词条 | 赔了夫人又折兵 |
释义 | 典 故 东汉末年孙权想取回荆州,周瑜献计“假招亲扣人质”。诸葛亮识破,安排赵云陪伴前往,先拜会周瑜的岳父乔玄,乔玄说动吴国太在甘露寺见面,吴国太真的将孙尚香嫁给刘备。孙权与周瑜被人嘲笑“周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵”。 成语资料名称赔了夫人又折兵 拼音péi le fū rén yòu shé bīng 解释赔:蚀本;折:亏损。比喻想占便宜,反而受到双重损失。 用法复句式;作谓语、补语;含贬义; 指损兵折将。 近义词损兵折将 反义词大获全胜、毫发未损 歇后语孙权嫁妹——赔了夫人又折兵 灯谜周郎妙计安天下——赔了夫人又折兵 成语出处元代元·无名氏《隔江斗智》第二折:“周瑜周瑜,休夸妙计高天下,只教你赔了夫人又折兵。” 明代明·罗贯中《三国演义》第五十五回:“周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵。” 成语典故中文(出自《三国演义》,并非正史) 东汉末年孙权想取回荆州,周瑜献计“假招亲扣人质”。诸葛亮识破,安排赵云陪伴前往,先拜会周瑜的岳父乔玄,乔玄说动吴国太在甘露寺见面,吴国天真的将孙尚香嫁给刘备。孙权与周瑜被人嘲笑“周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵”。 三国时,荆州地处西川与东吴之间,是重要的兵家必争之地。当初,刘备窘迫时,向东吴“借”荆州以栖身,休养势力。后稍有恢复,东吴便再三索要荆州,刘备当然不会把自己的惟一立足之地放弃掉,也便以各种理由再三推拖。东吴的大都督周瑜十分气恼,便想用计取回荆州。 一天,听得刘备夫人新丧,周瑜顿时心生一计,对东吴大将鲁肃说:“我有计策了!必使刘备老老实实地把荆州交回来!” 鲁肃问:“什么计?” “刘备丧妻,必将续娶。我知主公有一妹妹,刚武英豪。可假意以招婿为名,赚刘备来东吴成婚。一旦他来,则囚入牢室。再派人去讨荆州以换刘备。他们必然交还荆州。之后,放与不放、杀与不杀,不全凭我们随便处置了吗?!” 鲁肃觉得这个计策甚好,表示赞同,便对东吴之主孙权说了此计,孙权也同意。于是派大臣吕范到荆州去做媒,说:“近日刘备夫人病逝。我有一妹,想招刘备为婿。永结姻缘,同心破曹,以扶汉室。这做媒的事,我看你去说最好。请你走一趟吧!” 吕范领命,以媒人身份来到荆州。 再说刘备,中年丧妻,他很烦恼悲哀。这天正和诸葛孔明闲谈解闷,忽报东吴派吕范来了。孔明笑道:“一定是周瑜为要荆州,又有什么计谋了。我在帐后躲起来,无论吕范说什么,您都答应下来。然后我们再商量对策。” 刘备于是接见吕范。 吕范先对刘备表示慰问,然后就讲清来意:“人若无妻,就像房屋没了梁一样。所以我不避嫌疑,特来做媒。”接着就把东吴要招刘备为婿的事及此事对刘、孙两家政治军事上的意义都认真诚挚地说出来。最后道:“因为吴太夫人特别疼爱这个最小的女儿,不愿意远嫁,所以请皇叔去东吴举行婚礼。” “这事,你们主公知道吗?”刘备问。 吕范笑道:“这种事,不先征得吴侯同意,怎敢随便来说呢?” 刘备以年龄相差太大等理由婉拒。但吕范是个非常称职又热心撮合的媒人,一再劝说。最后刘备没理由推辞了,就说:“请您先住下来,我明天告诉您最后的决定。” 到晚上,刘备与孔明细商此事。孔明十分高兴,劝刘备答应这门亲事,并马上要派孙乾和吕范回见孙权,商定娶亲事宜,择日就婚东吴。 刘备绝非平庸之辈,因此,不解地望着孔明道:“这肯定是周瑜的计谋,我怎么能草率地身入虎穴呢?!” 孔明笑道:“周瑜虽能用计,但怎能出乎我所料?!主公放心,我略施小计,保管使周瑜一筹莫展、孙权之妹成为主公之妻,而荆州又万无一失!” 刘备虽相信孔明的神机妙算,但对只身入虎穴的危险仍存疑俱,很是犹豫。孔明道:“我已定下三条妙计,再让赵子龙保主公过江,绝不会有差错的!”随即把赵云找来,安排了任务,又交给他三个锦囊:“你保主公入吴,可依次按这三个锦囊内之计行事。” 于是,在建安十四年冬十月(公元209年),刘备由赵云、孙乾陪同,进入吴国境地。刚到吴境的第一个城市南徐,赵云就按孔明吩咐打开了第一个锦囊。看罢,就命令随行的五百名士兵,一个个披红挂绿到市上购买各种婚礼所需要的物件,同时大肆宣扬刘皇叔要与孙公主即将成亲的消息。东吴士官百姓闻听,更代为传播,立时,这喜庆消息就传向吴国所属各地。赵云又代刘备准备了丰厚礼品,教刘备主动拜访乔国老。 乔国老在吴国是举足轻重的人物。他的两个女儿,一个嫁给孙权的哥哥孙策,一个嫁给了周瑜;两个女婿,一个是吴国开国之主,一个是正掌大权的都督,由此可知乔国老的“一斑”了! 刘备登门拜访,使乔国老大为开心,却又为如此大事自己这个“国老”却没有被告知而大为恼火。送走刘备后,便从南徐州赶到都城去见孙权的母亲吴国太。一进门就气哼哼地冲吴国太道喜。 国太一怔:“有什么喜事呀?” 国老道:“国内都已传遍,您的贵婿也到我门上来过了,为什么还要瞒我?!” 国太大惊:“竟有此事?!”忙派人把孙权叫来质问,并派人到城中探听。 派到城中探听的人先回来了,报告:“确有此事。女婿已在驿馆安歇,五百随行军士正在城中购买猪羊果品,准备成亲。做媒的女家是吕范,男方是孙乾。” 国太一听,顿足捶胸大哭。此时,孙权进见母亲。国太怒气冲冲责问:“你心里还有我吗?!女儿是我生我养,你招刘备为婿,这么大的事为什么瞒着我?!” 孙权吓了一跳,没想到母亲已知此事。不得已,才向国太说出真情:不过是条计策,只为了把刘备骗到东吴,好以此要挟、讨还荆州。并不是真要把妹妹嫁给刘备。 国太一听更火了,大骂周瑜道:“你这个堂堂六郡八十一州大都督,怎么这样没出息?!没本事取荆州,却用我女儿为名,使美人计!杀了刘备,我女儿就是望门寡,以后还怎么再嫁人?!”接着又怒斥孙权:“你们这帮没本事的家伙,做的好事!” 孙权平日孝敬母亲,此刻只能默默无声。 乔国老也不大平:“就算用这条计取了荆州,也会被天下人耻笑。这怎么行?!” 孙权羞惭不已。 乔国老又说下去:“事已至此,也只能招刘备为婿了,免得出丑。” 孙权忙反对:“两个年龄恐怕不相当吧!” 乔国老已对刘备有好感,就争辩:“刘备是大汉皇叔,当今英雄,有何不可?” 国太道:“明天我先见见刘备。他若不中我意,此事听你们去做。若中我的意,就把女儿真嫁给他!” 孙权无奈,只得答应。