

词条 Welcome To Detroit

Welcome To Detroit,是eminem和TrickTrick合作的一首歌,收录于专辑《S hot theGun s》。


Welcome To Detroit

- TrickTrick ft.Eminem

(eminem talking)

yeah yeah


let's show 'em some love

welcome to detroit

(chorus - eminem)

where's my gangstas and all my thugsthrow them hands up and show some love

and i welcome you to detroit city

i said welcome to detroit city

every place, everywhere we go

man we deep everywhere we roll

ask around and they all know tricky

that's what's good man they all say tricky

(verse 1 - eminem)

click click boom, just as soon as we hit the room

you can hear 'em holla goon squad in this bitch

let me hear you holla goon squad in this bitch

let me hear you holla runyon ave. in this bitch

so who am i gonna call on when i ain't got them boys with me

and the situation gets a little sticky

i'ma dial 911 like a motherfuckin' punk, fuck that, bla bla

i'ma call that rude boy from detroit, trick trick

quick come pick me up, bring them guns

come to the club, meet me out front

there's some chump up in this bitch

poppin' some junk cause he's drunk

and we may have to fuck his ass up

cause uh, somethin' smells a lil' fishy

and i don't like the way his boys keep lookin' at me

so homie come get me, chedda boys what up though i see you

rock bottom, yeah i see you, all my detroit people

where you at man, let me see them hands in the sky

detroit motherfuckers 'till we die

(chorus - eminem)

where's my gangstas and all my thugs

throw them hands up and show some love

and i welcome you to detroit city

i said welcome to detroit city

every place, everywhere we go

man we deep everywhere we roll

ask around and they all know tricky

that's what's good man they all say tricky

(verse 2 - trick trick)

homie it's been a long time comin' and i'm straight with that

marshall call me the fifty ?? and laced the track

this the beat, you hear it bangin', he produced it himself

my bad, almost forgot to introduce myself

my name is trick trick, head of the goon squad

and gangsta been bangin' the underground since '95, we're bangin'

elected to be the villain and certified a menace

holdin' it down since i paroled up outta prison

you heard about me, you just didn't know it was me

all the treacherous, evil deeds of the d you never see

pickin' that kid up in the game, i just wasn't chasin' the fame

i been chasin' the paper product and givin' lames the pain

accusations of violence you know you done heard of that

a quarter of a million dollars for beatin' a murder rap

and my boy holdin' me up, shady done put it out

trick trick and eminem, detroit back in the house

(chorus - eminem)

where's my gangstas and all my thugs

throw them hands up and show some love

and i welcome you to detroit city

i said welcome to detroit city

every place, everywhere we go

man we deep everywhere we roll

ask around and they all know tricky

that's what's good man they all say tricky

(verse 3 - trick trick)

ayo em, you ever need one of these weapons come get it

from now on every beef that you get in, homie i'm in it

i been ridin' for this city, whether wrong or right

i been whippin' on motherfuckers for the longest time

so it's evident, it's time for trick to get it fast

the public, see they appreciate my criminal past

authorities tried to stop me but they couldn't keep up

got a fan-base that's bigger then an average star

i'm satisfied with it bein' my time to shine

and i freak from the precinct for violent crimes

i ain't sayin' the shit that i'm sayin' so girls can fear me

only speakin' on what i know so the world can hear me

so peace to jimmy and dre for signin' my nigga

he reached back to detroit and grabbed a winner

so the gangstas and thugs, we embrace with love

and beat the hell outta anybody that fuck with us

(chorus - eminem)

where's my gangstas and all my thugs

throw them hands up and show some love

and i welcome you to detroit city

i said welcome to detroit city

every place, everywhere we go

man we deep everywhere we roll

ask around and they all know tricky

that's what's good man they all say tricky


yeah, trick trick

eminem, wonder boy, shady

it's goin' down baby

ayo em, i got you back my nigga

damn right i said my nigga

that's my nigga


Get the gun




(埃米那米)一个白小子,原名Marshall Mathers(莫休·马塞斯)正在对世界发动一场战争。他恨那些男孩(偶像)乐队,恨自己的父母,恨所有正人君子(在他眼里,他们全是伪君子),恨批评家们,恨所有的女人。他那张快嘴念叨着世上最可怕的,令人厌恶的、可耻的事情。而他非但脸不红心不跳,反倒扬起他那张娃娃脸,向人展示出一脸的童真。他的歌迷实际上都恨他,他的妈妈在控告他。Eminem是不是疯了?


