

词条 钱坤喜



























9.1993年发现血液在一定条件下是良导体,并研制超导电磁人工心脏(磁流体动力泵),国外专家称之为“ 21世纪的人工心脏”。结论达到国际先进水平,《人民日报》2001年1月10日予以报道。

10.1994年在动物试验中达到小公牛存活 62天的记录,1996年应用到临床。



1 )2007-08-15 应用于透平机的永磁悬浮轴承 钱坤喜 江苏大学

2 )2007-08-15 永磁悬浮轴承离心泵 钱坤喜 江苏大学

3 )2003-09-24 无源磁浮实现稳定平衡的方法及用途 钱坤喜 江苏大学

4 )2005-01-05 人造心脏瓣膜泵 钱坤喜 江苏大学

5 )2005-01-05 无源磁浮永久性心室辅助叶轮血泵 钱坤喜 江苏大学

6 )2004-03-03 一种磁力减载高速列车 钱坤喜 江苏大学



1.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y.,Feng,Z.G.,Li,L.“Magnetic spring and magnetic bearing.”IEEE Trans. Magnetics. 391(1):559-561,2003

2.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y.“World-first implantable aortic valvo-pump with sufficient hemo-dynamic capacity.” J Med.Eng.Tech.29(6):302-304, 2005

3.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y.“World-smallest LVAD with 27 g weight, 21 mm OD and 5 l min-1 flow with 50 mmHg pressure increase.”J Med Eng Technol. May-Jun;31(3):181-4. 2007

4.Qian Kunxi, Xu Zihao, Wang Hao, “Relation between Minimal Speed and Rotational Inertia of Stable PM Maglev Bearing Rotator.” The Twelfth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB 12) Wuhan, China, August 22-25, 314-319.2010,

5.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “New concepts and new design of permanent maglev rotary artificial heart blood umps.” J Med. Eng. Physics.28(4): 383-388, 2006


1. Qian,K.X “20 years’ efforts to develop a Chinese artificial heart.” ICMT(International Conference of Medical Technology),Houston, 2002

2. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y.“New concept of impeller pumps with magnetic bearing”. J. Drainage and Irrigation Machinary.20(6):7-9, 2002

3. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Improved design of permanent maglev impeller assist heart.” J.Biomed.Eng(Chendou)., 19(4):593-595,2002

4. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Permanent maglev stability: new concept, new design and new applications. ” J. Jiangsu Uni.,24(1):5-9,2003

5. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y.,Feng,Z.G.,Li,L. “Super-low-noise permanent maglev propeller for ships and boats. ”J Machine Design & Research.19(1):82-84, 2003

6. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y.,Feng,Z.G.,Li,L. “Magnetic spring and magnetic bearing. ”IEEE Trans. Magnetics. 391(1):559-561,2003

7. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “The realization of a small rotor magnet and large air gap motor with sufficient torque and high efficieny.”ESAO,2003

8. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A novel permanent maglev LVAD with simplicity and pulsatility: most problems of blood pumps have been solved.”ESAO,2003

9. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Applications of neutral network for computing pump flow and pressure.”ESAO,2003

10.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A novel permanent magnetic bearing and its anti-wear effect in impeller TAH. ”J. Progress in Natural Science.13(4): 304-306, 2003

11. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A novel permanent maglev impeller TAH: most requirements on blood pumps have been satisfied.” J .Biomaterials Applications. 18(1):53-62,2003

12.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Axial reciprocation of rotating impeller for anti-thrombogenicity along the bearing in centrifugal pump ”Chn .J. General practice Med.Res.No.6.PP.5-6,2003

13.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A novel permanent rotary total artificial heart with permanent maglev impellers.” ASAIO’03,Artificial organs 27(4):300, 2003

14.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Influence of rare-earth PM brush-less motor rotor magnet size and air-gap on the output torque and efficiency. ”J Micro & Special Electrical Machines. 31(3):17-18,2003

15. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A permanent impeller TAH for permanent circulatory support. ”Chn Clinical Medicine Monthly .2(4): 295-297.2003

16. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “A new passive magnetic bearing and its applications in durable impeller TAH.” J. Machine Design and Research. 19(3):46-47,2003

17. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Development of permanent artificial heart. ”J Chn Med 4,2003

18.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Permanent maglev LVAD with simplicity and pulsatility: most problems of blood pumps have been solved. ” International J Artificial Organs. Vol.26(7):582,2003

19.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Applications of neutral network for computing pump flow and pressure. ” International J Artificial Organs. Vol.26(7):586,2003

20. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “The realization of a small rotor magnet and large air gap motor with sufficient torque and high efficiency. ”International J Artificial Organs.Vol.26(7):620, 2003

