词条 | 南京广播电视大学 |
释义 | 创办于1979年2月,原为江苏省广播电视大学南京市分校,1985年7月经江苏省人民政府批准,改为现名。1991年11月经国家教委批准,成为独立设置的省级广播电视大学,行政隶属于南京市人民政府。 中文名:南京广播电视大学 外文名:NANJING RADIO AND TELEVISION UNIVERSITY 创办时间:1979 类别:公立大学 学校类型:综合 主管部门:南京市教育局 现任校长:夏桂松 主要院系:继续教育学院、外语教育学院、燎原广播电视学校、拥军学院等 南京市广播电视大学简介南京市广播电视大学坐落在钟灵毓秀、人文荟萃的古都南京,创办于1979年2月,原为江苏省广播电视大学南京市分校,1985年7月经江苏省人民政府批准,改为现名。1991年11月经国家教委批准,成为独立设置的省级广播电视大学,行政隶属于南京市人民政府。 跨入二十一世纪,南京正在积极推进学习型城市的建设。南京市广播电视大学坚持以现代远程开放教育为理念,主动适应地方经济和社会事业发展需要,为广大求学者提供了多种参加高等教育和继续教育学习的机会。学校在全市建立了18所分校及20余个教学点,构建了覆盖全市、分级办学、分级管理的办学系统。学历教育开设了计算机、外语、财经、管理、法律、艺术等13个门类近80个专业,非学历教育项目达70余个,形成了以远程开放教育为特色,学历教育与非学历教育并举,普通教育和成人教育协调发展的格局。至2005年底,学校共培养本、专科毕业生5万余人,目前全校各类高等学历教育在校生3.35万人,非学历教育年培训2万人次。 南京市广播电视大学努力适应构建终身教育体系和建立学习型城市的需要,积极探索远程开放教育的办学模式。1999年,学校成为教育部批准的首批“中央电大人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目办学单位。 2002年,学校顺利通过教育部“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目中期评估。2004年,学校建立了南京市远程教育中心,成为全市开展远程开放教育的重要基地。此外,学校还设有继续教育学院、外语教育学院、燎原广播电视学校、拥军学院等培训机构。 南京市广播电视大学不断推进教师队伍建设和教学现代化建设。学校拥有一支学术水平较高、教学业务优良的专兼职教师队伍,高、中级职称教师及专业技术人员占50%以上。在办学条件上,学校建有计算机网络中心、电教中心、计算机实验中心、工科实验中心、图书资料中心,配备了多媒体电子阅览室、多功能学术报告厅、演播厅、卫星双向视频会议系统、网络双向视频会议系统、程控电话系统、卫星数字接收系统、闭路电视系统,建成了主干千兆、桌面百兆的校园网,实现了VOD视频点播。 南京市广播电视大学连续6年被市政府授予“市文明单位”称号。2006年1月,学校被省委、省政府授予“江苏省文明单位”称号。学校还多次受到省市教育部门、中央电大的表彰。 新的世纪,南京市广播电视大学面临着前所未有的历史机遇。我们将继续深化改革,开拓创新,不断探索富有远程开放教育特色的办学模式,以开放的姿态迎接新世纪的挑战,为实现“强校富教,建设一流开放大学”的目标而努力奋斗。 A Brief Introduction to NanjingRadio and TV University Nanjing Radio and TV University is located in Nanjing, a city full of beauty and outstanding personnel. The University was founded in Feb. 1979. In 1991, approved by the National Education Committee, the University became an independent provincial broadcasting and TV University directly under the leadership of Nanjing Municipal People’s Government. With the entry into the 21st century, Nanjing is actively promoting the construction of city full of study atmosphere. Nanjing Radio and TV University insists on taking modern distance education as its tenet, quickly adapts itself to the development of local economy and demand of social course, is providing varieties of opportunities for numbers of learners to attend tertiary education and continuous education. The university has established 18 branches and over 20 teaching centers, forming an educational system covering the whole city with classified training system and classified management system. The degree education has arranged nearly 30 majors related to 11 different fields, including computer, foreign language, finance, management, law and art etc. The non-degree education covers 70 programmes, and a framework that taking open distance education as its unique characteristic, developing both non-degree education and degree education and reaching the coordinative development of both education (ordinary level) and adult education has come into being. By the end of 2004, there have been total 50000 undergraduates and undergraduate diploma students having graduated from the university. Currently, there are more than 30000 students doing various degree study programmes and 20000 students are attending the non-degree training programmes provided by the university. Nanjing Radio and TV University is making struggling efforts to get itself well adapted to the need of establishing lifelong educational system as well as developing Nanjing into a city full of study atmosphere, and actively seeks effective ways to carry our open distance education programme. In 1999, the university was selected as one of the first group approved by the Education Ministry to carry out the Outstanding Personnel Training Model and Open Education Experimental Programme by the Central Radio and TV University, In 2002, the University smoothly passed the assessment of the Outstanding