词条 | starry starry night |
释义 | 《Vincent》(starry starry night,繁星点点)是唐·麦克林(Don Mclean)欣赏了凡高的作品《星夜》之后激情创作的。这首歌的曲风同其它乡村民谣相比并无异质,还是那种散发着淡淡的幽香的小品文风格,它的过人之处在于它那发人深省的歌词上。Mclean 用他那诗人般的手笔向我们展示了一幅又一幅的优美画卷,同时也以他那天才般的敏锐洞悉出凡高内心的苦楚,表达了对这位天才画家的深深的理解与敬意。歌中Mclean 用极尽绚烂的词藻来描绘凡高的画,旨在表现凡高那灿若向日葵般的生命。 梵高之死当梵高躺在弟弟提奥德怀里静静地离开这个世界上时,他才37岁。天才的生命总是异常的短暂,但却绚烂若夏花。梵高以如火的热情畅游于艺术的海洋,虽然周遭充满了鄙夷与曲解,虽然他时常被饥饿与寒冷折磨,但是他那永不枯竭的创作灵感从来没有被不公的命运所扼杀。他以惊人的创作力为世界艺术宝库留下了一笔巨大的财富。然而,天才不是神人,他同凡人一样,他也会彷徨,也有脆弱的时候。所以,Mclean又以朴实无华的语言来倾诉梵高内心的痛苦,以象“when there is no hope left inside on that starry starry night,you took your life as lovers often do.”这样凄婉的语句来暗示梵高的自杀。 赏析从这首歌中,听众不难体会到一种惺惺相惜的情感。Mclean 是一位才华横溢的民谣歌手,但是他的星途却充满坎坷,他总是被美国的主流音乐排斥在外。他曾经沦落到街头唱歌的地步,这不失为一种悲哀。其实整首歌也是Mclean在向世人诉说自己的苦痛,他以极为柔和的歌调折射出满腔的哀怨。因为天才总是被世俗所曲解,所以能洞悉天才内心的人本身就是天才。 意义这首名叫Vincent(文森特)的歌可算是美国民谣音乐中的经典。它的演唱者是著名民谣歌手Don Mclean,他用这首感人的歌献给这位“疯子”梵高,在感动其本人的同时,也感动了全世界热爱生活、心存希望的人们。在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的梵高纪念馆前,人们总能听到这首歌,它一遍一遍地放着,永远让人感动,让人怀念…… 歌词《Vincent》 Starry starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 paint your palette blue and grey 把颜料调成灰白和淡蓝 look out on a summer's day 往窗外看那个夏日的时光 with eyes that know the darkness in my soul. 你的眼,将我灵魂里的阴郁看穿 Shadows on the hills 山峦上的影子 sketch the trees and the daffodils 勾勒树丛和水仙花 catch the breeze and the winter chills 捕捉微风和冬日冰寒 in colors on the snowy linen land. 在覆盖亚麻地的雪色上呈现 And now I understand 现在我才明白 what you tried to say to me 你想告诉我什么话语 and how you suffered for your sanity 你为无人相知倍受摧残 and how you tried to set them free. 你曾多么想让他们释放 They would not listen they did not know how 没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得 perhaps they'll listen now. 也许只有到了今天… Starry starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 flaming flowers that brightly blaze 殷红的鲜花,恍若明亮的焰火 swirling clouds in violet haze 漩涡形的云彩,笼罩紫色的轻烟 reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue. 映照在梵高湛蓝的瞳孔 Colors changing hue 色调随着颜色演变 morning fields of amber grain 黎明的原野,琥珀色的稻田 weathered faces lined in pain 风化的大地痉挛般褶皱 are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand. 钟情的画笔,将它抚摸 And now I understand 现在我才明白 what you tried to say to me 你想告诉我什么话语 and how you suffered for your sanity 你为无人相知倍受摧残 and how you tried to set them free. 你曾多么想让他们释放 They would not listen they did not know how 没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得 perhaps they'll listen now. 也许只有到了今天… For they could not love you 没有人曾爱戴于你 but still your love was true 但你的柔情始终切切 and when no hope was left in sight on that 看不到了希望,在那个 starry starry night. 繁星点点的夜晚 You took your life as lovers often do, 你结束自己的生命,失去爱的怨侣 But I could have told you Vincent 假如我在,梵高,我要对你说 this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you. 完美如你,这个世界从未懂得挽留 Starry starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 portraits hung in empty halls 空虚的展厅悬挂起肖像 frameless heads on nameless walls 无框的头像,摆在不起眼的墙头 with eyes that watch the world and can't forget. 眼睁睁看这世间,难以抑止的留恋 Like the stranger that you've met 和那些看你的陌生人没什么不同 the ragged men in ragged clothes 贫乏的面孔褴褛的衣裳 the silver thorn of bloody rose 血红的玫瑰,带着银辉的花刺 lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. 弯折、压碎,覆盖上无暇的雪 And now I think I know 现在我才明白 what you tried to say to me 你想告诉我什么话语 and how you suffered for your sanity 你为无人相知倍受摧残 and how you tried to set them free. 你曾多么想将他们释放 They would not listen they're not listening still 没人愿意聆听,直到现在 perhaps they never will. 也许永远没人懂得 |
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