

词条 Until June


until june是一只成立5年不到的乐队,不过他们的历史却可以追述到上个世纪90年代的Arizona,Josh和Daniel 是两兄弟,从高中开始,两人就常常一块切磋音乐。直到01年夏天的时候,他们到了Los Angeles,吉他手Dan加入了进来。开始在Hollywood附近的各舞台演出,从这时候开始,乐队进行了他们自身的创作,并在他们的摇滚乐中融入了流行,噪音等多种音乐元素!

Until June是美国加州的英伦乐队成员由3名小伙组成:主唱和钢琴手:Josh Ballard 吉他手:Dan Ballard 鼓手:Daniel Dempsey 目前他们签约在SONYBMG公司下的 Flicker Records厂牌首张专辑刚发行没多久 What Ive Done是首很典型的britpop 从他们身上可以找到一点The fray和Keane的影子

乐队成员Josh Ballard(主唱兼钢琴手)、 Dan Ballard(吉他手)和Daniel Dempsey(鼓手)年纪轻轻便离开家乡(亚利桑那州凤凰城)前往洛杉矶追寻音乐梦想。他们的成名过程非常老套:主唱Josh在洛杉矶当地一家星巴克当服务生,遇到知名音乐制作人Brian Garcia(合作过的歌手有Our Lady Peace, Kelly Clarkson,King’s X)。Garcia对他说,“You look like a musician.” 听了Until June的音乐样带后,Garcia喜欢上了这只乐队。在他推动下, Until June和Sony-BMG旗下的Flicker Records唱片公司签约。

关于Until June这个名字,还有一段故事呢!Until June这个名字的诞生也很戏剧。原来这只乐队来到洛杉矶时并没有名字,他们曾集体决定,如果过了2006年6月还不成功,便收拾包袱走人。幸运的是,在这个期限即将到来时,他们和唱片公司签约了。


Until June

专辑名称:Until June

唱片公司:Flicker/SONY BMG

发行日期:March 20, 2007

专辑流派:Indie / Pop / Rock


“Until June”这张专辑只有10首歌,最长一首不超过4分钟,词曲基本上由Josh Ballard和Dan Ballard两兄弟完成。Garcia不但是专辑的制作人,也是其中某些歌曲的创作人。



Determined to make it as a band the members of Until June packed up their bags and left their Phoenix, Arizona homes for sunny Los Angeles, a city where hopes and dreams are gloriously realized or abandoned in frustration and bitter defeat. Josh Ballard, singer for the transplanted Los Angeles trio confesses, “We didn’t give ourselves a way out. We packed up, left school, left our families and forced ourselves to be alone in L.A. with just our music.” With a collective deadline of June 2006, the unnamed band christened itself after their self-imposed cut-off date. Fortunately, just as time was running out, Until June signed with Flicker Sony/BMG. Sequestered in a new town the band has crafted an album infused with honesty and perseverance.

Until June plans to continue to hone its live show while traveling the nation. After four tough years in L.A., where they faced every obstacle the city could throw at them, nothing less than a full-time, national touring schedule would seem appropriate.


01. Sleepless

02. What I've Done

03. The Saddest Song

04. Unnoticed

05. All I Have

06. Hindsight

07. Outer Space

08. Don''t Walk Away

09. This City

10. You Do

Sound Of Defeat

专辑名称:Sound Of Defeat

唱片公司:Flicker/SONY BMG

发行日期:May 19, 2009

专辑流派:Indie / Pop / Rock


Until June在2007年发表完同名专辑之后,就引起了国内许多英伦迷们的关注,这次终于在09年带来了他们的新EP,作为一个非英国本土的年轻乐队,他们用自己的实力向英伦摇滚音乐界证明了自己。

封套设计上有点向Coldplay去年那张《Viva La Vida》致敬的味道,回到专辑音乐本身,依旧是标志性的主唱假音狂飙,搭配清新好听的旋律,仅凭这两点已经值回票价。

强烈推荐这一专辑,开篇曲“The Man Who Lost His Soul”以轻快明亮的伴奏让人精神为之一振,之后的“Baby (Hope You Understand)”以行云如水一般晶莹剔透的钢琴弹奏开场,短短数十秒的前奏已经让人为之心折,而之后主唱令人惊艳的假音狂飙更是让人为之一震。


01.The Man Who Lost His Soul

02.Baby (Hope You Understand)

03.Sound Of Defeat

04.The World Ends Tonight

05.Nobody Knows You

06. In My Head

07.Always Christmas





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