

词条 side




side n.边, 旁边, 面, 侧面, 胁, 一方, (一个)方面, 摆架子adj.旁边的, 侧面的, 副的, 枝节的vi.站在同一边



1. a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location2. one of two or more contesting groups3. either the left or right half of a body4. an extended outer surface of an object5. a surface forming part of the outside of an object同义词:face6. a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure7. an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)8. a family line of descent9. a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food同义词:side of meat10. an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute同义词:position11. an elevated geological formation同义词:slope, incline12. (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist同义词:English


1. take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for同义词:pull, root2. take the side of; be on the side of同义词:go with


side:1. located on a side


at the side of 在...旁边; [口]与...相比 be on both sides of the fence [美]两面讨好 be on sb.'s side of the fence [美]支持某人 be on the long side of the market (=go long of the market) 做多头(把持商品或证券以待涨价时卖出) be on the other side of the fence [美]在反对的一边 be on the safe side 为了稳妥起见, 以防万一 be on the same side of the fence 站在同一立场上 blind side 弱点, 缺点 weak side 弱点, 缺点 born on the wrong side of the blanket 私生的 both sides of the medal 问题的两面; 事情的正反方面 bright side 光明的一面; 令人高兴的一面 brush sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 put sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 place sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 burst one's sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 hold one's sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 shake one's sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 split one's sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 burst one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 hold one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 shake one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 split one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 by sb.'s side (=by the side of) 在...的旁边, 在...的附近; 和...比较 change sides (改变立场)投到对方去 clear side 【航海】露出水面部分 come down on one side or the other of the fence 支持两方中的一方 come down on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 descend on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 err on the right side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法 err on the safe side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法 Every man has his weak side. [谚]人人都有缺点。 flip side 唱片的背面; [转]对等的人或物 from all sides (=from every side) 从四面八方; 全面地; 到处 from side to side 左右(摇等) get on the right side of sb. 得到某人喜爱, 骗取某人的欢心 get on the wrong side of sb. 同某人搞坏关系; 冒犯某人 get out of bed on the wrong side [俚]清早一起就发脾气, 急躁不愉快, 心绪不好 give sb. the rough side of one's tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人 give sb. a lick with the rough side of one's tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人 go over the side [美俚]私自离开船只(或基地) have lots of sides 架子十足 have too much side 太傲慢 put on too much side 太傲慢 keep on the right side of sb. (出于希望日后获得好处而)避免得罪某人; 争取某人好感 keep on the right side of the law 行为合法, 不违反法律 know which side one's bread is buttered (on) 知道 自已利益所在; 善于为个人的利益打算 laugh on the other side of one's face 由得意变失意, 转喜为悲 let the side down [口]使自己的人(如朋友、同事等)失望, 辱没自己的一方(如家庭, 集体等) like the side of a house [口](指女人)非常肥胖 look on all sides 到处细看 look on the bright side 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the sunny side 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the bright side of things 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the sunny side of things 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the dark side 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the gloomy side 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the dark side of things 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the gloomy side of things 对事物抱悲观态度 off side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] on side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] on all sides 四面八方, 到处 on both sides 双方, 两边 on one side 在一旁(边), 斜着 on one side ... on the side 一方面...另一方面 on sb.'s side 在某人方面; 就某人来说 站在某人一边(支持某人) on the high side (价格)偏高[低] on the low side (价格)偏高[低] on the other side 在对面, 反对方面的 (原系美语)大西洋彼岸 on the right side (=on the side of the angels) 站在正确的[正义的]方面 on the right side of the account 【商】在贷方 on the right side of the hedge 站在正确的立场 on the right side of the post 干得对; 行动正确 on the right side of the tracks [美]在富裕居民区; 属于富裕阶层 on the right side of 未过...岁 on the better side of 未过...岁 on the bright side of 未过...岁 on the safe side 谨慎, 稳健 on the ... side 趋向于..., 稍微...一点 on the side [口]顺便, 附带 秘密地; 背地里 on the side of 站在...一边, 袒护... on the shady side of 已过...岁 on the wrong side of 已过...岁 on the small side 相当小 on the windy side of 【航海】吃风的一面; 迎风的一面 [转]不为...所害, 在...影响之外 on the wrong side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内 on the shady side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内 on this side [美]大西洋的这一边 on this side (of) the grave 在世时, 生前 over the side 上[下]船 pass sb. by on the other side 对某人坐视不救, 不帮助(不表示同情) prompt side [英]舞台左侧(提词人所站的一边) [美]舞台右侧(提词人 所站的一边) put on side 摆架子 (台球)侧击使旋转 silver side 牛腿肉最好的部分(上股肉) sing on the wrong side of one's mouth [口]转喜为悲; 由得意而失意 stand by sb.'s side 站在某人一边, 伙同某人 sunny side 朝阳的一面; [转]光明面; 乐观[有利]的一面 sunny-side up [美]只煎一面的蛋 take sb. to one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈) take sb. on one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈) take sb.'s side 拥护[袒护]某人 take sides 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take a side 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take sides with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take a side with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) the distaff side 母系 the spindle side 母系 the other side of the shield 问题的另一面 the reverse side of the medal 事情的反面 There is much to be said on both sides. 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。 the seamy side 布的反面, 衣服的里面 [转]事物的阴暗面, 丑恶的一面 the spear side 父系 the wrong side out 表里倒置, 里朝外, 翻面地 this side of (指时间)在...以前 (指数量范围等)不越出 turn the best side outward 尽力使人看 到最好的一面 side by side (with) 并排[肩]; 互相支持地; 连接着 weak side 弱点 weak point 弱点 wrong side of the fence 争论中错误的一方, 失败的一方 wrong side of the tracks [美]城市中贫民区, 贫民阶层 side door trade [美]临时买票入场的观众 side issue 附带问题; 次要问题 side with 与(某人)站在同一边, 和(某人)抱同样的见解






音乐流派:Indie rock,Britpop







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