

词条 Three Musketeers

It's "one for all and all for one!" as D'Artagnan and his three pals follow a course of swashbuckling intrigue and adventure in 17th-centry France.

The Three Musketeers is the most famous of Alexandre Dumas’s historical novels and one of the most popular adventure novels ever written. Dumas’s swashbuckling epic chronicles the adventures of d’Artagnan, a brash young man from the countryside who journeys to Paris in 1625 hoping to become a musketeer and guard to King Louis XIII. Before long, he finds treachery and court intrigue—and also three boon companions, the daring swordsmen Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Together the four strive heroically to defend the honor of their queen against the powerful Cardinal Richelieu and the seductive spy Milady.

From the Book

Perhaps the greatest "cloak and sword" story ever writen, The Three Musketeers, first published in 1844, is a tale for all time. Pitting the heroic young d'Artagnan and his noble compatriots Athos, Porthos, and Aramis against the master of intrigue. Cardinal Richelieu, and the quintessential wicked woman, Lady de Winter, Alexandre Dumas has created an enchanted France of swordplay, schemes, and assignations. The era and the characters are based on historical fact, but the glittering romance and fast-paced action spring from a grat writer's incomparabke imagination. From the perilous retrieval of the queen's gift to her lover in time to foil Richelieu's plot to the melodramatic revelation of Lady de Winterls true identity. The Three Musketeers is the unchallenged archetype for literacy romance and a perennial delight for generations of readers.

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 177 Width (mm) 109

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was one of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. Dumas is best known for historical adventure novels like The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, both written within the space of two years, 1844-45, and which belong to the foundation works of popular culture. He was among the first, along with Honoré de Balzac and Eugène Sue, who fully used the possibilities of roman feuilleton, the serial novel. Dumas is credited with revitalizing the historical novel in France, although his abilities as a writer were under dispute from the beginning. Dumas' works are fast-paced adventure tales that blend history and fiction, but on the other hand, the are entangled, melodramatic, and actually not faithful to the historical facts.


由米奇、唐老鸭、高飞狗所主演的《The Three Musketeers》,是迪斯尼2004年8月所推出的迪斯尼动画作品,本片是采直接发行录像带和DVD等影音产品的方式首度在美国推出,本片制作期间名为《Mickey's The Three Musketeers》,之后才改为现在的片名,并列上领衔主演的三位迪斯尼大明星Mickey.Donald.Goofy 。


在欢度米奇75周年之后,迪斯尼开始一系列全新米奇作品的计划,尤其开始推出由米奇家族主演世界名著题材的作品。其实在以前迪斯尼也曾推出不少米奇家族主演的名著故事,但都属短篇作品,而如今迪斯尼终于推出完整的长篇米奇动画,本片由迪斯尼大明星米奇、唐老鸭、高飞狗共同主演,改编自法国大仲马的名著《三剑客》,故事中Mickey 、Donald 和 Goofy 一直渴望成为真正英勇的剑客,然而图谋不轨的 Pete 队长却一直想要篡位,当 Minnie 公主遭遇危险寻求剑客协助的时候,队长就派了Mickey 等三位菜鸟去保护公主,其实是希望他们任务失败,却没想到 Mickey 等三剑客居然粉碎他邪恶的阴谋,成功解救了王国。


米奇家族《三剑客》是由 Donovan Cook 所执导,在本片中担任配音的都是许多当代米奇卡通中担任原来角色的几位配音者,包括担任米奇的 Wayne Allwine 、担任唐老鸭的 Tony Anselmo 、担任高飞狗的 Bill Farmer 、担任皮特的 Jim Cummings ,其它配音的演员还包括有 Russi Taylor 、Tress MacNeille 、April Winchell …等等。本片的配乐则是由 Bruce Broughton 所负责,过去他还曾经配乐过《救难小英雄澳洲历险记》、《看狗在说话》、《亲爱的,我把孩子缩小了》…等等。至于片中的歌曲,则是用到许多耳熟能详古典音乐的旋律配上歌词。





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