

词条 孟广耀

孟广耀,男,1942年出生于山东省莱州市, 1965年毕业于中国科技大学稀有元素化学专业并留校任教至今。历任无机化学教研室负责人, 材料科学与工程系副主任,系学术委员会主任, 校学术委员会委员,中国科技大学固体化学与无机膜研究所所长。另有同名人物青岛理工大学机械工程学院副院长。



现任 长城新元膜科技有限公司(无机膜研究所基地)总经理, 教育部化学指导委员会无机与分析化学指导小组成员,安徽省工程材料学会副理事长,中国硅酸盐学会固态离子学分会副理事长, 特种陶瓷学会理事,中国化学会无机固体化学与合成化学学组成员,中国真空学会薄膜专委会CVD学租成员,“功能材料”杂志和“膜科学与技术杂志”编委。


孟广耀教授长期从事无机固体化学与制备科学研究和教学,先后承担国家基金委和省、部级、国家科技攻关、中科院重点基金等研究课题20余项,主持多项国际科技合作,包括美、日、法、荷、丹麦、瑞典、俄罗斯等国家的知名实验室。在国内、外学术刊物上发表论文约250篇,专著1部, 合著4部,发明专利15项(6项已授权)。先后主讲本科生和研究生课程10门。指导、培养了30多名硕士生和20多名博士生,曾获中国科技大学王宽诚教书育人奖、工业震雄奖和中科院优秀研究生导师称号。


国外研究合作经历(Oversea Working Experiences)

·Nov. - Dec. 1995, Visiting Professor at Laboratory of Materials and Processes of Membranes (LMPM), CNRS, Montpellier, France.

·March 1992 - February 1993, Visiting Professor at Department of Physics, Universityof Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA.

·November 1991 - February1992, Visiting Professor at LMPM, France

·April - November 1989, Visiting Scientist at Laboratory of Inorganic Materials, TwenteUniversity, The Netherlands.

·October 1988 - March 1989, Visiting Scientist at Materials Research Department, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark.

·January 1981 - January 1983, Visiting Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA.

Academic Books:

1. Meng Guangyao, "Chemical Vapor Deposition and New Inorganic Materials”, Scientific Publishing Press, Beijing, 1984, 1986

Wrote one or more chapters of the following books:

2. "Overview on New Materials", AnhuiEducational Publishing Press, Hefei, 1987.

3. "High-Tech Frontiers”, USTC Publishing Press, Hefei, 1995.

4. Progress of Inorganic SolidStateChemistry in China”, High Education Press, Beijing, 1998.

5. "Synthetic Chemistry of Inorganic Membranes”, Chapter 19 in "Chemical Synthesis and Preparation of Inorganic Materials", Ed. By R. R. Xu and W.Q. Pang, High Education Press, Beijing 2001.


研究领域:(Research Areas)

(1) 固态离子学与电化学(Solid State Ionics and Solid Electrochemistry)

自1981-1982年在美国斯坦福大学材料科学与工程系作为访问学者进行氧离子导体研制以来, 一直致力于固态离子学和电化学应用研究。主要是新型固体电解质和电极材料的探索、化学合成, 结构与性能表征, 侧重于固体氧化物燃料电池研制与开发。“十五”期间的研究课题包括863高技术发展计划项目“中温固体氧化物燃料电池关键材料与制备技术”和“5千瓦直接天然气SOFC发电系统”;973重点基础研究计划“氢能利用燃料电池新型材料研究”;211工程项目“生物质气燃料电池的研制”以及有关国家自然科学基金课题。


近期代表性论文(The representative papers in recent years) :




2.G.Y. Meng, Q.X. Fu, S.W. Zha, C.R. Xia, X.Q. Liu, D.K. Peng

Novel intermediate temperature ceramic fuel cells with doped ceria-based composite electrolytes,

Solid State Ionics 148(2002) 533 - 537

3.Ji-Gui Cheng, Shao-Wu Zha, Jia Huang, Xingqin Liu, Guang-Yao Meng

Sintering behavior and electrical conductivity of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 powder prepared by the gel-casting process,

Materials Chemistry and Physics 78(2003)791-795

4. Jianfeng Gao, Xingqin Liu, Dingkun Peng, Guangyao Meng,

Electrochemical behavior of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2O3-d(Ln = Ce, Gd, Sm, Dy) materials used as cathode of IT - SOFC