但预先在会见地点埋伏下刀斧手,一旦国太不满意刘备,马上拿下他。 不料,第二天在甘露寺,吴国太一见相貌堂堂、打扮齐整的刘备就喜欢得很,对乔国老赞叹:“这真是配做我女婿的人!” 乔国老在其间更大赞刘备人品才能。于是国太一锤定音:择日定亲。 孙权悻悻地,只有听任国太。 刘备回馆驿后,孙乾又要他马上再见乔国老:请求早日完婚——因为东吴多有欲害刘备的人。 乔国老又面吴国太,国太十分气愤:“我的女婿,谁敢杀害?!”便命刘备搬入宫中,住在自己身边,并同意赵云所率五百士兵也陪住进来。 紧接着,国太就为刘备与自己的女儿举行了盛大的婚礼。 周瑜闻听此事,懊恼不已。他又心生一计,要孙权软禁刘备于宫中,提供锦衣美食、音乐歌女,企图软化刘备志向,让他贪恋享乐,不思回荆州。然后,再伺机挑拨他与关张二人的关系,疏远他与诸葛亮的情感。最后,再用计夺回荆州。总之,绝不可让刘备再跑回去! 于是孙权依计而行:修建豪华宫室与刘备夫妇居住;花木玩物,无所不尽其美艳珍奇;歌女乐师,昌均是色艺绝佳的人选;至于金玉锦绣、车马服饰,更是应有尽有、极尽丰厚。 刘备于长年战场奔劳间,猛入温柔富贵之境,果然乐而忘返,沉迷酒色之中。 赵云见状,甚忧虑。按孔明所说,于年终又拆开第二个锦囊。他看过之后,急匆匆来到正听看歌舞的刘行面前:“今早接孔明来报,曹操起精兵五十万,杀奔荆州而来!军情十分紧急,请主公马上回荆州!” 刘备虽恋享乐,但还不沉迷。一听荆州危险,也吃惊。但又舍不得离开孙夫人。 赵云于是有意地几次三番催促刘备。 刘备更加为难,常面容悲戚。 孙夫人已探知内情,便果断地说:“大丈夫立世,不可只顾儿女私情,妾已是夫君的人,你无论到何处,我都跟你去!” 刘备很高兴,夫妻二人于是商定:以到江边祭祖为名,离开吴境,潜回荆州。 到了元旦,夫妻二人给国太拜年。之后,孙夫人代刘备说:“祖宗父母之坟在涿郡,想到江边,望北遥祭,以表人子之情。” “这是孝道。当然可以!”国太以爱戴的眼光望着刘备,立刻答应。 于是,当天下午,刘备、孙夫人及赵云所带五百士兵,瞒着孙权,悄悄向长江岸边进发。 第二天,孙权得知刘备走脱,忙派将领率兵去追。周瑜惟恐刘备逃跑,也一直派兵在必经之路防守。结果,刘备前后受敌,被追兵团团围住,情势万分危险。 赵云忙按孔明所嘱,“在危急时刻翻看第三个锦囊”。看过后,把孔明的计策告与刘备。刘备急忙赶到孙夫人车前,流泪道:“备有几句心腹话,要告诉夫人。”接着,便把与孙夫人结婚的前后经历及周瑜、孙权以她为钓饵要谋杀刘备的全部阴谋告诉了妻子。之后,又十分真诚地表现出对夫人的爱恋之情。最后表示:若夫人不能帮自己脱离危险,则宁愿自杀在夫人面前。 孙夫人一听事情全部经过,大怒。由于夫妻情感很深,当然不会让刘备有丝毫危险,就把孙权、周瑜派来的人大骂一顿,连带着也痛骂了自己的哥哥和“不可一世”的东吴大都督。然后她立目扬眉,喝令这些人让路!否则杀无赦!! 这些人见公主发怒,哪敢下手?觉得人家毕竟是王族亲贵,自己只是下人、走卒,何必掺入主子家事之间受窝囊气?又见赵云横枪立马,怒气冲天地准备厮杀。自知费力不讨好,甚至被赵云杀伤丢命,最终还会让主子谴责,就让开一条路,放刘备走了。 刘备死中逃生,打马赶路,来到长江边上。后面追杀兵又起:吴军将领新接孙权之令——宁可杀死亲妹妹,也不可让刘备逃走!正惊慌失措,江岸芦苇丛中,摇出二十多只船来。原来竟是诸葛亮专候在此,接刘备回荆州的! 刘备大喜,上船与孔明相庆。 这时,上游又铺天盖地地冲来无数战船。中间帅字旗下,周瑜亲统水军截杀而来。 刘备在孔明指引下,弃船上岸,乘马疾行。 周瑜只好也弃船上岸。但水军少马,只好带少数兵力追杀刘备。不料,追至半途,一彪人马横向杀出,大将关羽,威风凛凛拦在面前。 周瑜胆战心惊,慌忙败退。吴兵死伤无数。 周瑜逃得性命,回到船上。还没喘息平静,就听岸上刘备士兵大声喊:“周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵!”这讥刺的叫喊刺耳地在周瑜周围长久不停歇。 周瑜恼羞成怒,大叫一声,一口鲜血喷了出来,立时昏倒在地。 于是,周瑜为刘备娶亲,偷鸡不成丢把米,就成了流传至今的讽刺故事了。 英文(From "San Guo",is not official history) the Eastern Han Dynasty Zhou Yu would like to get back Jingzhou,Zhou Yu offered advice,"fake warrior buckle hostage." Zhuge Liang see through,the arrangements go accompanied Zhao Yun,Zhou Yu's father first met Joe Yuen Joe Yuen said that Wu is too fixed in Kanroji meeting,Wu too do the Sun Shangxiang marry Liu Bei. Sun Quan and Zhou Yu to be laughed at,"Shuro coup tranquility,throw good money off soldiers." Three Kingdoms,Wu and Jingzhou is located between Nishikawa is an important contested. At first,Liu Bei distress,to the Soochow "borrowing" Jingzhou to shelter,rest force. After a slight recovery,Soochow would repeatedly ask for Jingzhou,Liu Bei,of course not only based on his own land to give up,they will be evading over and over again for various reasons. Soochow's viceroy,Zhou Yu is very angry and tried to recover with a total Jingzhou. One day,a new funeral heard