

词条 Ultimate Victory

绰号"混音带救世主(The Mixtape Messiah)"的休斯敦说唱歌手Chamillionaire于2007年9月18日带来了他的第二张正式专辑《Ultimate Victory》。在Billboard 200专辑榜中上榜首周,这张《Ultimate Victory》名列第八位,创造了Chamillionaire在Billboard 200专辑榜中的最好成绩。在这张倍受期待的新作中,Chamillionaire并没有像大多数歌手那样只是一味地请一大堆“名角”,他更注重的是实用性。加入本张专辑的有Slick Rick, Krayzie Bone, Lil Wayne, Pimp C, Bun B, Devin The Dude, J.R.Rotem, Kane Beatz。和上张专辑相比,新作更富野心。

Chamillionaire - 《Ultimate Victory》

唱片公司: Motown

Chamillionaire - 《Ultimate Victory》


在很多南部歌手不争气地比车子和数钞票的时候,Chamillionaire确实又一次证明了南部还是有好的词作者的。他一句“I dont envy when another nigga make it cos I’m smart too”虽然不算一句很漂亮的punchline,但将这个有想法的小伙子的形象勾勒了出来。在取得商业成功的同时,Chamillionaire的mixtape销量也是惊人的,在02年与Paul Wall发行的《Get Ya Mind Correct》就卖到150,000张。相对于大部分难以勾起歌迷兴趣的混音带,Chamillionaire的混音带弥赛亚(Mixtape Messiah)系列确实一定程度上拯救了南部铺天盖地却难以保证质量的混音带市场。

休斯敦大家熟悉的歌手太多了,8 Ball & MJG、UGK、Slim Thug以及Destiny’s Child等等等等。生于华盛顿的Chamillionaire在四岁时父母离异后搬到了南部休斯敦一个混乱的街区。小时候一直梦想去NBA的Cham还曾经从Eisenhower高中转学到Jersey Village,只是因为那里有球可打。在住处,虔诚的父母们显然是不愿意说唱出现在自己街区的,俗话说“哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗”,说唱的魅力还是很快吸引了年幼的Cham,换句话说,他是听着南部的老前辈们像Geto Boys、8 Ball & MJG、UGK的歌长大的。Cham和那个面部表情与牙套一样骇人的搭档——Paul Wall很早就开始一面创作一面在小型聚会上表演了。偶然的机会两人结识了Michael “5000″ Watts,借着为Watts的Swishahouse厂牌攒名利的同时,两人也开 始逐渐出现在休斯敦各支mixtape中。由于Swishahouse为Mixtape付钱太少的空手套白狼行为,在Slim Thug离开之后,Chamillionaire跟Paul Wall也离开Swishahouse自己成立了个组合The Color Changin’ Click出混音带。

之后先是跟Paul Wall创作思想上出现分歧,两人开始单飞。又由于对第二个东家Paid In Full处理问题方式的不满,于04年离开并成立自己的厂牌Chamillitary,并在05年发行了第一张正式专辑《The Sound Of Revenge》。

吸引歌迷的除了他从来不带脏字的歌词外,还有入耳的Hook旋律。出于在《Parking Lot Pimping》混音带中的偶然尝试发现了自己在hook方面的天赋,之后他开始自学声乐方面的理论。就像在“Wont Let You Down”中所唱:

I’m up early than a mother, chasing mine cause I’m a hustler

Then tomorrow everything is gonna rewind

Only seven days a week and 24 hours a day

That ain’t enough for me so I ain’t wasting time


与第一张专辑相比,这张里Cham的风格比之前更加成熟。同上张命名为复仇之音一样,这张叫最终胜利也是有原因的。Cham从98年就开始录制mixtape,但直到05年第一张专辑才发行,hater和对手们无疑给他事业的前进增加了阻力,但就像题目一样,他取得了最终的胜利。专辑客串阵容有Krayzie Bone、Lil Wayne、Pimp C、Slick Rick、Bun B等。而制作则主要由Kane Beatz和J. R. Rotem完成。

Chamillionaire在讲述街头故事的同时,也表达了自己的看法。在第一单曲“Hip Hop Police”中,从字面意思上看,他成功的调侃了警察的智力,这也想起了UGK的那首“Protect and Serve”,而这首歌中与警察对话的形式也是有创意的:

Who is this guy Busta? Who is this guy Snoop?

Who is his other friend who’s wearin the sky blue?