Catalysis today 82 (2003)207 – 211

5. Qingxi Fu, Xingyan Xu, Dingkun Peng, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng,

Preparation and electrochemical characterization of Sr-and Mn-doped LaGaO3 as anode materials for LSGM-based SOFCs,

Journal of Materials Science, 38(2003)2901-2906

6. Q.X.Fu, S.W.Zha, W.Zhang, D.K.Peng, B.Zhu, G.Y.Meng

Intermediate temperature fuel cells based on doped ceria – LiCl – SrCl2composite electrolyte

J.of Power Sources 104 (2002)73-78

(2)化学气相淀积化学(CVD)与薄膜材料(CVD Chemistry and Thin Films)


近期代表性论文(The representative papers in recent years):

1. G.Y.Meng, H.Z.Song, H.B.Wang, C.R.Xia, D.K.Peng

Progress in ion-transport inorganic membranes by novel chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

Techniques, Thin Solid Films 409 (2002) 105 – 111

2. Haizheng Song,Yinzhu Jiang, Changrong Xia, Guangyao Meng, Dingkun Meng

Synthesis and Characterization of volatile metal β-diketonate chelates of M(DPM)n (M=Ce,Gd,Y,Zr,n=3,4) used as precursors for MOCVD

J.of Crystal Growth, 250 (2003) 423-430

3.H.Z.Song,H.B.Wang, S.W.Zha, D.K.Peng, G.Y.Meng

Aerosol assisted MOCVD growth of Gd2O3 doped CeO2 thin SOFC electrolyte film on anode substrate,

Solid State Ionics 156 (2003) 249-254

4. Haizheng Song, Changrong Xia, Guangyao Meng, Dingkun Peng

Preparation Ga2O3 doped CeO2 thin films by oxy-acetylene combustion assisted aerosol- chemical vapor deposition technique on various substrates and zone model for microstructure,

Thin Solid Films 434(2003)244-249

5. H.B. Wang, D.K. Peng, G.Y. Meng

Aerosol and plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process for multi-component oxide La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 thin films,

Thin Solid Films 368(2000)275-278

6. H.B.Wang, C.R.Xia, D.K.Peng, G.Y.Meng

Deposition and characterization of YSZ thin films by Aerosol assisted CVD

Materials letters 44(2000)23-28

(3)无机膜材料及其技术应用(Inorganic Membranes and Technical Applications)

作为我国无机膜领域的立项和倡导者之一,15年来一直从事无机膜(包括多孔分离膜和致密导电膜)材料的研究、表征和应用研究。重点基金课题“无机膜的软化学制备与传质研究(2001年结题)”获安徽省自然科学二等奖,基于部分成果组建的“长城新元膜科技有限公司”已能批量生产不同材质和孔径的多孔陶瓷分离膜,为应用开发提供了物质基础。目前的应用研究方向包括超细(纳米)粉体的化学合成,含油废水的处理,生物技术和高温收尘、除尘等领域。同时参入“十五”973项目“面向应用过程的膜材料设计与制备基础研究” 课题。

近期代表性论文(The representative papers in recent years):




2. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Shanwen Tao, Guangyao Meng, O.T.Sorensen

Kinetics of the reactive sintering of kaolinite aluminum hydroxide extrudate

Ceramics International, 28 (2002) 479-486

3. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Gang Li, Guangyao Meng

Low cost porous mullite corundum ceramics by gelcasting

J. of Materials Science 36(2001)3687-3692

4. G.Y. Meng , P. Wang, Y .Gu, D.K.Peng,

Preparation and characterization of barium cerate based thick membranes using a screen printing process,

Solid State Ionics, 136/137 (2000)209

5. Weidong Zhu, Changrong Xia, Shuqin Liu, and Guangyao Meng,

Cross-Flow Microfiltration of an Oily Emulsion Using Alumina Membranes

Journal of Porous Media, 3(3), 217-225 (2000)

6. Changrong Xia, Shaowu Zha, Weiguang Yang, Ranran Peng, Dingkun Peng, Guangyao Meng

Preparation of yttria stabilized zirconia membranes on porous substrates by a dip coating process

Solid State Ionics 133(2000)287 - 294







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