Ms. Liu Bei,Zhou Yu immediately Heart of a meter,on the Eastern Wu general Lu Su said: "I have a plan it! Will make the Jingzhou Liu Bei honestly pay back!" Lu Su asked: "What program? "" Liu Bei widowed,will continue to marry. My lord,I know a sister just Wuying Hao. can pretend to take up the name of husband,making Liu Bei to Soochow marriage. Once he came,the prisoners into the jail room. and then sent to Discussion Jingzhou in exchange for Liu Bei. they must return Jingzhou. After the release with the link,to kill and not kill,do not rely entirely on the casual disposal of it?! "Lu Su find this plan very well,agreed,it would be Lord of Soochow Sun Quan said that this design,Sun Quan agreed. Minister Lü Fan was sent to Jingzhou to matchmaker,said: "Recently,Ms. Liu Bei's death. I have a sister,would like to move Liu Bei for the husband. Forever marriage,concentric broken Cao,to help Han Dynasty. This matchmaking thing,I see you go said the best. Please come out to it! "Lü Fan kicked off to a matchmaker as to Jingzhou. Besides Liu Bei,middle-aged widowed,he was troubled sad. This chat depression Tianzheng and Zhuge Kong Ming,Hu Bao sent Lü Fan Soochow come. Ming smiles: "It must be Zhou Yu is to Jingzhou,what is the trick. I went into hiding after the account,regardless of Lü Fan say,you are promised down. And then we'll talk about strategies." Liu Bei was met Lü Fan. Lü Fan Liu Bei first,condolences,and then clarify the purpose in coming: "If no wife,just as housing did not,like the beam. So I do not Bixian Yi,Special to matchmaking." Soochow then took the husband to move things and Liu Bei matter Liu,Sun political and military significance of the two are seriously sincerely say so. Finally: "The special love for Ms. Wu Tai youngest daughter,reluctant to marrying,so please Huangshu to Soochow wedding." "This thing,you know,my lord?" Asked Liu Bei. Lü Fan smiles: "This kind of thing,not first seek the Wu Hou agreed to let it casually now?" Liu Bei to the grounds of age,declined to make that much difference. But Lü Fan was a very competent and enthusiasm for helping bring together the matchmaker,again and again to persuade. Liu Bei had no reason to put off final,said: "Please stay,I'll tell you the final decision." Evening,details of Liu Bei and Kong business matter. Ming is very pleased to persuade Liu Bei agreed to this marriage,and immediately to send Sun back to see Sun Quan dry and Lü Fan,agreed marry,will fix a day for the marriage Soochow. Liu Bei not mediocrity,so the wise man looked puzzled: "This is definitely Zhou Yu's scheme,how can I rashly ventured into the body it?!" Ming smiled: "Although Zhou Yu can use