

词条 李永生
1 江苏巨鹏教育集团董事长



籍贯: 江苏




2011年4月成立中国智慧联盟 任主席


2011年3月就任北京巨人教育集团 任副总经理

2011年3月成立北京巨鹏教育集团 任董事长

2010年年底参加第十届学习型中国 任副理事单位

2010年12月成立江苏巨鹏教育集团 任董事局主席

2010年4月成立江苏盐城市亭湖区鹏城党支部 任支部书记

2010年2月参加香港半岛总裁班 任副班长

2010月1月创立中国教育创新发展联盟 任主席

2009年10月参加学习型中国金口财班 任班长


2008年9月就读于南京大学(EMBA)总裁班 任副班长

2005年9月成立江苏盐城鹏城文化辅导中心(43家分校) 任董事长

2005年就读于北京大学(EMBA)高级工商管理班 任班长

2002年6月分别在盐城各县成立35家分校 任董事长

2001年6月成立盐城永生教育培训中心 (13家分校) 任董事长

1999年创办盐城永生家教中心 任校长

1996年到1999年 就读江苏省响水县中学 学生会主席

1999年至2002年就读于江苏省盐城师范学院 学生会主席






2 四川大学化学工程学院副院长


性 别: 男

籍 贯: 山西省襄垣县

学 位: 理学博士(留日)

学 历: 博士后(留日)

职 称: 教 授


1973年3月-1975年3月 山西省襄垣县第一高中

1975年3月-1978年7月 山西省襄垣县夏店公社西北阳大队知青点插队

1978年8月-1982年7月 东北电力学院动力工程系电厂化学专业,大学本科

1982年8月-1994年1月 东北电力学院应用化学系 (助教,讲师,副教授)


1990年11月-1992年3月 日本立教(圣保罗)大学理学部化学科客座研究员

1992年4月-1995年3月 立教大学研究生院攻读化学博士(理学博士)

1995年4月-1998年3月 立教大学博士后研究(获博士后研究证书)

1995年4月-1997年3月 日本法政大学教养部化学教研室讲师

1996年4月-1999年3月 日本电力中央研究院物理化学部研究员

1996年4月-2005年3月 Wiley&Sons《Laboratory and Automation》杂志海外编辑


1999年04月-2004年03月 东北电力学院应用化学研究所所长,教授

2000年07月-2003年11月 东北电力学院应用化学系系主任(正处级)

2004年10月-2005年07月 四川大学化学工程学院教授,博士生导师(214人才引进)

2005年07月-现在 四川大学化学工程学院副院长(教授,博导)


2000年11月-2006年03月 中国电力行业电厂化学标准化技术第四届委员会委员

2000年04月-2004年12月 中国民盟东北电力学院总支主委

2002年01月-2003年01月 第九届吉林市政协委员

2001年10月-2004年12月 吉林市侨联副主席

2003年01月-2006年01月 第九届吉林省政协委员

2000年01月-现在 中国电机工程学会电厂化学专业委员会委员


分析化学;仪器分析;工业分析;流动注射分析(FIA);激光粒度分布分析;高精度粘度分析;奥格电子探针分光光度分析(Auger); X射线分析;扫描电镜(SEM or FE-SEM);工业水处理;火电厂及核电站水化学;计算机的应用;水净化系统的设计等。
















概况:在日本留学、工作近十年;90年到日本留学,在日本获得理学博士学位、完成博士后研究;兼任美国Wiley出版社《Laboratory Robotics and Automation》英文期刊的海外编辑;从事专业是应用化学和分析化学;此外,曾担任过日本电力中央研究所研究员、日本法政大学化学讲师、日本立教(圣保罗)大学客座研究员等职;99年从日本电力中央研究所辞职归国,任东北电力学院应用化学系主任(正处级),2004年作为引进人才调入四川大学化学工程学院(获川大启动资金50万元)。

1). 著作:

1987年,撰写了《流动注射分析》专著(第一作者),已由北京大学出版社和中国光学会联合出版发行(No.1320947);2002年撰写英文版专著一部:《Flow Injection Analysis and Application for Chemistry Analysis》(吉林人民出版社,2002, ISBN 7-206-02728-8/R?37)

