

词条 刘汝涛

1972年1月生,山东沂水人,中共党员,教授,理学博士,博士生导师。2002年6月毕业于山东大学化学与化工学院,获理学博士学位。同年6月赴美国Yeshiva大学爱因斯坦医学院生理与生物物理系,从事博士后研究,师从国际著名生物物理学家Mark R. Chance教授。2005年9月作为高层次优秀人才引入山东大学环境科学与工程学院工作。


近年来主要利用PCR扩增、基因序列分析,凝胶电泳,光谱技术,电视显微电泳技术,液相色谱-质谱联用技术等手段从事小分子与蛋白质、核酸相互作用及大分子结构、功能及环境污染与健康领域的研究工作。已发表论文38篇,其中第一作者SCI论文25篇,单篇论文影响因子达9.624。本人发表的论文已被Cell;Acct. Chem. Res.; Mol. Cell & Proteomics等国际著名刊物引用200余次。












清洁发展机制(CDM);清洁生产技术及工艺(CP Technology)。

















1. Rutao Liu, Olga Zak, Philip Aisen, Mark R. Chance, “Structure of full-length transferrin-transferrin receptor and the iron transportation mechanism with toxicology”, 2006, (In Preparation)

2. Lijun Ren, Xueliang Yuan, Rutao Liu*, “Research on method development during the strategic environmental assessment”, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2006, (SCI, 电子版已发表)

3. Hua Sui, Gang Zheng, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rutao Liu*, Ganzuo Li, “Synthesis of Ferromagnetic in Detergent Solution”, J Dispersion Science Technology,2006,27(3):311-315(SCI)

4. Guozhong Xu, Rutao Liu, Olga Zak, Philip Aisen, Mark R. Chance, “Structural Allostery and Binding of the Transferrin-Receptor Complex”, Mol. & Cellular Proteomics, 2005,4(12): 1959-1967(并列第一作者,影响因子Ip=9.624,该研究成果被选为刊物的封面重点介绍)

5. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxai Sun, Xia Wu, Zengjun Lan, Tao Wu, “Resonance Double Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Nucleic Acids with Cetylpyridine Bromide”, Mikrochimica Acta, 2004, 147(1-2): 105-109. (SCI)

6. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Xia Wu, Lei Li and Benyu Su, “Study on the interaction between nucleic acids and cationic surfactants”, Colloids and surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2004, 34(1): 59-63. (SCI)

7. Rutao Liu, Jing-Qu Guan, Olga Zak, Philip Aisen, Mark R. Chance, “Structural Reorganization of the Transferrin C-lobe: Transferrin C-lobe Binds to the Receptor Helical Domain”, Biochemistry, 2003, 42: 12447-12454 (Accelerated Publication; Cell, 2004,116: 483-489, Preview 及Cell, 2004,116: 565-576对该成果专门评论; Ip=4.064).

8. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Lei Li, Xia Wu, Zhengmin Li, Chuansong Qi, “Study of the interaction of nucleic acids with acridine orange-CTMAB and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance light scattering”, Chemical Physics Letters, 2003, 376: 108-115.(Ip=2.438)

9. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Xia Wu, Lei Li, Zhengmin Li, “Resonance light-scattering method for the determination of BSA and HSA with sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate or sodium lauryl sulfate”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003, 377(2): 375-379. (Ip=2.098)

10. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, “Study of the interaction between nucleic acid and oxytetracycline- Eu3+ and its analytical application”, J. Lumin., 2002, 96: 201-209. (SCI)

11. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Zhengmin Li, Fang Huang, “Resonance Rayleigh Light -scattering of Thiamine Hydrochloride-nucleic acid-CTMAB systems and their analytical application”, Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (SCI)

12. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Zengjun Lan “Resonance Double Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Proteins with Morin-CTMAB”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (SCI)

13. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Study on the Resonance Light Scattering Spectrum of Berberine-Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide System and the Determination of Nucleic Acids at Nanogram Levels”, Spectrochim. Acta, part A, 2002, 58/3:459-467 (SCI)

14. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, “Interaction of cetyl pyridine bromide with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance Rayleigh light scattering”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2002, 58(9): 1935-1942. (SCI)

15. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Jinghe Yang, “Study on the High corrosion Resistance and Long Life-span Process of Electroless Nickel”, Metal Finishing, 2002, 100(3): 34-37. (EI)

16. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, Tao Wu, “Interaction of Morin-CTMAB with Nucleic Acids and Determination of Nucleic acids at Nanogram Per Milliliter Levels Based on the Enhancement of Preresonance Light Scattering”, The Analyst, 2001, 126:1367-1371. (Ip=2.789)

17. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Tao Wu, “Resonance double frequency light scattering of morin- nucleic acid-CTMAB system and their analytical application”, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2001, 448(1-2):85-91. (Ip=2.588)

18. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Interaction of CTMAB with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the measurement of light scattering”, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2001,441/2:303-308. (Ip=2.588)

19. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Sui Hua, Changxia Sun, “Interaction of morin with CTMAB: Aggregation and location in micellar”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2001, 57/13:2561-2566. (SCI)

20. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Simple and sensitive determination of nucleic acid by Rayleigh light scattering technique with methyl green-CTMAB”, Indian J. of Chem., 2001, 40A: 1121-1123. (SCI)

21. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Sui Hua, Yanqing Feng, Jinghe Yang, “Rapid spectrometric Determination of Ni2+ in Electroless Nickel Deposition Baths Containing Fe”,Plating and Surface Finishing, 2001, 88(9): 80-83. (SCI)

22. Rutao Liu, Guan, J-Q., Aisen, P., Chance, M.R. “Human Transferrin Binding Sites with Transferrin Receptor Detected by Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry”,Biophysical Journa,2004, 86: 96a. (SCI)

23. Chance, M.R., Zak, O., Aisen, P., Rutao Liu, and J-Q.Guan, “Structure of Transferrin: Receptor Complex as Analyzed by Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry, 2004, 15:63S. (SCI)

24. Rutao Liu, Zak, O., Aisen, P., Chance, M.R.,“Structural Reorganization of Transferrin C-Lobe and Transferrin Receptor Upon Complex Formation: C-Lobe Binds to the Receptor Helical Domain”, Mol. & Cellular Proteomics, 2003, 2.9 supplement, 45.1. (SCI)

25. Rutao Liu., Aisen, P., Zak, O., Chance, M.R., “Synchrotron Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry Method to Probe the Surface of Human Transferrin C-Lobe”, Biophysical Journal, 2003, 84: 36A. (SCI)

26. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Sui Hua, Jinghe Yang, Yuli Lu,“Derivation and Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of iron in Electroless Nickel Plating solution”, Plating and Surface Finishing, 2000,87(2): 73-77. (SCI)

27. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, and Yuli Lu, “Study on a medium speed and long life-span electroless nickel plating process”, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing ,2000, 78(5): 198-200. (SCI)

28. Cunguo Lin, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Guiling Zhang, Rutao Liu, Xihui Cao, Rongjiang Han, “Enhanced fluorescence of the terbium-gadolinium-nucleic acids system and the determination of nucleic acids”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2000, 403:219- 224. (SCI)

29. Fang Huang, Jinghe Yang, Aiyou Hao, Xia Wu, Rutao Liu,Quanli Ma, “The Study of Spectrographic Properties and Molecular Recognition of Calix[n]arenes”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2001, 57:1025-1030. (SCI)

30. Canzhu Gao, Yuli Lu, Rutao Liu, “Influence of Additives on Electrodeposition of Nickel from a Watts Bath-a Cyclic Voltammetric study”, Plating and Surface Finishing, 1997, 84(9):83-85. (SCI)

31. 刘汝涛, 冯雁卿,高灿柱, 杨景和,“化学镀镍清洁生产工艺的研究”,化工环保, 2001, 3:164-167.

32. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱, 杨景和,鹿玉理,“化学镀镍液中NaH­2PO­2的快速测定”,,电镀与环保, 2000, 20(1),29-31.

33. 刘汝涛, 张继有, 高灿柱, 鹿玉理,“化学镀镍稳定性因素的研究”,表面技术,2001,31(1): 10-12.

34. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱, 鹿玉理,“化学镀镍添加工艺的研究”,电镀与环保,1998,18(5):19-21.

35. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱, 隋华, 鹿玉理,“化学镀镍液中镍离子浓度得快速测定”,材料保护,1998, 31(10):25-27.

36. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱, 隋华, 鹿玉理,“化学镀镍液中络合剂浓度的快速测定”,电镀与精饰, 1998, 20,(6):33-36.

37. 李怀纳, 毕思伟, 刘汝涛, “N-亚水杨基亮氨酸3d金属配合物的合成及薄层色谱与紫外光谱研究”, 色谱, 1997,15(5):425-427.





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