dollars,but how able than I expected?! My lord assured that trick where I design,so keep Zhou Yu can do nothing,my lord Sun Quan's sister,a wife,and Jingzhou it foolproof! "Although I believe Ming Liu Bei Miao Suan God machine,but assumed the tiger's den The danger is still doubt all,it is hesitant. Ming: "I have set three good ideas,let Zhao Zilong Paul for His Excellency the river,there will be no errors!" Zhao Yun got immediately to arrange for the task,but also gave him three tips: "Do you Paul My lord into the Wu can be followed according to the plan within three tips to act. "Thus,the winter in October Kin 14 (AD 209),Liu Bei by the Zhao Yun,Sun dried accompanied into the state of Wu. Wu arrived in the territory of the first city south Xu,Ming Zhao Yun told the press to open the first kit. Finished reading,the order accompanied by 500 soldiers,one by one to Shangwang Phi Hung Gualv need to purchase a variety of wedding items,while vigorously promoting Liu Huang Shu Sun Princess to be married with the news. Dong Wu Shiguan people Getting more took the spread,immediately,this happy news to pass around to the Wu-owned. Zhao Yun has prepared a generous gift on behalf of Liu Bei,Liu Bei take the initiative to teach the country to visit old Joe. Joe with the old Wu is a pivotal figure in the. His two daughters,one married brother Sun Ce Sun Quan,one married to Zhou Yu; two son,one of the main founders of Wu,one is to power the military governor,Joe can be seen the old country "reflected" the ! Bei visits to national boss was happy to Joe,but as the event itself so the "old country" has not been informed and enraged. Liu Bei sent away after the way from the South rushed to the capital to see Xuzhou,Wu Sun Quan's mother too. A red door on the air hum to Wu Tai congratulate smb. On a happy occasion. States too Yizheng: "What wedding ah?" Seasoned country: "China have spread,you have your husband come over to my door,why deceive me?!" Country too was shocked: "Surprisingly,this things?! "Sun Quan called busy sent for questioning,and sent to the town snooping. Assigned to the city first tried to get people back,the report: "This is correct. Son resting in Posthouse,500 swine and sheep in the accompanying non-commissioned officer is in town to buy fruit,ready to get married. Matchmaking female home is Lü Fan,the man is the Sun dried. "too one country,stamp lamentation. At this time,Sun Quan Jin Jian mother. China was too angry asked: "your mind still me?! Daughter I was born and I support,and you move Liu Bei for the husband,such a thing Why not keep?!" Sun Quan was shocked,did not think the mother is known matter. Last resort,only