词条 | 罗迦·费·因格 |
释义 | 简介罗迦·费·因格(Roger von Oech,一般译作“罗杰·冯·奥奇”),1948年生,当代美国实业家、学者、创造学家。曾任加利福尼亚创意顾问。著作有《当头棒喝》(A Whack On The Side Of The Head)、《创造性纸牌》 (Creative Whack pack)等。“唯一真正快乐的人们是儿童和富有创造性的那一部分人”是他的名言。为全球各大企业提供演讲与专业课程,这些公司包括可口可乐、奇异公司、迪士尼、英特尔、MTV、微软公司、美国太空总署、苹果电脑、花旗集团与美国奥运协会。他之前写作过本创意思考的书籍:《在屁股上踢一脚》,并推出广受欢迎的《创意大惊奇》卡片书。还发表过《踢醒沉睡之心》他与妻子及孩子住在加州亚瑟顿城。 其作品《事物的正确答案不止一个》编入上海市中学课本,江苏省中学课本(苏教版),温州市中学课本,以及山东中学语文课本。编入内蒙古自治区人教版课本。以及贵阳市中学语文课本(人民教育出版社)。 对罗杰·冯·欧克的赞誉之词 罗杰·冯·欧克已经赢得全国读者忠心的追随与支持。——《商业周刊》 罗杰·冯·欧克的法则不输给《易经》——《财富杂志》 神奇的技巧!——美国ABC广播电视网《20/20》节目 展现商业才华。——《今日美国报》 他的创意活力无限!——《美国INC杂志》 在创意谘商这个领域中,罗杰·冯·欧克无所不在。——《旧金山观察报》 英文简介: Luojia for Greenspan (Roger von Oech, generally translated as "Roger Fung Ouke"), Roger ? ? Ouke Feng is "a creative way of thinking consultants," the founder and president. "Thinking of creative consultant" is located in California, stimulates creativity and expertise to provide new and innovative ways. He is the world's major enterprises to provide professional courses and lectures, these companies, including Coca-Cola, singular company, Disney, Intel, MTV, Microsoft, NASA, Apple Computer, Citigroup and the U.S. Olympic Association. He had two before writing the book a creative way of thinking: "wake-up call" and "kick in the butt kicked," and introduced the popular "creative big surprise" of the card. He and his wife and children live in California, Arthur Dayton City. Roger Fung on ? ? Ouke the words of praise Roger ? ? Ouke Feng has won the loyalty of readers to follow and support. -- "Business Week" Roger Fung ? ? Ouke the rule not lost "Book of Changes" - "Fortune Magazine" Magic skills! -- U.S. broadcast television network ABC "20/20" program Show business talent. -- The "USA Today" His boundless creative vitality! -- "The United States INC magazine" Creative consultation in this area, Roger Fung ? ? Ouke omnipresent. -- "San Francisco Observer" 扩展罗迦·费·因格曾经写过一篇名为《事物的答案不止一个》的文章,经教育局审定正式列入苏教版初一课本! 议论文的典范代表。 观点:不满足于一个答案,不放弃探求,这一点非常重要 发挥创造力的真正关键,在于如何运用知识,孜孜不倦地 汲取知识,并运用好知识。 |
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