歌名Welcome To Detroit CityMTV


姓名:Marshall Bruce Mathers III






家庭:Debbie R. Mathers-Briggs(妈妈)

女儿:Hailie Jade,生于1995.12.25

教育:Lincoln High School,Warren,Michigan

刺青图像:左肩膀:念已故Uncle Ronnie(阿姆指出Ronnie是家庭中惟一关心他的人)

手前臂:“D”和“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团


较低的左前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字

腹部:“Rot in Pieces”

右腕关节:“Slit here”


埃米纳姆从小家境贫寒,6岁时父亲便和母亲离婚,他至今不知道父亲是谁,母亲带他奔波于底特律和堪萨斯城,他转过二十多所学校。他从小营养不良,长 得比同龄人瘦小,常常成同学欺负、凌辱对象,所以在他幼小心灵里看到这个世界就是角斗。埃米纳姆开始喜欢说唱乐,他喜欢2 Live Crew和N.W.A.这两支爱惹事生非的说唱乐组合。据美国有关部门作的调查统计,90%左右的说唱乐歌曲都含有性、角斗等不良内容,埃米纳姆就是在这 类说唱乐熏陶下畸形成长。他最好的朋友都是黑人,是黑人音乐给了他信心和出路,但这个恨透了白人的明星仍是不停地把“黑鬼”一词挂在嘴边,在他新专辑中 “黑鬼”一词就出现过24次。他歌中的角斗足以让每个人震惊,但他对别人横竖看不过:“《拯救大兵瑞恩》可能是我看到的最病态、最恶心的电影,我没有看到 一个人去批评其中的角斗。”没受过多少教育的他在很多方面不辨是非。他口无遮拦,言辞刻薄,连英国首相布莱尔也逃不过他的羞辱。

“我 的母亲就没给我留下什么好印象。”埃米纳姆说。神经质、絮絮叨叨、爱钱如命、嗜毒成瘾,这是埃米纳姆眼中的母亲。《杀死你》这首歌就是写他母亲的:“当我 还是小孩子/我妈妈就常常告诉我些疯狂的事/他常常讲我爸爸是个恶魔/我大了一点才认识到她是个疯狂的人……”在这首歌中,埃米纳姆恨不得把他母亲一口吃 掉。当他长大,认识他现在的妻子金·斯科特,这个女人也不个省油的灯,从他们认识那天起,他们的世界就没太平过,有人这样形容他们:“痛苦、神秘和戏剧性 --这就像他们爱恨交织一样激发了这个艺术家的灵感。”他在《金》这首歌中幻想杀死妻子的全部过程,歌曲整个过程伴随斯科特的惨叫,恐怖残忍至极。没有母 爱、甚至没有妻子的爱,使他产生痛恨妇女的心理,在他的词典里,“婊子”就是妇女惟一代名词,让他认可的女人只有加拿大歌星阿兰尼斯-莫里塞特。


“它 (指专辑)意味着勇敢、亵渎、震撼,如果我们不是非常严肃看待的话实际上是很娱乐的。”(《亚利桑那共和报》);“很少能把犯罪并快乐着做得如此之妙…… 这个男人英勇无畏。”(CDNow.com);“一张真实的杰作,他可能是整个说唱乐界最伟大的说书人。”(VH1.com);“主流唱片界从未发行过的 最令人反感的专辑,但这并未使它成为一张坏唱片。”(《华盛顿邮报》);“21世纪第一张最伟大的流行音乐唱片。”但是出于道德上的责任,作者只给打了一 个D+。(《娱乐周刊》);“新专辑绝对令人恶心,但我认为这是最好的感觉。”(《伦敦每日电讯》);“极端搞笑。”(《泰晤士报》);美国极有声望的乐 评人罗伯特-希尔本干脆把他与埃尔维斯-普雷斯利相提并论;MTV电视台常常宣称与角斗绝缘,却为埃米纳姆做了4个专题节目,有人戏称MTV为EmTV。