Look at this pic here, he standing beside you

Tell me his name now, I heard he was piru

Confiscated the CD’s at one of your homes

For evidence ever since we heard some of your songs

What about this Pimp guy, he was on one of your songs

I coulda sworn that he said he had a “Pocket Full of Stones”

Am I wrong?

这几句讽刺味极浓,让笔者想起了辅导员把在本人寝室里发现的一本古希腊神话说成是旧约圣经而不让其入党的故事。而Slick Rick的出现无疑点燃了这首歌,而他拿自己眼罩调侃的几句显得十分逗乐:

A big celebrity, a case we long for

You a pirate ,why you got that eyepatch on for?

Funny - puttin people in a hearse what I heard for

歌曲很好的对主流媒体称说唱除了暴力没有内容进行了反击。但是两位优秀的story teller有更深的意思要表达,现在的说唱市场本身就像供认谋杀一样有真有假,而这真假本身也是有争议的。

第二支单曲“Evening News”算作“Hip Hop Police”的后续,用新闻播报的形式涉及到更多的政治内容。从说唱歌手们经常用到的乔治布什、本拉登的哏到弗吉尼亚科技大学一位棒子留学生在校园里枪杀32人伤25人的事情:

Don Imus made comments that made everybody forget about him

That’s him, Anna Nicole got pregnant and had kids by him

Rest in peace to Virgina Tech, too many innocent kids dyin’

Well let’s just blame hip-hop and act like that’s the big problem

说唱被作为一个大麻烦屡受抨击,但是只要Isley Brothers还在不厌其烦的被制作人采样,只要Candy paint没有全被拆了改装成自动播种机,只要Rotem还在给Chamillionaire做beat,批判就不会停止,因为说唱不会停止。在不忘给大选shout out的同时也表达了自己对竞选并不能如大家所愿改变黑人兄弟地位的担忧:

Kanye just said WHAT? the president ain’t got time for that

The White House is going to stay white even tho’ we know Obama’s black

与Wanye一起当了回Rock Star之后,Devin The Dude又跟Cham一起像Dewey Cox一样在Rocky Road上永不止步了:

what part of the voyage is this? Friendship and business don’t mix

With anyone else it’s just business, with friends I’m personally pissed

Is this a curse or a gift? Guess I was blessed with my wish

Don’t tell me that you feel my pain that I seen, it’s best that we switch

You take the fortune and fame and see if it’s what you expected

Bun B和Pimp C分别在“Pimp Mode”、“Welcome To The South”两首歌曲中出现,在两名UGK成员分别歌颂家乡并不忘细数高品质生活的同时,Cham仍然没有如某些歌迷所愿唱起candy paint、rims、diamonds,因为他用这种方式对质疑南部只有candy paint和grille的人们给出了最好的反击:

Must you criticize everything we did

Then expect at us to never even trip, mmm

We more than grilles and candy paint so be careful what you say

Cause we must just throw it right back in your face, hey

Better watch your mouth


My two eyes just didn’t tear, cause weakness is what I didn’t fear

It’s a better result than last time but this grind it’s a different year

在一首name dropping的“Industry Groupie”之后,一首暖意十足的“Ultimate Vocation”让你走上甲板望着清澈见底的海水好好的休息了一下:

Step off the yacht if you wanna see the land

I’ll take you to the sun if you really need a tan

Water look like oxygen any way you stand

Cause the ocean’s so clear you look down and see the sand

最后一首歌“Ultimate Victory”在电音中展开了,同样与最终胜利的主题切合,像第一首早间新闻中的“Silly rappers think I’m worried about a punchline / I show more purpose than your whole career in one line”一样,没有放过在他事业上“帮助”过他的人,而且不仅用话语权给自己赢得尊敬,也将Dirty South的面子挣了回来:

Let me repaint the pic, they wasn’t depicting me right

Tell the world that I’m more than just a grill

Show you how to put cha hands on more than a wood wheel

这张紧凑的专辑本身的高质量和入耳的hook都是Cham实力的见证。在07年大部分歌手们都出现退步之势的时候,Chamillionaire的最终胜利不仅是自己的胜利,也是Dirty South的胜利。




01. The Morning News

02. Hip Hop Police

03. Standing Ovation

04. Won’t Let You Down

05. Industry Groupie

06. Pimp Mode

07. Rock Star

08. Skit

09. The Bill Collecta

10. The Ultimate Vacation

11. Come Back to the Streets

12. I Think I Love You

13. The Evening News

14. Welcome to the South

15. You Must Be Crazy

16. We Breakin Up

17. Stuck in the Ghetto (Interlude)

18. Rocky Road

19. The Ultimate Victory





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