

词条 彭司华


工学博士,2004年毕业于浙江大学信息学院,获博士学位并留校任教,现为浙江大学医学院基础医学系教师。2011年7月-至今在斯坦福大学医学院外科系担任访问副教授(Visiting associate professor)。主要从事生物信息学,癌症计算系统生物学,循证医学,医学遗传学的研究工作。担任SCI期刊《Neural Regeneration Research》执行编委。先后担任重要国际期刊《FEBS Letters》,《Bioinformatics》,《IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics》,《 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition》的审稿人, 多次担任有关国际会议的审稿专家,包括IEEE Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL'04);2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, IEEE computer society;2009 World Congress on Software Engineering, IEEE computer society;2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM2010)。此外被中国科学院《遗传》杂志聘为审稿专家。自2003年以来发表计算生物学,生物信息学,询证医学论文10余篇(其中SCI期刊论文11篇),被国际著名期刊正面它引175次(其中作为第一作者发表的SCI论文单篇最高它引76次)。


负责浙江省自然科学基金项目:肥胖相关基因网络的构建及易感基因的筛查(主持),编号Y2090081,2010.1-2011.12。作为学术骨干参加了国家863计划项目(No. 2002AA234011):“生物信息加工和利用”的第一子课题:基因组信息注释系统的标准建立和软件开发。作为主要参与者之一参与了国家自然科学杰出青年基金项目(项目编号: 30625007),负责鱼类(南极鱼,斑马鱼,文昌鱼)的microRNA靶基因预测及相应调控网络的构建。作为主要参加者之一参与了国家科技部“十一五”支撑计划项目:代谢综合征早期识别与干预技术研究(项目编号:2009BA180B00),并在其中承担代谢综合征全基因组关联研究的实验设计,数据统计分析及生物信息学平台的构建任务。



(1) Li Xb,Peng SH, Chen J, Lü BJ, Zhang HH, Lai MD. SVM-T-RFE: A novel gene selection algorithm for identifying metastasis-related genes in colorectal cancer using gene expression profiles. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Jan 28. (SCI影响因子:2.6)

(2) Ling XB, Lau1 K, Kanegaye JT, Pan Z, Peng SH, Ji J, Liu JJ, Sato Y, Yu TT, Whitin JC, Schilling J, Burns JC, Cohen HJ. A diagnostic algorithm combining clinical and molecular data distinguishes Kawasaki disease from other febrile illnesses, BMC Medicine2011, 9:130. (6 Dec. 2011) (SCI影响因子:5.8)

(3) Peng SH, Zhu YM, Xu FY, Ren XB, Li XB, and Lai MD. FTO gene polymorphisms and obesity risk: a meta-analysis. BMC Medicine2011, 9:71. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-9-71. (SCI影响因子:5.8)

(4) Peng SH, Lü BJ, Ruan WJ, Zhu YM, Sheng HQ, and Lai MD. Genetic polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: evidence from meta-analyses, pooled analyses, and genome-wide association studies. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2011, 127(2):309-324. (SCI影响因子:4.9)

(5) Li XB, Chen J, Lu BJ, Peng SH, Desper R, Lai MD. -8p12-23 and +20q are predictors of subtypes and metastatic pathways in colorectal cancer: construction of tree models using comparative genomic hybridization data. OMICS2011, 15(1-2):37-47. (SCI影响因子:1.9)

(6) Peng SH, Zeng XM, Li XB, Peng XN, Chen LB. Multi-class cancer classification through gene expression profiles: microRNA versus mRNA. Journal of Genetics and Genomics2009; 36: 409-416. (SCI影响因子:1.5)

(7) Peng XN, Zeng XM, Peng SH, Deng DF, Jian Zhang. A Meta-analysis of the Association between Male Subfertility and the Risk of Testicular Cancer. PLoS ONE2009; 4(5): e5591. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005591. (SCI影响因子:4.3).

(8) Dai Z, Chen Z, Ye H, Zhou L, Cao L, Wang Y, Peng SH, Chen L. Characterization of microRNAs in cephalochordates reveals a correlation between microRNA repertoire homology and morphological similarity in chordate evolution. Evol Dev2009; 11: 41-9. (SCI影响因子:3.7).

(9) Dong HT, Deng Y, Peng SH, et Al. An exploration of 3′-end processing signals and their tissue distribution in Oryza sativa. Gene2007; 389: 107-113. (SCI影响因子:2.9)

(10) Liu JJ, Cutler G, Li W, Pan Z, Peng SH, Hoey T, Chen L, Ling XB. Multiclass cancer classification and biomarker discovery using GA-based algorithms. Bioinformatics2005; 21: 2691-7. (SCI影响因子:5.0)

(11) Peng SH, Xu QH, Ling XF B, Xiaoning Peng, Du W, Chen LB. Molecular classification of cancer types from microarray data using the combination of Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines. FEBS Letters2003; 555: 358-362. (SCI影响因子:3.3)

(11) Peng SH, Fan LJ, Peng XN, Zhuang SL, Du W, Chen LB. Splicing-site recognition of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) by support vector machines. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science)2003; 4: 573-577.


(1) Peng SH, Liu XP, Yu JY, Wan ZZ, Peng XN, "A New Implementation of Recursive Feature Elimination Algorithm for Gene Selection from Microarray Data," CSIE 2009, vol. 3, pp.665-669, WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering. (EI Compendex)

(2) Peng SH, Liu XP, Yu JY, et al. A Gene Selection Software Package for Cancer Classification. 2009 World Congress on Software Engineering, IEEE computer society. Xiamen, China. 19-21 May 2009; Vol 2: 104-108. (EI Compendex)













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