2). 科研、论文及发明概况:

1985 研制成功FIA-T1-721型FIA分光光度分析仪,获电力部科技进步奖; 国家级重大科技成果;

分别在《Anal. Chim. Acta》(荷兰,英文), 《Anal. Science》(日本,英文), 《The Thermal and Nuclear Power》(日文),《Laboratory Robotics and Automation》(美国,英文), 《ぶせきかがく》(日文),《分析化学》(重要期刊),《电机工程学报》(重要),《中国电力》(重要),《分析实验室》(核心),《理化检验》(核心),《工业水处理》(核心),《仪表技术与传感器》(核心)等国内外重要期刊杂志上发表论文65篇, 其中,英文论文13篇、日文论文11篇、中文论文41篇,被SCI收录的论文17篇,被EI收录的论文14篇。




1).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, Flow Injection Analysis (in Chinese), Peking University Press, Peking, No. 13209-47-11, 1987, China.

2).Yong-sheng Li, Theoretical studies of flow injection analysis and application for monitoring water quality at power plants with newly developed FI analyzer (in English)., Ph. Doctoral dissertation, 25 March 1995, Rikkyo (St. Pauls) University, Japan.

3).Yong-sheng Li and Xiu-Feng Gao, Flow injection analysis and Application for Chemistry Analysis (in English)., The Jilin Peoples Publisher, 2002, ISBN 7-206-02728-8/R?37, China.


1).Yong-sheng Li, Advance of flow injection analysis (FIA), DianliSheji yu Shuichuli Dongtai (Electric Power Designs and Trends of Water Treatment), 1984, (1), 4.

2).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, Flow injection spectrophotometric determination of phosphate in the boiler water at power plants, Gongye Shuichuli (Water Treatments in Industry), 1986, (3), 50. (核心期刊)

3).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, A newly developed FIA-T1-721 type multi-purpose flow injection spectrophotometer, Fenxi Yiqi (Analytical Instruments), 1986, (3), 46.

4).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, Research on the method for rapid determination of phosphate in boiler water at power plant with FIA, Dongbei Dianli Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering), 1986, (1), 56. (省部级期刊)

5).Yong-sheng Li, Advances in simultaneous determination technology based on FIA, Lihua Jianyan Huaxue Fence (Physical Testings and Chemical Analyses: Fascicle of Analytical Tests, (PTCA)), 1987, 23, 373. (核心期刊)

6).Hai-ping Zhang, Hui-li Yue and Yong-sheng Li, Spectrophotometric determination of ppb Cu2+ in the water-steam at power plants based on FIA, Gongye Suichuli, 1987, 7 (5), 42. (核心期刊)

7).Yong-sheng Li, Advances of new analytical instruments based on FIA, Yiqiyibiao yu Fenxijiance (Analytical Instrument and Monitoring), 1988, (2), 1. (省部级期刊)

8).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, Design theory on a FIA-T1-721 multipurpose flow injection spectrophotometer, Dongbei Dianli Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering),1988, (1), 63. (省部级期刊)

9).Yong-sheng Li and Xiu-feng Gao, Application of FIA for clinic assays, Gowai Yixue--Linchuang Shengwu Huaxue (Foreign Medicine: Fascicle of Clinical Biochemistry), 1989, 10(5), 21. (核心期刊)

10).Yong-sheng Li, Review on-line analyzers used at therm-power stations in Japan., Yiqi Yibiao yu Fengxi Jiance (Analytical Instrument and Monitoring), 1989, (3), 58. (省部级期刊)

11).Yong-sheng Li, Scanning on developments of flow-injection analysis, Dianli Sheji yu Shuichuli Dongtai (Electric Power Designs and Trends of Water Treatment), 1989, 25(2), 35.

