

词条 陆天桥











Member of Australian Linguistic Society (ALS)

Member of Association of Linguistic Typology (ALT)

Member of Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

Member of Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK)


Classifiers in Kam-Tai Languages: A Cognitive and Cultural Prospect. 2009-2011. Sub-project of Project No. DP0878622. A Discovery Project of Australian Research Council (ARC).



2008:A Grammar of Maonan. Florida (USA): Universal Publishers. 2008.


2009: “ 谈‘了1’ 和‘了2’ 在武鸣壮语的表现形式”。《壮语言文学探索1:纪念壮语言文学学科重要开创者张元生教授》。李锦芳主编。中央民族大学出版社。2009-10-01。

2009: “广西‘军话’及‘军人’考 --- 明代卫所制在广西所凸显的军事地位”。《广西民族研究》(CSSCI 期刊)。2009年第3期。

2007:“毛南语类别名词的语法综述”. 《民族语文》(CSSCI 期刊)2007 年第2 期:17-27.

2006:“‘杨各庄’等地名的地理分布及其音变的历史意义”.《东南文化》(CSSCI 期刊)2006年第5 期:54-58.

2005:“据一日常用词词源重估侗台先民古代分布区域”.《贵州民族研究》(CSSCI 期刊)2005年第3 期:160-165.

2002:“从加分看社会整合”.《中央民族大学周报》(ISSN:CN 11-0811/ (G)) 2002年10 月18 日.

2002:“我国族际关系的润滑剂”.《民族社会学研究通讯》2002年2月15日 第27期:30-32.

1997:Wuming Zhuang tone sandhi: A phonological, syntactic, and lexical investigation. Comparative Kadai: The Tai branch. Jerold A. Edmondson and David B. Solnit (eds.). The Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. 1997. p107-137 (co-author with Snyder, Wil C).

1990:“汉语‘窟窿’和壮语的远古关系”.《中央民族学院学报》(CSSCI 期刊)增刊:《汉语与少数民族语关系研究》. 1990年11 月:137-149.

1989:“汉堡包与逆构词法”.《大学英语》1989 年第2 期.

1989:“汉语的‘是’在壮语中的同源词”.《中央民族学院学报》(CSSCI 期刊)1989年第1期:67-69.

1989:“民间故事的变异机制”.《中央民族学院学报》(CSSCI 期刊)“民族文学增刊”1989 年:78-96.

1988:“壮语元音象义现象试析”. 《民族语文》(CSSCI 期刊)1988年第4 期:48-50.

1987:“英语中的‘象形文字’”.《开拓》1987 年第2 期,中央民族学院研究生双月刊.


2011-The peoples who live by classifying things - the importance and cultural significant of the Kam-Tai classifiers.As the presenter. Seminar in School of Arts and Social Sciences, James Cook University. 13/7/2011.

2011-The Tai-Kadai peoples: their languages, cultures and histories. As one of the presenters. Workshop: Roots of linguistic diversity, Cairns Institute, James Cook University, 9/6/2011.

2010-Tracing the extensive diffusion of a naughty verb. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 03/11/2010.

2010-Possession in Maonan. Possession and Ownership International Workshop. As one of the presenters, co-chairman. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 27/9/2010.

2010-Sketch of expression of perception and cognition in Maonan.As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 18/8/ 2010.

2010-Must Soul be lost when Meat is attained? (The interrelation between culture retaining and economic development in the Maonan area in China). Second prize winner of Bright Ideas Competition. School of Arts and Social Sciences. James Cook University. 22/7/2010.

2010-The focus marker ko3 and emphatic construction in Maonan and Lao. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 28/4/ 2010.

2010-Numbering system in Maonan.As the presenter.Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 22/3/2010.

2010-Introduction to Reduplication in East Asia.As the presenter.Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 15/1/ 2010.

2009-Little Red Cap in South China — the linguistic cause of folktale variation.As one of the presenters.Presented at conference 'Tropics of the Imagination'. School of Arts and Social Sciences. James Cook University. 3/11/2009.

2009-How language influences our thinking. Panel member in Interactive talk-back session 'Language we live by' conducted by the Panel consisting of Prof. Alexandra (Sasha) Aikhenvald (chair), Prof. R. M. W. (Bob) Dixon, Dr. Anne Schwarz, Dr. Tianqiao Lu. James Cook University. 15/11/2009.

2009-Tracing the origin of Army Language in Guangxi.Seminar for 30th Anniversary of <Minzu Yuwen> journal. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of China Social Sciences Academy and Central University of Nationalities. Beijing. 27-29/8/2009.



2006-An Introduction to Maonan Folk Religion. Presented in Baillieu Library of Universityof Melbourne, Australia. 26 /11/2006.

2006-The flirting implications in Maonan welcome songs. Presented in Workshop ‘Linguistics of Song’ in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia, 25/9/2006.

2005:“毛南族的‘亲从幼称’”。小组发言。第38 届国际汉藏语系会议。厦门大学。2005 年10 月28-30 日。

2004-The Myth of protolanguage. Presented at Postgraduate Conference 2004 ‘Interventions, Interactions, Interrelations’, in School of languages of Melbourne University, Australia. 14-15/11/2004.

1986-An introduction to the current policies towards the minority nationalities in China. Colloquium on minority policies in US and China. Kansas, Missouri, USA. 30/12/1986.

1985:新时期的民族语言政策问题. 中央民族大学研究生研讨会. 1985年7月7日.


2003:取得美国德克萨斯大学(圣安东尼校区)双文化-双语研究部 全额博士项目奖学金,为期四年. 由于美国战时签证政策而未能完成项目.

2002:取得美国德克萨斯大学(圣安东尼校区)双文化-双语研究部全额博士项目奖学金,为期四年. 由于美国战时签证政策而未能完成项目.

1986:美利坚合众国密苏里州堪萨斯市荣誉市民. 被授予原因:对美中两国民族政策交流有贡献.

1986:美利坚合众国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市参议院欢迎状. 被授予原因:对两国民族政策交流有贡献.





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