tell the truth to the country too: But he is a trick,just to put Liu Bei deceive Soochow,well this blackmail,get back in Jingzhou. Sister married to Liu Bei is not really necessary. States too a more angry,cursed Zhou Yu: "You This dignified Counties 81 states,the military governor,how this good for nothing?! No ability to take Jingzhou,however,is the name of my daughter,so honey trap! Kill Liu Bei I hope the door is the widowed daughter,who later also how remarry?! "followed Sun Quan angrily:" you guys can not hack the guy and do good! "Sun Quan weekdays honor mother,now only silence. Joe is not the old country Ohira: "Even with this taken into account Jingzhou,will be the world ridiculed. How this line?!" Sun Quan endless shame. Joe go on the old Chinese saying: "things have now,can only recruit for the husband of Liu Bei,so a fool of myself." Busy against Sun Quan: "I am afraid that is not quite right two age!" Old Joe countries have a favorable impression on Liu Bei,to argue : "Liu Bei is the Han Huang Shu,today's hero,why not?" state too: "The Tomorrow I first meet Liu Bei. if he will not in my liking,you do hear the matter. If in my views,put daughter really marry him! "Sun Quan helpless,had to agree. But the ambush site in advance of the meeting under the Dao Fushou,once the country too are not satisfied with Liu Bei,he immediately won. Unexpectedly,the next day Kanroji,Wu saw Xiangmaotangtang too,dressed very neat Liu Bei likes of Joe with the old praise: "This is really qualified to be my son-who!" Joe with the old Liu Bei in the meantime more praise character can be. So the country is too final word: Optional Day engagement. Sun Quan moodily,and only allow the country too. Inn back after Liu Bei,Sun dried again he immediately Goodbye Joe with the old: an early request to marry - because there is Yu Hai Liu Bei Soochow more people. Joe Chen country too old and face,the country is very angry too: "My son,who would dare to kill?!" Liu Bei will move into the palace life,to live in their own side,and agreed to Zhao Yun the rate of 500 soldiers to accompany live here. Shortly afterward,the country too on as Liu Bei and his daughter held a grand wedding. Zhou Yu Getting the matter,regretting. He also Heart of a meter,to Sun Quan Liu Pei in the palace under house arrest,to provide fine clothing and food,music and singing girl,an attempt to soften Bei ambition,let him eager for pleasure and not to return to Jingzhou. Then,he shut down two opportunistic instigate the relationship between the emotional distance he and Zhuge Liang. Finally,reuse of dollars back in Jingzhou. In short,can not go back to Liu Bei and running