12).Yong-sheng Li, Research on simultaneous determinations of silicate and phosphate based on FIA, Guolu Suichuli (Journal of Water Treatments in Boiler),1989, (3), 4. (省部级期刊)

13).Yong-sheng Li, Research on new type of on-line monitoring analyzer based on rFIA, Jilin Dianli Jishu (Electric Power Technology of Jilin), 1989,(3), 44. (省部级期刊)

14).Yong-sheng Li, and Xiu-feng Gao, Flow injection analysis and its applications of clinic analyses, Shanghai Yixue Jianyan Zazi (Academic Journal of Medical Testings of Shanghai), 1989, 4(4), 231. (核心期刊)

15).Yong-sheng Li, Rapid determination of silicate concentration in boiler water at power plants by using the rFIA method, Heilongjiang Dianli Jishu (Journal of Electric Engineering Academy of Heilongjiang), 1989, 11(5), 42. (省部级期刊)

16). Hong-ze Pan, Hai-ping Zhang and Yong-sheng Li, Determination of iron (III) in environmental water and river water by flow injection spectrophotometry, Jilin Dianli Jishu (Electric Power Technology of Jilin), 1989, (2), 10. (省部级期刊)

17).Yong-sheng Li, Reversed FI spectrophotometric determination of silicate in boiler water of power plant, Lihua Jianyan Huaxue Fence (Physical Tests and Chemical Analysis: Fascicle of Chemical Analysis), 1990, 26(1), 40. (核心期刊)

18).Yong-sheng Li, Investigation of the new model analytical instrumentation performances based on FIA principle, Guowai Fenxi Yiqi (Foreign Analytical Instruments), 1990, (1), 46. (省部级期刊)

19).Yong-sheng Li, Study on an on-line analyzer for simultaneous measurement and monitoring of silica and phosphorus contents in boiler water of power plant with reversed flow injection analysis, Dianli Jishu (Electrical Power),1990, 23(1), 21. (重要期刊)

20).Yong-sheng Li, A filtrating device saving energy with fiber, Shuichuli Shebei Jishu (Technology on water Treatment Equipments), 1990, 11(2), 5.

21).Yong-sheng Li, Simultaneous determination of phosphate and silicate in boiler water in power plants with reversed spectrophotometry, Fenxi Shiyanshi (Analytical Laboratory), 1991, 10(2), 41. (核心期刊)

22).Yong-sheng Li, Applied studies of FIA on water quality measurement and on-line monitoring in thermal power plants., Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xiuebao (Proceedings of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering), 1991, 11(4), 38. (重要期刊)

23).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Application of FIA to water quality measurement and on-line monitoring in thermal power plants (in Japanese)., Bunseki kagaku (Analytical Chemistry),1992, 41, 463. SCI: 1992, 6D, 3212, No. JT010. (日文一级期刊)

24).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Reversed flow-injection analysis and on-line chemical monitoring in thermal power plants (in Japanese)., J. Flow Injection Anal., 1992, 9,(2), 175. (日文期刊)

25).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Research on the analyses of data obtained by zone circulation flow injection analysis (in Japanese)., J. Flow Injection Anal., 1993, 10(1), 66. (日文期刊)

26).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Zone circulation flow injection analysis: theory (in English)., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994, 289, 355. (国际一级期刊)

27).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Correlations among dispersion coefficient and FIA parameters based on experimental data by zone circulation flow injection analysis (in English), Anal. Science, 1994, 10, 333. (国际一级期刊)

28).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Axial dispersion of sample zone by analyzing damped curves with zone circulating flow injection analysis (in Japanese)., J. Flow Injection Anal., 1994, 11(1), 68. (日文期刊)

29).Yong-sheng Li, Theoretical studies of flow injection analysis and application for monitoring water quality at power plants with newly developed FI analyzer (in English)., ph. Doctoral dissertation, 25 March 1995, Rikkyo (St. Pauls) University, Japan.

