集备件供应、翻新修复、船舶修理、技术支持、造船设备配套及代理(自营)进出口为一体的综合性多元化公司!


秦皇岛新远公司拥有丰富的库存储备,备件及设备范围包括主机、辅机、增压器、分油机、空压机、调速器、水泵、空调、冰机及甲板机械等,机型涵盖日本及欧洲的众多机型。公司多年来与各大造机厂及配套厂保持着密切的合作关系, 从而保证了货源的可靠性、质量的稳定性及价格的合理性;同时储备了大量的二手和翻新设备及备件,能够及时解决老旧船只的运营成本问题。2008年起,我司从拆船厂大批收购了数十台YANMAR DAIHATSU等厂牌不同机型的二手柴油机发电机组,以及MAN B&W, SULZER, MITSUBISHI等主机拆船件,另外还有各种增压器、分油机、空压机、泵辅等船用设备数百台套。迄今为止,公司库存产品种类达上万种,能满足国内外客户的不同需要!


公司拥有一只强大的技术队伍,由资深的船舶专业工程师为客户提供技术支持和售后服务。我们可以在中国的各个港口提供各种修理和航修业务,所有业务将会按质按量的完成(例如:船舶液压系统修理改造,柴油机以及增压器修理改造,以及其他设备安装和备件供应等)。同时凭借多年备件经营的经验及技术资料的储备,还可以为客户提供现场测绘、来样加工等业务, 并专业维修增压器,调速器,液压系统及船舶自动化等。公司始终遵循“诚信、安全、优质、高效”的质量方针,竭诚为您服务。


新远公司下属公司艾迪尔船舶机械工程有限公司引进国际先进的生产设备,按照世界一流的生产工艺组织生产,提供如下各种船舶备件翻新修理服务:1.柴油机铸钢活塞、铝活塞翻新,快速高效修理活塞头环槽;2.气缸盖修理和冷却水腔换新;3. 排气阀杆和阀座翻新,材质可提供STL合金和NIMONIC修理 ; 4.修复柴油机连杆大端轴孔、机座轴承孔、进排气伐杆;5.代理翻新柴油机曲轴、油泵油嘴。6:提供专业的活塞杆翻新和提供瑞士原装的新型填料函的配套,为船东节约系统油,节约备件维护成本,延长设备的使用寿命。同时,我们可为您提供翻新交换服务以节约您的时间及运营成本。




从成立之初,新远公司始终秉承学习其他公司的先进经营思路,及时搜索船舶产品的最新信息,与国际化接轨的发展理念,每一年都会参加行业内享誉盛名的海事盛会,如上海的MARINTEC CHINA、大连的SHIPPORT CHINA、希腊的POSIDONIA、德国汉堡的SMM、挪威奥斯陆的NOR-SHIPPING、俄罗斯圣彼得堡NEVA及越南河内的VIETSHIP等著名国际海事展。积极的参展不仅为我们创造了与客户直面沟通的良好机会,同时也让新远接受着行业市场的检验和监督。


在新远公司内部,我们有着明确的分工与合作,严格的管理体系,严谨的工作态度,高效的业务软件,优秀的员工队伍,庞大的购销网络,强大的技术力量以及和谐的企业文化。集四海资源--为我所用, 博众家之长--谁与争锋! 新远人将一如既往地秉承“诚心诚意的服务态度, 追求卓越的竞争意识, 在规范中走向双赢”的经营理念, 始终贯彻“ 船东事情无小事” 服务精神, 让客户相信:新远是值得信赖和托付的;新远正以他的独特优势创立一种品牌!

Qinhuangdao SINO-OCEAN MAIRNE EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY CO., LTD. is located in QINHUANGDAO city which is the largest coal export port in China. It was founded in 1995, which is always dedicated in providing professional one-stop services for the maritime industries. Sino-Ocean now covers a total area of 20,000 sqm with total 68 working staff. Till today SINO-OCEAN MARINE has grown into a comprehensive enterprise which gathered equipment & spare parts supplying, manufacturing, ship repairing, technical supporting, shipbuilding equipment supplying together. It’s also import and export products on its own or serves as agent.

QINHUANGDAO SINO-OCEAN MARINE has three big warehoused cover a total area of 8,000 square meters which stock more than ten thousand kinds of equipment & parts can meet customers’ need. The products including marine main & auxiliary engine, turbocharger, purifier, air compressor, governor, pump, air conditioner, refrigeration machinery and deck machinery, etc. The engine models cover all famous makers from Japan & Europe. Sino-Ocean Marine is maintaining closely contact with the engine manufacturer and subsidiary factories worldwide. It promises customer a reliable purchasing source with good quality parts at reasonable prices, and also reserves lots of 2nd hand & reconditioned parts in stock, which can reduce operating costs for shipowners. From 2008, SINO-OCEAN MARINE purchased dozens of diesel & generator sets, lots of main engine parts, and hundreds of turbocharger, purifier, air compressor and pump from ship-breaking yards. The engine makers include MAN B&W, SULZER, MITSUBISHI, YANMAR, DAIHATSU, etc.

QINHUANGDAO SINO-OCEAN MARINE has a strong technician team which comprises of senior marine engineers with the reliable ability of technical support and after-sales services. Depending on years experience and reserves of detailed technical data, it also undertakes Repair Site Mapping Work & Sample Processing, etc. Additionally it specializes in repairing Turbocharger, Governor, Hyd. System and Marine automation, etc.

Qinhuangdao Ideal Marine Engineering & Machinery Co., Ltd underlies to Sino-Ocean Marine is equipped with international advanced equipments and provides various recondition services for marine spare parts according to world first-rate manufacturing process. It can offer following services: (1). Reconditioning cast steel & Al. piston, Renovating ring grooves rapidly and high efficiently; (2).Repairing & reconditioning Cylinder covers and exchanging firebox. (3). Reconditioning exhaust valve spindle & seats. The materials include STL alloy & NIMONIC. (4).Reconditioning big-end shaft hole of connecting rod, engine frame, bearing hole. (5).As an agent of recondition for crankshaft, fuel pump & nozzle. (6) Professional piston rod recondition working and genuine stuffing box parts from SWITZERLAND are available. This work not only can extend the engine’s life but also can reducing the equipment maintenance cost.

With a good reputation and extensive market resources, Sino-Ocean Marine has established dependence reputation in marine field at home and abroad, and achieved trust of famous manufacturers. These years, Sino-Ocean Marine has been authorized as license Sales Agent by NPR--JANPAN PISTON RING plant; MT--SWITZERLAND stuffing box plant and HJ--Chongqing Hongjiang Machinery plant.

Till now SINO-OCEAN MAIRNE has always been learning other company’s advanced management ideas and updating maritime news and products. SINO-OCEAN MAIRNE attends all the famous maritime exhibition every year, such as: MARINTEC CHINA in SHANGHAI, SHIPPORT CHINA in DALIAN, POSIDONIA in GREECE, SMM in GERMANY, NOR-SHIPPING in NORWAY, NEVA in RUSSIA, and VIETSHIP in Vietnam etc. Active participation not only can help SINO-OCEAN MARINE to communicate with customers better, but also accept the customer’s inspection and supervision.

If gaining a better insight into our company, you will find out that Sino-Ocean Marine has a clear division & cooperation among departments, a strict management mechanism, precise work attitude, efficient business software, excellent staffs, huge sales network, strong technical strength and also harmonious corporative culture. Believing, Sino-Ocean Marine is reliable and credible. It is establishing own brand by itself with its unique advantages.





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