阿姆本名Marshall Bruce Mathers III,于1973年10月17日在底特律出生。舅舅Ronnie启发了小阿姆对饶舌乐的兴趣,而漂泊的童年阴影是阿姆看什么都不爽的主因,饶舌成为他唯 一发泄的管道。不过,一个白人饶舌歌手要在黑人当道的饶舌音乐市场出头,阿姆的饶舌生涯并不轻松可想而知。阿姆马不停蹄地转战江湖,从现在已停业的 Rhythm Kitchen、The Shelter到Maurice Malone的Hip-Hop Shop。在干掉每个向他挑战的人之后,阿姆终于登上饶舌联盟的饶舌奥林匹克竞赛。

1995年初期,仍在底特律汉堡店工作的阿姆把他的所 得税回扣用来压制12寸的单曲Backstabbers,然后和Mark、Jeff Bass (The Bass Brothers)搭挡推出个人的首张专辑Infinite。几个月后阿姆在浴室中创造了他的化身:Slim Shady(超级大痞子)。阿姆在97年秋天推出了单曲Slim Shady EP,98年获得权威杂志Source颁发Unsigned Hype的肯定,而阿姆的黄金时刻当属在Sway and Tech的Wake Up Show中令人难忘的精彩演出。知道洛杉矶每个人都转到这个电台,阿姆更是毫不客气地火力全开,展现火烫麻辣的个人秀,让正在聆听的德瑞博士马上询问: “这个浑蛋白小子是谁?”

历经了军人般的地下饶舌界转战,阿姆最后选择待在德瑞博士的Aftermath厂牌,并发行了The Slim Shady LP(微晕)。这张专辑一推出后立即空降Billboard流行专辑榜亚军,全美销售也破350万。接着更在2000年葛莱美奖上风光囊括“最佳饶舌歌 手”、“最佳饶舌专辑”2项饶舌大奖、被SPIN、Vibe等杂志赞为“不凡的饶舌歌手”。此时,阿姆的嘻哈饶舌痞子形象也藉此横扫全球。但接下来在德瑞 博士的“The Chronic 2001”、声名狼藉先生的“Born Again”、Sway & Tech的“This Or That”等跨刀作品却不见阿姆再次搞笑,他的愤怒也随着第二张众所期待的新专辑逐渐浮出枱面。

“我想我终于开始成长了,尤其在上张专辑 推出后,我想让人们知道我在搞笑同时也会干谯。但这张专辑中我想变得严肃点,给人一箭穿心的干谯,认真地看待我的不爽,而不是"他又开始无厘头地耍嘴皮子 了",是一张"我要开始正经了"的专辑。”Eminem的第2张大碟The Marshall Mathers LP再现个人说唱本事,先在英国金榜空降专辑榜亚军及舞曲榜冠军,接着在Billboard流行专辑榜上也挤下小甜甜布兰妮的冠军宝座并蝉联双周冠军。此 时的阿姆不只是一个白人饶舌乐手,也是一个现象:尽管围绕在他身旁的风波不断、新闻不断,新辑依旧在英美卖得吓吓叫!

当今Eminem最 为人乐道也批判的莫过于他Rap间充满讥讽娱乐圈名人(当红偶像布兰妮、克莉丝汀、超级男孩、新好男孩和风波不断的珍妮佛洛佩兹与吹牛老爹情侣档都被点 名)、鼓吹角斗仇恨、挑衅恋族群甚至骂尽所有人(包括自己、老婆、妈妈和上帝)的词句,有人对他恨得牙痒痒、有人则对他的大放厥词直呼过瘾。

但 无论你是“反阿姆主义”与否,连续两届(2000年、2001年)获得葛莱美奖荣耀的Eminem,其角斗讥讽歌词底下的音乐性却也不容抹灭。正如同美国 唱片学院主席Michael Greene在第43届葛莱美颁奖典礼上所言,音乐反映了当代的文化,也打破一般人墨守成规的观点,提供另一种探究社会黑暗面的方法。早年,猫王、滚石合 唱团、披头四的音乐也被父母当成洪流猛兽,我们不能因为某种音乐类型让人不舒服就全盘抹灭它的价值。





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