

词条 庞志峰


个人简介: 庞志峰,1978年5月生, 河南-南阳-新野, 2010年6月获得湖南大学计算数学博士学位.

研究方向: 主要研究微分方程数值解的相关理论、图像处理问题中的数学理论与数值算法, 具体包括:图像复原、图像分割、图像修补等图像处理问题中的数学问题和快速算法。

工作单位: 河南大学, 数学与信息科学学院


(1) 2010.06-2011.02,南洋理工大学(新加坡),数学物理学院,博士后;

(2) 2011.12-2012.11,香港城市大学(香港),电脑科学系,博士后.


[1] Zhi-Feng Pang* and Yu-Fei Yang. Semismooth Newton method for minimization of the LLT model. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 3(4): 677-691, 2009. (SCI).

[2] Zhi-Feng Pang* and Yu-Fei Yang. A two-step model for image denoising using a duality strategy and surface fitting. Jouranl of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(1):82-90, 2010. (SCI).

[3] Zhi-Feng Pang* and Yu-Fei Yang. A projected gradient algorithm based on the augmented Lagrangian strategy for image restoration and texture extraction. Image and Vision Computing, 29(2-3): 117-126, 2011. (SCI).

[4] Yu-Fei Yang, Zhi-Feng Pang*, Baoli Shi and Zhiguo Wang. Splitting Bregman method for the modified LOT model in image denoising. Applied Mathematics and Computing, 217(12): 5392-5403, 2011. (SCI).

[5]Yu-Fei Yang*, Ting-Ting Wu, and Zhi-Feng Pang. Image-zooming technique based on Bregmanized nonlocal total variation regularization. Optical Engineering, 50(9): 097008, 2011. (SCI).

[6]Zhi-Feng Pang, Li-Lian Wang* and Yu-Fei Yang. Fast algorithms for the anisotropic LLT model in image denoising. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 1(3): 264-283, 2011.

[7] Baoli Shi, Lihong Huang* and Zhi-Feng Pang. A fast algorithm for multiplicative noise removal. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 23(1): 126-133, 2012. (SCI).

[8] Ting-Ting Wu, Yu-Fei Yang*, and Zhi-Feng Pang. A modified fixed-point iterative algorithm for image restoration using fourth-order PDE. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(2): 79-90, 2012. (SCI)

[9] Baoli Shi, Zhi-Feng Pang*, and Yu-Fei Yang. A projection algorithm based on the splitting Bregman method for image denoising. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 39(1-2): 533-550, 2012. (EI)

[10]Baoli Shi, Zhi-Feng Pang*, and Lihong Huang. A projected gradient method for a high-order model in image restoration problem. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2012.(Accepted). (SCI)

[11]庞志峰, 杨余飞*. 林玲. 图像去噪LOT模型的分裂Bregman方法. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 37(9)(2010), 83-87. (EI).

[12]庞志峰*, 吕军成. 基于ROF 模型的修正半光滑牛顿法. 理论数学, 1(1): 26-29, 2011.

[13]庞志峰,杨余飞,丁立新,谢德宣. 基于积极集方法的非负图像去模糊问题. 数学物理学报(A辑), 2013.





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