释义 | 企业简介Quantegy Recording Solutions 康特佳 世界著名的磁带数据存储设备生产商和音频录音设备制造商,美国老牌磁带制造商。成立于1945年,总部位于美国阿拉巴马州的Opelika。 二战结束后,德国磁带生产商遭到了战争重创,生产能力低下,而美国广播节目制作商、美国军方对于磁带的需求急剧膨胀,美国人John Herbert Orr于是成立了Orradio Industries,开始为国内供应磁带。 早期主要以生产模拟录像带为主,后来逐渐开始生产数字录像带。经过半个世纪的发展,成为和SONY、Panasonic、MAXELL等磁带制造商相媲美的著名企业。公司的主要业务领域也由起初的磁带制造商扩展到存储、音频、视频等多个领域。旗舰产品有499 Gold Studio Mastering、GP9 platinum Studio Mastering、FHD3 Black Diamond银盘存储器等。2004年1月5日,Quantegy因经营问题宣告破产。 发展历程1945年,John Herbert Orr创立了Orradio Industries。 1959年,AMPEX公司收购了Orradio Industries,公司改名为Ampex磁带事业部。 1995年,AMPEX削减了旗下的Ampex Recording Media Corporation,公司改名为现在的Quantegy Inc.。 2005年1月,公司申请破产保护,Quantegy关闭了其在Opelika的制造厂房,引起了媒体的广泛关注。 2005年4月18日,Quantegy所有权变更,重新开张。 2007年1月,Quantegy宣布:2007年4月,公司将停止所有磁带生产,所有的订单供应将在2月22日前截至。 英文简介Quantegy Recording Solutions is a manufacturer of magnetic tape based in Opelika, Alabama. Their tape products are primarily used in analog audio and video recording studios, but they also have some use with digital data storage devices and instrumentation recorders. The company was created at the end of World War II by Major John Herbert Orr as Orradio Industries. This was a result of the US Army requiring an American supplier of magnetic tape. Magnetic tape was a German invention and after the war, the German manufacturing ability was destroyed. In 1959, Ampex acquired Orradio Industries and it became the Ampex Magnetic Tape Division. In 1995, Ampex divested this division, then called the Ampex Recording Media Corporation. This became Quantegy, Inc. which later changed its name to the current Quantegy Recording Solutions. In January 2005, having previously filed for bankruptcy protection, Quantegy closed its manufacturing facility in Opelika. This event received substantial media attention. On April 18, 2005, Quantegy resumed operations under new ownership.[1] In January 2007, Quantegy announced that it will cease production of magnetic tape in April 2007 and is taking orders up until February 22. [2] The only remaining manufacturers of new magnetic tape for sound recording are RMGI and ATR Magnetics. |
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