

词条 倪婷


外文名: Cecilia Ni
出生日期: 12月19日
毕业院校: The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
三围: 88C 62 88 CM
祖籍: 四川省宜宾市
身高: 170cm
血型: B型
鞋码: 36.5


刚刚从美国洛杉矶FIDM时装设计系毕业归国发展的CC 倪婷婷从回国开始就备受关注,近来更是人气一路高涨,风光无限,个人博客的点击量更是在一日之内突破30万人次。毕业于美女名模如云的FIDM, 婷婷认为一个成功的女性除了外形出众以外还要有自己的思想和事业,才能自信、独立。


2007全国10大畅销车展广州站车模 2009加州大学尔湾分校慈善时装秀 2010广州国际车展MG展厅MG汽车宝贝 2011上海国际车展荣威汽车宝贝 男人装女郎30强 MOKO美空网平面模特腾讯汽车年历宝贝




曾任职于LVMH集团,比佛利山christian diorinc. 在美国洛杉矶,迈阿密数十次时装周的后台工作,各大高端品牌秀场等等,简要列举如下:

1. 10/15 3pm,Saks 5th Ave.Balharbour“Key to the cure” breast cancer chaity event. ,Miami

2. 10/16 4pm,Saks 5thDade lunrd shore

3. 10/20 10am,Fashion New Born Contry club,Miami

4. 10/23 12pm,Intercontenal HotelRene RuisFashion show,Miami

5. 10/30 5:30pm,Intercontenal Hotel Chopin Ballroom Wedding Gown Charity Show,Miami

6. 11/6 6pm,Nordstroms-Coal Gables358 San Loenzo

7. 12/5 6pm,Palm Beach

8. 12/13 6:30 Iene MarieModels Fontain Bleau 4441 Collins Ave,Miami

9. Aug/12/09 BebeFashion show Venue: Marbella 6757 Hollywood Blvd, LA

10. Sep/24/09 Susan G.Komen Fashion for the Cure Benefit featuringDiane von FurstenbegCollection Smashbox Studios,West Hollywood

11. Assistant at Bridal Showplace at the Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel in Buena Park Sunday, October 4,09

12. Assistant at Fashion Minga models’ rehearsal training, Managed models’ data collection, backstage maintenance at the event

13. Help set up the trend displays for Globaltex International Textile Show at Los Angeles Convention Center (South Hall- G) forLA Fashion week2009

14. October 15, 2009 LA Fashion On Broadway Spring 2010 collections Los Angeles Theatre backstage preparation for Lauren Elaine, Mike Vensel, Future Heretics and Fremont shows.

15. October 17th 2009 backstage maintenance for Kevan Hall spring 2010 collection fashion show with Rusnak ProscheAutomobile Group at Barham Universal Studio

16. Oct,29th 2009 Petersen Automotive Museum 6060 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles Rock Fashion Week Dresser Featuring the SS 2010 collections of Leyen Decker, Seneca Rising, MG Black, Valerj Pobega,Rory Beca

17. March 24th 2010 Fashion show at The house of Lloyd Kleinon 7415 Beverly blvd storage organizing and model dressing

18. 2010/July/12th Long Beach convention center International Beauty Expo Fashion Show Backstage held by Fashion Minga

19. 8-24-10 LA Fashion Corner 2010 Pre-EmmysCaring with Style” Fashion Show Featuring designers Alicia Czarniecka,Pia Perey,James & Joy and Gorzata Couture at Highland Hollywood

20. Spring 2011 LA Fashion Week,Oct 15 12pm Backstage Contemporary Collections Runway Show featuring Brand Mavi,Voom by Joy Han & James Kim, XCVI , Eileen Fisher and Soraya by Rozi at the 13th floor penthouse Cal Mart





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更新时间:2025/3/11 5:28:47