

词条 turn back the clock

《Turn Back the Clock》出自Johnny Hates Jazz处女大牒也是颠峰之作的《Turn Back the Clock》,这张专辑整章贯穿着八十年代后期特有的大混响电鼓音色和标志性的键盘pad。偶尔有手鼓与吉他穿插,圆润的bass线从始至终,干净讲究,编曲分明,动静儿清晰,这也是在进入“听上去很脏”的90年代之前最后的干净时刻了。几乎每一首都有明确、难忘的lead音色的键盘动机,《Turn Back The Clock》是典型的中速Ballad,听到这时你很容易就回拨时钟,陷入那个时代的感觉中,比现在要慢,比60、70年代又快一些 ……


(Johnny Hates Jazz)

turn back the clock

another day is ended

and i still can't sleep

remembering my yesterday

i begin to weep oh !

if i could have it over

live my life again

i wouldn't change a single day

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

lying here in silence

picture in my hand

of a boy i still resemble

but i no longer understand

as the tears run freely oh~

how i realize

they were the best years of my life

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

you might say it's just a case of giving up

oh ~no

but without these memories where is the love

so where is the love

if i could have it over

live my life again

i wouldn't change a single day

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

why can't i turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days oh no no

i remember when

life was so good

i'd go back if i could

oh no i wouldn't change a single day

don't let the memoirs slip away

i wouldn't change a single day


20世纪80年代,英国涌现出了一批优秀的新浪漫主义乐队.尽管他们当中的不少乐队宛如流星般在乐坛转瞬即逝,但是他们留下的一些经典曲目至今仍绽放着绚丽的光彩.Johnny Hates Jazz的《Turn Back the Clock》就属于其中的精品之一.由Clark Datchler (主唱、钢琴)、Calvin Hayes (键盘)以及Mike Nocito (贝斯)三位大男生于1986年所组成的Johnny Hates Jazz,在其短暂却辉煌的音乐生涯中,虽然仅发行过2张录音室专辑,都凭着其干净且帅气的长相以及斯文的打扮,加上其轻柔精致的流行曲风,风靡一时,可以说其音乐的流行元素在当今也不为过时。其主唱Clark Datchler 克拉克.戴茨勒音色优美清澈,相貌英俊而风度翩翩,典型的“雅皮士”形象,在80年代中后期~90年代初期虏获了全球无数女性乐迷的心。



《Turn Back the Clock》专辑曲目:

1. Shattered Dreams

2. Heart of Gold

3. Turn Back the Clock

4. Don't SayIt'sLove

5. What Other Reason

6. I Don't Want to be a Hero

7. Listen

8. Different Seasons

9. Don't Let It End This Way

10. Foolish Heart





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