again! So Sun Quan by measure of the line: the construction of the palace and Liu Bei couples luxury living; flowers and objects,not the the glamorous nothing rare; showgirl musicians,Chang Yi are the perfect color choice; As Kim Ok Fairview,traveling clothes,it is everything,his best rich. Ben Liu Bei in the long battle between workers,Meng into the realm of soft rich,really enjoyable that being obsessed with wine and women. Zhao Yun seeing,and even anxiety. By Ming said,in the end of the year they open the second kit. After he had seen,hurried to see dance being heard in front of Liu line: "this morning to reports received Kong Ming,Cao Cao from the elite 500 000,Shaben Jingzhou come! Military is very urgent,please immediately return Jingzhou My lord!" Although Liu Bei love pleasure,but not addicted. 1 Jingzhou dangerous,but also surprised. But reluctant to leave Ms. Sun. Zhao Yun was intentionally repeatedly in the press Liu Bei. Liu Bei is more difficult,and often face grief. Ms. Sun has Discovery inside information,they determined that: "Men Suddenly in Black stand the world,not only children of an affair,his concubine who is her husband,you no matter where to,I told you to!" Liu Bei very pleased,the couple was Agreed: to to sacrifice in the name of the river,leaving Miss territory,then returned to Jingzhou. To a New Year's Day,New Year's husband to the country too. After Ms. Sun on behalf of Liu Bei said: "The ancestors of parents grave in Zhuo Jun,think of the river,looking north to remember,as a feeling of the Son of Man." "This is filial piety. Of course!" Love the country too much to hope that the vision with Liu Bei,immediately agreed. So that afternoon,Liu Bei,Ms. Sun and Zhao Yun brought 500 soldiers,without the knowledge of Sun Quan,quietly embarked on the Yangtze River shore. The next day,Liu Bei and Sun Quan that Zoutuo,busy sending generals shuaibing chase. Zhou Yu Liu Bei to escape fear,has been the only route defensive troops. The results,after Liu Bei by the enemy,surrounded by pursuers,the situation extremely dangerous. Zhao Yun is busy by Ming the Well,"look at the critical moment of the third kit." Seen after the plan told the Ming and Liu Bei. Liu Bei rushed to Ms. Sun front of the car,crying: "The confidant with a few words to tell his wife." Then,he gave the marriage with Ms. Sun and Zhou Yu before and after the experience,Sun Quan to her as bait all the conspiracy to murder Liu Bei told his wife. After that,it is very sincere demonstration of affection on his wife's love. Finally,said: If his wife can not help themselves out of danger,would rather commit suicide in front of his wife. Ms. Sun