

词条 RBL

1.弱爆了 (RBL)





比如,碰到一个你认为比较弱,或者比较猥琐或者十分不给力的人,你可以直呼他/她/它, Hi, RBL,今天过得怎么样?又或者你干脆可以用一种很鄙夷很鄙视的态度及语气对他/她/它大呼: RLB!弱爆了!

2. Realtime Blackhole List

RBL是英文Realtime Blackhole List的缩写,即实时黑名单列表。在该列表中的IP地址对外发布过垃圾邮件。因此,它象病毒定义文件一样被垃圾邮件过滤器用于过滤由该列表中发出的垃圾邮件。网上有免费的RBL可以下载。由于该列表被实时更新因此能够保证被过滤的最新垃圾邮件。

Short for Realtime Blackhole List, a list of IP addresses whose owners refuse to stop the proliferation of spam. The RBL usually lists server IP addresses from ISPs whose customers are responsible for the spam and from ISPs whose servers are hijacked for spam relay.

As subscribers to the RBL, ISPs and companies will know from which IP addresses to block traffic. Most traffic blocking occurs during the SMTP connection phase. The receiving end will check the RBL for the connecting IP address. If the IP address matches one on the list, then the connection gets dropped before accepting any traffic from the spammer. Some ISPs, though, will choose to blackhole (or ignore) IP packets at their routers. The goal here is to block all IP traffic.

It is important to note that all e-mail and packet blocking is done by the recipient, not the RBL administrator, which is only responsible for bouncing spam that is directed at its servers.

The RBL was created by Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) LLC., but there are other entities that keep RBLs aside from MAPS.

RBL,Research Based Learning,“以探究为基础”的教学,是一种以探究未知问题为基础,设计性综合性实验为载体,构建开放式、学生主动参与的教学模式。它不同于传统教学,旨在通过充分调动学生的学习主动性、积极性和创造性来提高学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高学生自学能力和实践能力,培养学生的科学思维、创新意识。





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