

词条 李运合


李运合,男,1977年生,理学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2003获华中农业大学园林植物与观赏园艺硕士学位,2007年获得中山大学植物学博士学位,博士期间主要研究芒果不同子叶切段对不定根发育的研究及其对芒果子叶不定根形成相关影响因素,发现生长素的极性分布对不定根形成有着重要的调控作用;并利用简并引物克隆了芒果子叶生长素输出载体基因(MiPIN1MiPIN2MiPIN3MiPIN4)和输入载体基因(MiAUX1MiAUX2, MiAUX3 MiAUX4,通过Real-time PCR方法对其在不同处理条件下的芒果子叶切段不定根形成过程中的时空表达进行了研究。




1.Li YH, Zou MH, Feng BH, Huang X, Zhang Z, Sun GM (2012) Molecular cloning and characterization of the genes encoding an auxinefflux carrier and the auxin influx carriers associated with the adventitiousroot formation in mango (Mangifera indicaL.) cotyledon segments. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.55:33-42

2.Li YH, Wu YJ, Wu B, Zou MH, Zhang Z, Sun GM (2011) Exogenous gibberellicacid increases the fruit weight of 'Comte de Paris' pineapple by enlargingflesh cells without negative effects on fruit quality. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,33:1715–1722

3. Li YH, Zhang Z, Sun GM (2010) Changes in cell number and cell sizeduring pineapple (Ananas comosus L.)fruit development and their relationship with fruit size. Australian Journal ofBotany, 58: 673-678

4. Li YH, Chen QZ, Xiao JN, Chen YF,Li XJ, Staehelin C, Huang XL(2008) Characteristicsof adventitious root formation in cotyledon segments of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Zihua): twoinduction patterns, histological origins and the relationship with polar auxintransport. Plant Growth Regulation,54:165-177

5.Wu B, Li YH, Wu JY, Chen QZ, Huang X, ChenYF, Huang XL (2011) Over-expression of mango (Mangifera indica L.) MiARF2inhibits root and hypocotyl growth of Arabidopsis. Molecular Biology Reports,38:3189-3194

6. Wu YJ, Li YH, Wu YQ, Chen HH, Li Y, Zhao YH,Li YS (2011) Transgenic plants from fragmented shoot tips of apple (Malus baccata (L.) Borkhausen) viaagrobacterium-mediated transformation, Scientia Horticulturae. 128:450-456

7.李运合,马杰,吴永杰,孙光明. (2011) 影响芒果子叶切段不定根形成的因素.西北植物学报,31:842-847

8. 李运合,孙光明.(2011) 利用CODEHOP和iCODEHOP设计简并引物克隆芒果LAX基因家族片段. 热带作物学报,2011,12:2278-2282

9.李运合,莫忆伟,习金根,张鲁斌,孙光明. (2010)应用RT-PCR方法检测菠萝凋萎病病毒. 热带作物学报,2010,31:1003-1008

10.李运合,孙光明. (2009) 喷施外源CPPU和GA对菠萝果实品质的影响. 热带作物学报, 30:1252-1255

11. 李运合,孙光明,吴蓓.(2009)植物生长素的极性运输载体研究进展.西北植物学报,29:1714-1722

12. 李运合,胡春根,姚家玲,张友德. (2005) 盾叶薯蓣四倍体诱导的研究。 中草药, 36:16-20

13. 李运合,姚家玲,张友德,胡春根. (2003) 小花盾叶薯蓣的组织培养和快速繁殖. 植物生理学通讯, 39:34-34





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