词条 | 美国施奈德物流公司 |
释义 | 美国施奈德物流公司公司建立于1935年,是一家私营企业。到上世纪90年代晚期,已成为全美最大的专业货车运输公司,年营业额近30亿美元,有20000多名员工。 持续进行运营创新2000年,Schneider公司增长步伐却慢似蜗牛,生产力降低,收益下滑。公司领导人认识到,在这样一个高度竞争、产能严重过剩的行业中,在客户服务方面超过竞争对手,是成功的关键。公司设定了客户满意度长期目标,并着手改善公司与客户互动的一个环节,即如何针对客户“索要建议书”(简称RFP),准备并提交答复。公司召集了得力干将组成团队,提出了许多非常好的点子,但是,最终结果却是零:没有做出任何改变,一切仍是老样子。 然而,施奈德公司的领导人并未放弃,而是换种方式重新开始。这回,公司取得了惊人的成功:对客户RFP的响应时间由30~45天骤减为1~2天;在项目启动的9个月中,上述成果开始显现;在不到两年时间里,成效已得到充分体现。由于回应客户的速度远远超过竞争对手,施奈德能够把握竞争的主动权。结果,施奈德公司中标百分比上升了约70%,每年带来数亿美元的销售增额。 第一次努力到第二次努力成功的六个关键因素: 1)、流程重点 第二次,他们首先创建了企业流程模型,从少数几个端对端价值创造流程出发,描述了业务运营。施奈德公司的模型包括“制定运输解决方案”、“获取新业务(简称ANB)”、“获取运输订单”、“移动货物”、“提供移动货物的能力”。这几个流程几乎涵盖了所有员工的全部工作。通过定义“获取新业务”流程,设定其边界,确定其度量标准并将其瞄准改善目标,施奈德公司恰如其分地界定了需要解决的问题。而第一次,施奈德公司纯粹从准备建议书的角度概括创新努力,因而将众多跟获取新业务有关的群体和活动排除在外。 2)、流程责任人 要获得重大成果,就必须对组织的许多部分做出改变。但是,由于组织各个部门(及其管理者)有其自身的议题、目标和度量标准,变革努力往往由于争斗、惰性和抵触而搁浅。流程责任人是得到授权,要在整个企业范围内对流程做出必要改变的高层主管。 3)、全职设计团队 第一次,参与制定新工作方式的人员只是以兼职方式工作,每周工作时间通常低于8小时。到了第二次,该项目成了他们的唯一职责。 4)、经理人的参与 首先,最高层领导积极参与此事,每个月碰面评审进展,解决需要他们介入的问题。其次,设立由流程责任人和若干其他运营经理组成的流程委员会。参与ANB流程的各部门高层领导人以团队形式走到一起,领导新流程设计的实施。 5)、建立认可 毫无征兆地让此类变革降临到一线员工头上,肯定会招致失败。施奈德公司让一线人员参与整个再设计活动,这让他们觉得自己像参与者而非受害者,并帮助他们既看到旧有做事方式的缺陷,又看到新方法的效力。这些人员中,有许多人从抵触者转成为变革的鼓吹者。 6)、行动偏好 力求把新工作方法设计得尽善尽美的企业,通常一事无成。施奈德公司采取了“有70%就去做”的原则。修正后的ANB流程在许多方面不同于旧流程。比如,以前按照服务项目将销售代表分门别类。如今,他们代表施奈德公司的所有服务。 然而,这套新流程还远不是故事的结束。施奈德很快发现,处理订单和发货的现行方式无法消化新ANB流程带来的业务增量,于是,公司开始了针对这些流程的再设计。新的ANB流程也没有被高高地供奉起来,最近刚刚启 施奈德物流介绍Schneider National, Inc. is the largest privately owned truckload carrier based out of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The company was founded in 1935. The company is the third-largest of all trucking & logistics companies in the United States based on annual revenue. It currently operates 14,000 tractors, 40,000 trailers, and has partnerships with over 6,000 carriers. Schneider drives more than five million loaded miles per day, and is utilized by two-thirds of the companies in the Fortune 500. The company operates three major areas of business; Truckload, Intermodal, and Logistics. Schneider operates in the 48 contiguous states and Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, and the Netherlands. Schneider is well-known for painting their tractors and trailers Omaha orange-PMS 165 (although their training literature calls it "international safety orange") which, while more expensive, foots to their often-stated emphasis on trucking safety. Their orange trucks are known inside and outside the company as "pumpkin trucks". Schneider is currently expanding into China. Schneider has been providing 3rd party logistics services within the People's Republic of China for some time. It has just recently been granted provisional authority to operate a fleet of trucks domestically within China. Schneider National Inc. is the only American owned trucking company to maintain this authority. Schneider Nationals Intermodal department works directly with the major North American rail carriers. These carriers include the Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad, Union Pacific railroad, Norfolk Southern, CSX railway, Kansas City Southern, Kansas City Southern Mexico, and Canadian National. Schneider National also maintains a railyard located in Marion, OH. This is a collaboration with the CSX, KCS, and BNSF which allows Schneider National to bypass Chicago, IL and avoid congestion delays. Company history1938年,Bought Bins Transfer & Storage and changed the name to Schneider Transport & Storage. Moved offices to a building once used as a stable. 1939年,Schneider Transport & Storage is incorporated in Nevada. 1944年,Schneider discontinued storing household goods, although Storage wasn't dropped from the name until the 1960's. 1958年,Schneider was granted its first interstate authority by the ICC. The first shipment was for Procter and Gamble (P&G) from their plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin to another P&G facility in Cheboygan, Michigan. 