21.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A new approach for improving anti-thrombogenicity in centrifugal pump.” J Biomed. Engineering(Chendou).20(3):534-536,2003

22.Qian KX et al “Effect of impeller vane number and angles on pump hemolysis.” J Biomed. Eng(Chendou)..20(4):605-7,2003

23. Qian, K.X., et al. “Factors affecting the stability of passive maglev impeller in centrifugal pump.” XXXI. Annual Congress of ESAO, Warsaw, Poland, Sept.8-11, 2004

24. Qian, K.X., et al. “25mm diameter and 40 gram weight implantable aortic valvo-pump with sufficient hemo-dynamic capacity.” XXXI. Annual Congress of ESAO, Warsaw, Poland, Sept.8-11, 2004

25. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “PIV reveals the effect of vane number and angel as well as flow rate on pump hemolysis in centrifugal pump.” 50th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington, DC, June17-19, 2004

26.Qian,K.X.,Wan,F.K.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Eccentric distance and vibration amplitude of permanent maglev impeller in centrifugal pump.” 50th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington, DC, June17-19, 2004

27.Qian,K.X.,Wang,F.Q.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Streamlined design of impeller and its CFD certification in centrifugal pump.” 50th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington, DC, June17-19, 2004

28.Qian,K.X.,Wang,D.F., Topaz,S.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “First prototype development of aortic valvo-pump.” 50th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington, DC, June17-19, 2004

29.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Measurement of eccentric distance and vibration amplitude of permanent maglev impeller of centrifugal pump.” J Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition).25(1): 60-63, 2004

30. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Research and development of a physiologic cardiovascular circulatory model.” J. Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition).26(6):521-524, 2004

31. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Development of 25mm aortic valvo-pump.” J Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition).26(4): 361-363 , 2005

32. Qian,K.X., Wang,D.F., Topaz,S., Zwischenberg,J.B. “Implantable aortic valve annular pump with sufficient hemo-dynamic capacity for total left ventricular support.” 51th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington,DC, June9-11,2005

33.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “ Development of 21mm aortic valvo-pump.” Shanghai J Biomed. Eng.26(3):160-162,2005

34. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “A novel rotary LVAD with passive magnetic bearings.” J Med. Eng. Tech.29(5): 235-237,2005

35.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Position detection of permanent maglev impeller in centrifugal heart pump.” Chn. J Mech. Eng.41(1): 181-183,2005

36. Qian,K.X., Wang,D.F., Topaz,S., Zwischenberg,J.B. “The prototype of trans-ventricular LVAD with rolling bearing and a purge system: Toward durability and erformance.”51th Annual Conference of ASAIO, Washington ,DC, June9-11,2005

37. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Development of permanent maglev motor and its applications in artificial hearts.” J Micro and Special Motors.33(11):9-11,2005

38. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “World-first implantable aortic valvo-pump with sufficient hemo-dynamic capacity. ”J Med.Eng.Tech.29(6):302-304, 2005

39. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Development of a trans-apical and imtra-ventrcular pump.” Chn. J. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 21(5):311, 2005

40. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Present situation and prospects of artificial heart pumps in Jiangsu University.” Chn. J. Medical Instruments.29(4):238-240,2005

41. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “Use of aortic valvo-pumps placed in valve annulus for long-term left ventricular assist.” J.ASAIO. 51(6):736-738, 2005

42.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Prototypes of axially driven permanent maglev centrifugal pump with streamlined impeller.” J. Jiangsu Univ.(Natural Science Edition).26(6):510-513,2005

43. Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “New concepts and new design of permanent maglev rotary artificial heart blood pumps.” J Med. Eng. Physics.28(4): 383-388, 2006

44.Qian, K.X., Wan FK et al:“Study on stability of permanent maglev in artificial heart blood pumps.” J .Med.Eng.Tech. 30(2):78-82,2006

45.Qian,K.X“An implantable aortic valvo-pump for destination therapy.” J of Cardiovascular Engineering: An International J.6(1):40-42,2006

46.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Computerized fluid dynamics verified the advantages of streamlined impeller design in improving the flow patterns and anti-hemolysis properties in centrifugal pumps.”J Med. Eng .Tech.30(6):353-357, Nov.-Dec.,2006

47.Qian, K.X., et al: “Permanent maglev centrifugal pump stabilized by gyro-efect.” J mech. Research and Design.22(4):89-90,2006

48.Qian, K. X., et al: “Back-flow of aortic valvo-pump.”J Jiangsu Univ.(Natural Science Edition).27(5):434-436,2006

