

词条 罗文邃



罗文邃:博士,“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师。美国肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky)土壤微生物和?环境治理博士(2001-2005)。曾在美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory) (2005.10–2009.4)以及俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)(2009.4–2009.10)从事博士后研究,并曾访问美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)环境科学研究中心(2009.5 – 2009.9)参与野外研究考察。


通过对地下沉积物重金属形态及化学环境深入分析,提出了一套有效的地下水重金属治理方案,通过诱导异化金属还原菌对重金属还原固定,成功地降低严重污染的地下水中重金属浓度,使之达到美国环保局的饮用水标准;应用植物次生代谢产物促进土壤有机污染物的降解,并发现降解酶激发物与表面活性剂的交互作用,为应用植物次生代谢物促进有机污染生物降解打下理论基础;对北美湿地的甲烷排放效率进行比较研究,揭示北美湿地产甲烷菌的地球生物化学空间变异规律。研究成果已被Environmental Science and Technology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Chemosphere, Analytica Chimica Acta 等国内外学术刊物发表。共发表论文10余篇,并多次在国际学术会议作学术报告。




1.Luo, W. and B. Gu. 2011. Dissolution of uranium-bearing minerals and mobilization of uranium by organic ligands in a biologically reduced sediment. Environmental Science and Technology, 45:2994-2999

2.F. Zhang, W. Luo, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine, and B. Gu. 2011. Modeling uranium transport in acidic contaminated groundwater with base addition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 190:863-868

3.Luo, W. S.D. Kelly, K.M. Kemner, D. Watson, J. Zhou, P. M. Jardine and B. Gu. 2009. Sequestering Uranium and Technetium through Co-Precipitation with Aluminum in a Contaminated Acidic Environment. Environmental Science and Technology, 43:7516–7522.

4.Luo, W. and B. Gu. 2009. Dissolution and mobilization of uranium in a bioreduced sediment by natural humic substances. Environmental Science and Technology, 43:152-156.

5.F. Zhang, W. Luo, J. C. Parker, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine, and B. Gu. 2008. Geochemical modeling of reactions and partitioning of trace metals and radionuclides during titration of contaminated acidic sediments. Environmental Science and Technology, 42:8007-8013.

6.Luo, W., E. M. D’Angelo, and M. S. Coyne. 2008. Organic carbon effects on aerobic polychlorinated biphenyl removal and bacterial community composition in soils and sediments. Chemosphere 70: 364-373.

7.Luo, W., W. Wu, T. Yan, C. S. Criddle, P. Jardine, J. Zhou, and B. Gu. 2007. Effect of bicarbonate, sulfate, and electron donors on bioreduction rates of uranium and microbial community in a contaminated sediment. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 77:713-721.

8.Luo, W., E. M. D’Angelo, and M. S. Coyne. 2007. Secondary plant metabolites and surfactant (hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin) effects on polychlorinated biphenyl biotransformation and microbial community structure in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39, 735-743.

9. Gu B, Luo W, Yan H. 2008. Roles of humic substances in biological reduction, precipitation, and mobilization of uranium. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72: A333-A333.

10.Zhang F, Luo W, Watson D. B., Parker, J. C., Gu B., Spalding B. P., Jardine P. M.. 2008. A reactive transport model to simulate uranium immobilization through pH manipulation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 72: A1080-A1080.

11.Ruan, C., W. Luo, W. Wang, and B. Gu. 2007. Detect groundwater uranium with nano gold colloid enhanced raman spectra. Anal. Chim. Acta. 605: 80-86.

12.Custelcean, R., D. Jiang, B. P. Hay, W. Luo, and B. Gu 2008. Hydrogen-bonded helices for anion binding and separation. Crystal Growth & Design 8:1909-1915.

13.Wu, W., J. Carley, J. Luo, M. A. Ginder-Vogel, E. Cardenas, M. B. Leigh, C. Hwang, S. D. Kelly, T. Gentry, W. Luo,. W. Fields, B. Gu, D. Watson, K. M. Kemner, T. Marsh, J. Tiedje, J. Zhou, S. Fendorf, P. K. Kitanidis, P. M. Jardine, and C. Criddle. 2007. In-situ bioreduction of uranium (VI) to submicromolar levels and reoxidation by dissolved oxygen. Environmental Science and Technology, 41:5716-5723.

14.Guan, X., E. D'Angelo, W. Luo, and S. Daunert. 2002. Whole-cell biosensing of 3-chlorocatechol in liquids and soils. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 374: 841-847.

15.Luo, W. and Y. Zhen. 2002. Modulating soil ecology for the healthy of root. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 10:44-46.

16.Luo, W. 1999. Developing modern agricultural technologies for regional farms at Shanghai. Acta of Shanghai Agriculture, 4:96-103.

17.Luo, W. and Y. Gong. 1997. Application of soil chemical conditioners to promote crop yield and quality. Journal of China Agriculture University, S2:165-168.





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