1961年,Don Schneider, Al's oldest son, joined the firm as manager, bringing the office staff to five. 1962年,Schneider Transport logo is adopted. 1964年,Schneider Transport merged with Packer City Transport. 1968年,Merged with Garrison Transport and added to Schneider's Operating Authority. 1969年,Purchased Kampo Transit, a 50-truck regional milk and fuel oil hauler. 1970年,年,Milestone grant of authority from the ICC to haul paper and paper products. Paper remains a significant part of the Schneider portfolio. 1971年,Purchased TransNational Truck (TNT), Amarillo, Texas. Departing from previous practice of incorporating all acquisitions into Schneider Transport, TNT remained a separate business unit. 1974年,Purchased National Refrigerated Transport (NRT), Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1975年,Installed a state-of-the-art computerized control system. Move was light years ahead of system employed by the competition. Employed the first field sales representative. 1976年,Teamsters called a 'Wild Cat' strike on Schneider Transport. Tanker trailers added to the fleet, creating Schneider Bulk Carriers. The holding company, Schneider National, Inc. is formed. 1977年,The first bulk fuel site was installed at the Wise Garage in Dayton, Ohio. Christianson Oil was purchased to provide sufficient fuel of the appropriate quality. 1979年,The second OPEC fuel crisis caused gas rationing and fuel shortages. Schneider Transport responded with a national MPG campaign through the Schneider Fuel School, teaching 2000 drivers to drive 55 MPH and conserve fuel. 1980年,Congress passes the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, which provides for sweeping deregulation of the trucking industry. 1981年,ICC granted Schneider 49-state authority to carry all commodities except explosives and bulk. 1982年,To leverage the long distance network needed for the growing number of drivers, Schneider formed Schneider Communications to provide long-distance telephone service to customers in the Midwest. 1983年,Schneider Family Fitness Event initiated in Green Bay. 1983年,Founder, Al Schneider dies. 1984年,Purchased International Transport, Inc. of Rochester, Minnesota, the largest flat bed and heavy haul products company. 1985年,Schneider National Carriers (SNC) is formed by joining all of the separate business units purchased through the 70's and 80's. SNC is non-union, but Schneider Transport remains a union carrier under agreement with the Teamsters. 1986年,Schneider is the first carrier to install two-way satellite communication system in all 6,000 over-the-road trucks. First EDI, Electronic Data Interchange transactions. 1988年,Schneider Moving & Storage is sold. 1989年,Schneider National Carriers obtained authority to haul in the Canadian provinces of Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. 1990年,International Transport is changed to Schneider Specialized Carriers. 1992年,$1 Billion in annual revenue hit for the first time. Corporate Headquarters moved to the Customer Service and Corporate Business Center on South Packerland. 1993年,Schneider Logistics, Inc. is created. 1994年,Schneider Logistics awarded the General Motors Service Parts Operation contract. This is the largest logistics contract ever awarded. 1995年,Schneider Communications sold to Frontier Communications. Schneider Dedicated Operations converted Kimberly Clark private Fleet in the largest-ever dedicated fleet conversion. 1996年,Surpassed $2 Billion in annual revenue. 1998年,Purchased Highway Carrier Corporation, Builders Transport and Landstar Poole. 2000年,Purchased Tranzact Freight Payment Service. 2004年,Surpassed $3 Billion in annual revenue. 2005年,Schneider Logistics acquired American Port Services. |
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