Personnel Training Model and Open Education Experimental Programme at the middle stage. In 2004, the University established long distance study center and has become one of the key open distance education bases in Nanjing . Moreover, the University has also set up a series of training institutions such as Continuous Education Institute, Foreign Language Education Institute, Liaoyuan Radio and TV University, and etc. Nanjing Radio and TV University has constantly promoted the construction of teaching team as well as construction of teaching modernization. The University comprises a group of high qualified and experienced professional teachers both full-time and part-time, over 50% of whom are teachers with intermediate or senior professional titles and professional technicians. In relation to the teaching condition, the University has established computer network center, multimedia education center, computer laboratory center, the engineering laboratory center, books and material center. The University is also equipped with multi-media electronic liberary, multiple functional academic hall, performance and broadcasting hall, the satellite dual video conference system, network dual video conference system, computerized telephone, the satellite digital receiving system, closed circuit TV, a campus network with the internet speed of backbone network reaching 1000M and that of table computer(terminal network) reaching 100M has been set up, realizing VOD video unicast. Nanjing Radio and TV University has been entitled Nanjing Civilized Unit several times by Nanjing Municipal Government,and entitled Jiangsu Civilized Unit by Jiangsu Provincial government in Jan. 2006. Nanjing Radio and TV University has awarded prizes by educational authorities of Nanjing Municipal and Jiangsu Provincial governments and the Central Radio and TV University. In this new century, Nanjing Radio and TV University is provided with biggest opportunities than ever before, We will continuously deepen the reform, make expansion and innovation, constantly seek ways to open distance educational programme to confront the challenge ins the new era with open mind, make strenuous efforts to realize the objective of getting our university stronger and our teachers richer and having our university ranking top among our counterparts in the area of open distance education. 教学点一览表序号 教学点 咨询电话 办学地点 2010年秋季开设专业 1 直属学院 84719045 游府西街46号 本科:金融学、英语(商务方向)、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 2 江宁电大 52187219 江宁区东山镇河滨路28号 本科:法学、机械设计制造及其自动化(机电一体化系统方向)、土木工程(建筑管理方向)、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 3 六合电大 57125909 六合区雄洲镇旭光路37号 本科:法学(行政执法方向)、会计学、行政管理、学前教育。 4 高淳电大 57329735 高淳县淳溪镇镇兴路175号 本科:法学、会计学、行政管理。 5 溧水电大 57421009 溧水县永阳镇珍珠北路经济开发区 本科:法学、工商管理、会计学。 6 浦口电大 68902661 浦口区浦东路15号 本科:法学(行政执法方向)、工商管理、会计学。 7 白下电大 52252768 中山南路大砂珠巷1号(砂珠巷小学内) 本科:工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 8 建邺电大 86518758 建邺区南湖边5号 本科:法学、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 9 鼓楼电大 83211339、51900299 鼓楼区湖南路82号 本科:小学教育、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 10 汇文教学点 83326738、83312068 中山北路101号 本科:工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 11 财经学校 52326732、52326734 夫子庙东牌楼74号 本科:会计学。 12 玄武电大 84541198、84712484-801 玄武区青石街24号 本科:计算机科学与技术、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 13 秦淮电大 86624886 秦淮区金沙井34号 本科:法学、工商管理、会计学、行政管理。 14 下关电大 58806384 建宁路355号 本科:小学教育、汉语言文学(师范方向)、工商管理、物流管理。 15 栖霞电大 85310877 迈皋桥合班村292号 本科:工商管理、行政管理。 16 电子财校 85508369 中央门外东井亭100号 本科:工商管理、会计学。 17 工业技工学校 84198222 麒麟门开城路2号 专科:计算机网络技术(网络管理方向)。 18 南汽培训 86916170 红山路130号 课程开放:会计学(财务会计方向)、工商管理(工商企业管理方向)、汽车(汽车维修方向)、数控技术。 19 金陵科技专修学院 84449387 栖霞区马群街2号 课程开放:会计学(财务会计方向)、工商管理(工商企业管理方向)、广告(设计与制作方向)。 |
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