49. Qian, K. X, et al: “Original study of a long-term aortic valve pump of 23mm outer diameter, weighing 31g.” Clinical J of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery of china. 13(3):173-175,2006

50.Qian,K.X.: “Aortic valvo-pump and intraventicular axial pump.” International Conference of Regeneration Medicine. Beijing Fu-wei Hospital,Octorber,2006

51. Qian,K.X.: “Gyro-effect makes unstable permanent maglev impeller heart pump stabilized.” International Conference of Regeneration Medicine. Beijing Fu-wei Hospital,Octorber,2006

52. Qian,K.X., et al: “Design concept and experimental results of a permanent maglev rotary LVAD.” Chn. J BME.25(4):510-512,2006

53.Qian,K.X., Zeng,P., Ru,W.M., Yuan,H.Y. “An improved design of axially driven permanent maglev centrifugal pump with streamlined impeller.”J Med. Eng. Tech.. Jay-Jun;31(3):170-4. 2007

54.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “Novel totally implantable trans-ventricular and cross-valvular cannular pump with rolling bearings and purge system for recovery therapy.”J Med Eng Technol. Jan-Feb;31(1):10-3. J Med.Eng.Tech 2007

55.ian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y. “PIV pictures of stream field predict haemolysis index of centrifugal pump with streamlined impeller.”J Med Eng Technol. Jul-Aug;31(4):239-42. J Med.Eng.Tech. 2007 J. Jiangsu Univ.(Natural Sience Edition).

56.Qian,K.X.: “Investigation on applying passive maglev bearings in impeller heart pumps.” The Annual Joint Conference of Chinese BME. Xi-an Jiao-Tong University ,April 2007

57.Qian,K.X.,Zeng,P.,Ru,W.M.,Yuan,H.Y.“World-smallest LVAD with 27 g weight, 21 mm OD and 5 l min-1 flow with 50 mmHg pressure increase.”J Med Eng Technol. May-Jun;31(3):181-4. 2007

58.Qian KX: “Recent achievements in developing mini axial and maglev radial blood pumps.” World Symposium of Chinese Scientists. Bangkok, July, 2007

59.Qian,K.X., et al: “Gyro-effect stabilized unstable permanent maglev centrifugal pump” J Cardiovascular Engineering: An International J. Mar;7(1):39-42.. 2007

60.Qian KX. “Artificial Heart Rejects High Tech? Lessens Learnt from Non-pulsatile VAD with Straight Impeller Vanes.”Open Biomed Eng J. Jul 17;1:35-7. 2007

61.Qian KX. “One thousand dollar assist heart pump for patients from developing countries.”Open Biomed Eng J Jun 28;1:11-2. . 2007

62. Qian KX “A mini axial and a permanent maglev radial heart pump.” Open Biomed Eng J. May 31;1:1-3. 2007

63.Qian KX: “Use of passive magnetic bearings in permanent maglev centrifugal pumps.” Proc. Biomed. Eng. Informatics, Shanghai, 2008

64.Qian KX: “Artificial heart rejects high Tech? Lessens learnt from non-pulsatile VAD with straight impeller vanes,” Proc. Biomed. Eng. Informatics, Shanghai,2008

65.Qian KX: “Novel connecting conduit-free and bypass circuit-less mini LVADs for reducing thrombosis risk”, Proc. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanya, 2008

66.Qian KX:“Regurgitation of a mini axial pump with closed impeller used as a valvo-pump”, Proc. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanya,2008

67.Qian KX: “Gyro-effect and Earnshaw’s Theorem: Stable and unstable equilibrium for rotary and stationary permanent magnetic levitators”, Proc. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanya,2008

68.Qian Kun-xi:“Artificial heart—non-pulsatile ventricular assist device with straight impeller vanes.” Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, June 25, Vol.13, No.26, 2009

69. Qian Kun-xi:“Connecting conduit-free and bypass circuit-less mini LVADs eliminate the most likely sites of thrombosis.” Health, Vol.1, No.1,31-34. 2009

70.Qian kun-xi:“ Study on regurgitation of a bearing-less mini axial aortic valvo-pump with closed impeller.” Health, Vol.1, No.3, 173-175,2009

71.Qian Kunxi, Xu Zihao, Wang Hao, “Relation between Minimal Speed and Rotational Inertia of Stable PM Maglev Bearing Rotator.” The Twelfth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB 12) Wuhan, China, August 22-25, 314-319.2010,

72.Qian KX, Lu MF, Xu ZH, Wang H: “A Novel PM Bearing and Its Application in Permanent Maglev Turbine Machine.” The Twelfth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB 12) Wuhan, China, August 22-25,, 248-253, 2010







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