a thing after all,was furious. As the husband and wife deep emotion,of course not the slightest danger to Liu Bei,put Sun Quan,Zhou Yu sent reproached meal,even with also derided his brother and "extremely arrogant" and a large military governor of Soochow. Then she tatsume eyebrows,ordered them to give way! Otherwise shall be no survivors! ! These people see the princess was angry,Nagan start with? Think people,after all,the royal family Qin Gui,their only servant,pawn,why incorporation by useless air between the master family? See also Zhao Yun Wang gun flew,towering rage to prepare for fight against the enemies. Knew thankless,and even anti-Zhao Yun losing your life,this will eventually condemned to master,let one way,let Liu Bei go. Liu Bei died in the escape,playing horse hurry,came to the edge of the Yangtze River. Back to kill soldiers was underway: Wu Jun Sun Quan received an order of the new generals - would rather kill the sister,and do not let Liu Bei to escape! Is panic,riverbank reeds,shake out the more than 20 boats to. Zhuge Liang was actually waiting in the original post here,then back to Jingzhou Liu Bei! Liu Bei was overjoyed celebrated on board with the Ming. At this time,upstream to another overwhelming impulse to numerous warships. The middle of the word's Shuai,Zhou Yu Jun Run out of water from the pro-unification. Under the guidance of the Ming Liu Bei,to abandon the ship ashore,riding Fleet of Foot. Zhou Yu had also to abandon the ship ashore. However the military less horse,with a small number of troops had to kill Liu Bei. Unexpectedly,the chase halfway through a horizontally Biao troops popped general Guan Yu,majestic block ahead. Zhou Yu frightened,hurried retreat. Wu Bing numerous casualties. Zhou Yu spared their lives,back to the ship. Not breathing calm,hears the shore Liu Bei soldiers shouted: "Shuro coup tranquility,throw good money off soldiers!" Shrill cry that nipping around a long time in Zhou Yu does not stop. Zhou Yu furious,screamed,a blood sprayed out immediately collapsed to the floor. Thus,Zhou Yu as Liu Bei was getting married,and gained nothing lost the rice,it becomes a popular satire story so far. 翻译英语赔了夫人又折兵 péile fūren yòu zhé bīng [throw the helve after the hatchet;throw good money after bad] 比喻便宜没占到反而遭受了双重损失 give one's enemy a wife and lose one's soldiers as wellThrow good money after Bad赔了夫人又折兵,花钱填无底洞 -- 英汉-翻译样例Guess he picked the wrong housewife to give a free upgrade,huh?看来他是赔了夫人又折兵,哈 日语〈谚〉计略が失败してかえって损失を招くたとえ.盗人に追い銭.“折”をと発音することもある. 『语源』三国时代,呉の君主孙権は妹をめあわすと言って刘备を呉におびきよせて杀そうとしたが,结果は刘备がまんまと夫人を得て无事に蜀へ帰ったという故事から. 盗人に追钱 |
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