

词条 刘桂建




1984.09~1988.07 淮南矿业学院地质系大学学习,获学士学位

1993.09~1996.07 淮南矿业学院硕士研究生学习,获工学硕士学位,



1988.07~1995.09 山东煤田地质局从事地质勘探和技术管理工作

1995.09~2000.04 山东煤炭地质工程勘察研究院从事地质与环境科学研究工作

2000.04~2002.02 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院做博士后研究工作

2002.03~现在 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院从事教学与科研工作







1.Liugen Zheng, Liu Guijian, Lei Wang and Chen-Lin Chou,2008, Composition and quality of coals in the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2007.11.002(SCI和EI收录,通讯作者)

2.Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Peng Zicheng, Yang Gang, Abundances and Isotopic Compositions of Rhenium and Osmium in Pyrite Samples from the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China,International Journal of Earth Sciences,2008,DOI:10.1007/s00531-007-0184-0

3.Zhang Ying, Liu Guijianet al. 2008.Sequential solvent extraction for the modes of occurrence of selenium in coals of different ranks from the Huaibei Coalfield, China,Geochemical Transactions , doi:10.1186/1467-4866-8-14(SCI收录,通讯作者)

4.Qi Cuicui, Liu Guijian,et al. 2008.Sequential Solvent Extraction for Forms of Antimony in Five Selected Coals,Journal of Geology,116(2)(SCI,通讯作者)

5.Qi Cuicui , Liu Guijian, Chou Chenlin, Zheng Liugen 2008,Environmental Geochemistry of Antimony in Chinese Coals, Science of The Total Environment, 389,225-234(SCI和EI收录,通讯作者)

6.Liugen Zheng, Guijian Liu, Cuicui Qi, Ying Zhang, Minghong Wong, 2008. The use of sequential extraction to determine the distribution and modes of occurrence of mercury in Permian Huaibei coal, Anhui Province, China.International Journal of Coal Geology,73(2): 139-155(SCI和EI收录,通讯作者)

7.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2008. Abundance and modes of occurrence of mercury in some low-sulfur coals from China.International Journal of Coal Geology, 73(1):19-26(SCI和EI收录,通讯作者)


1.Xue Jian , Liu Guijian , Niu Zhiyuan, Chou Chen-Lin, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Haoyuan, Factors that influence the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coals, Energy & Fuels,2007,21(2):881-890(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

2.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Nurdan S Duzgoren-Aydin, Gao Lianfen, Liu Junhua, Peng Zicheng. 2007, Health effects of Arsenic, Fluorine, and Selenium from indoor burning of Chinese coal.Review of Environmental Contaminate and Toxicology. 189:89-106(SCI与EI 收录)

3.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Ying, Qi Cuicui, Chen Yiwei,Zicheng Peng, 2007.Distribution and Mode of Occurrence of As, Hg and Se and Sulfur in coal Seam 3 of the Shanxi Formation, Yanzhou Coalfield, China,International Journal of Coal Geology.71(2-3):371-385(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

4.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, 2007,Environmental geochemistry and health of fluorine in Chinese coals, Environmental Geology, 52 (7): 1307-1313(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

5.Liu Guijian, Niu Zhiyuan, Van Niekerk Daniel, Xue Jian, Zheng Liugen, 2007,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Coal Combustion: Emissions, Analysis and Toxicology, Review of Environmental Contaminate and Toxicology.,192:1-28(SCI与EI 收录)

6.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2007. The distribution, occurrence and environmental effect of mercury in Chinese coals.Science of The Total Environment, 384(1-3):374-383(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

7.Chen Yiwei , Guijian Liu, Gong Yanming, Yang Jianli, Qi Cuicui,Gao Lianfen, 2007,Release and Enrichment of 44 elements during coal pyrolysis of Yima Coal, China, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,80:283-288(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

8.Liu Guijian, Zhang Ying,Qi Cuicui, Zheng Liugen, Chen Yiwei,Peng Zicheng, 2007,Comparative on Causes and Accumulation of Selenium in the Tree-rings Ambient High-selenium Coal Combustion Area from Yutangba, Hubei, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,133(1-3):99-103(SCI收录)

9.Guijian Liu, Cuicui Qi, Stanislav V. Vassilev, Yiwei Chen. 2007, Mineral and chemical composition of the Yanzhou coal and coal ash (China), and volatilization behavior to 1000°C. Journal of the Energy Institute.80(4):1-5(SCI收录)

10.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying,2007, Geochemistry of Rare Elements in Permian Coals from the Huaibei Coalfield, China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31,167-176(SCI与EI 收录,通讯作者)

11. Liu Guijian, Zheng liugen, Qi Cuicui, 2007,Relationship between Hg and sulfur in coal from Huaibei Coalfield, China. Geochemical et Cosmochimica Acta. 71(15):A588(SCI收录)

12.its health impact, Geochimical et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007. 71(15), A589. (SCI收录)




16.齐翠翠,刘桂建,2007, 煤中硫矿物及其在酸洗前后的变化,环境化学2007,26(4):547-548(通讯作者)

17.薜翦,邱实,伊浩等,2007,真空条件下高分辩质谱对不同煤质热解释放CO2分析,火灾科学, 16(2):67-71(通讯作者)








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