30).Yong-sheng Li and Zhong-jia Wang, Automatic analytical methods for monitoring water quality at power plants with reversed flow injection analysis (in English)., Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1995, 7, 229-238. EI: 1996, 34(5), 54, No. 058996. (国际期刊)

31).Yong-sheng Li, Digest of Ph. Doctoral Dissertation: Theoretical studies of flow injection analysis and application for monitoring water quality at power plants with newly developed FI analyzer (in Japanese), Bunseki kagaku (Analytical Chemistry), 1996, 45(1), 101 (国际一级期刊)

32).Yong-sheng Li, Research on axial dispersion and other parameter of sample zone in FIA with zone circulating flow injection analysis (in English), Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1996, 8(2), 111-119. EI: 1996, 34(9), 439, No. 124903; (国际期刊)

33).Yong-sheng Li, and Xiu-Feng Gao, Relationships of exponents with coefficients of equations on axial and radial dispersions in flow injection analysis (in English), Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1996, 8(3), 171-179. (国际期刊)

34).Yong-sheng Li, and Xiu-feng Gao, Two new parameters---Axial degree and radial dispersions intensity of the sample zone injected in flow injection analysis (in English), Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1996, 8(6), 351-360. (国际期刊)

35).Yong-sheng Li, An Automatic Method of On-line FIA Cation-Exchange Pretreating and Anion-Exchange Separating for Simultaneous Determination of Silica and Phosphate in Biological Materials, (in English), Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1997, 9(2), 55-67. EI: 1997, 35(8), 100, No. 109189. (国际期刊)

36).Xiu-Feng Gao, K. Ikebukuro, I. Karube, Yong-sheng Li, A novel assay for determination of sulfated bile acids in urine by use of flow-injection chemiluminescence principle with immobilized enzymes (in English), Laboratory Robotics and Automation (Wiley & Sons), 1997, 9(2), 69-79. (国际期刊)

37).Xiu-Feng Gao, K. Ikebukuro, I. Karube, Yong-sheng Li, Determination for sulfated bile acids using immobilized enzyme reactor based on FIA chemiluminescence (in Japanese), Bunseki kagaku, 1997, 46(5), 357-365. (国际一级期刊)

38).Yong-sheng Li, K. Fukushima and H.Hirano, Research on applicability of oxygenated water treatment to PWR secondary water (Part 1) -- the effect of dissolved oxygen on the crevice corrosion between SG tube and tube support plates --- (in Japanese), CRIEPI, No.T97035, 1998 1-18. (日本电力中央研究院权威年报)

39).Yong-sheng Li, K. Fukushima and H.Hirano, Research on the applicability of the oxygenated water treatment method to PWRs secondary water (Part 2) -- the effect of dissolved oxygen on the uniform corrosion of metal materials used for heat-transfer tubes and tube-support plates in Steam Generators.--- (in Japanese), CRIEPI, No.T98080, 1999 1-15. (日本电力中央研究院权威年报)

40).Yong-sheng Li, Y. Naruzawa, A Flow-Injection Spectrophotometry for Simultaneous Determination of Silica and Phosphate in Biological and Plant Materials by Using On-line Pretreatment and Separation Columns, (in Chinese), J. Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, 2000, 20(4), 1-10. (省部级期刊)

41).Yong-sheng Li, Y. Naruzawa, Simultaneous Determination of Silica and Phosphate in Biological and Plant Materials by Using HPLC Columns Based on Flow-Injection Spectrophotometry, (in Chinese), Fenxi Xhiyanshi, 2001, 20(4), 53-57. (核心期刊)

42).Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, Flow injection spectrophotometric determination of sulfated bile acids in urine with immobilized enzyme reactors using the water soluble tetrazolium blue-5 (in English), Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001, 443, 257-264. (国际一级期刊)

43).Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, A flow injection chemiluminescence method for determination of sulfated bile acids in urine by using an on-line immobilized enzyme reactor (in Chinese), 分析化学. 2001, 29(10), 1154-1156. (重要期刊).

44).Yong-sheng Li, Jing Zhou, Reversed flow injection analysis for trace phosphate in boiler water at power plants (in Chinese), North China Electric Power, 2002, 254(2), 11-14. (核心期刊)

45).Yong-sheng Li, Yu Muo, Huo-Mei Xie, Simultaneous determination of silicate and phosphate in boiler water at power plants based on series flow cells by using flow injection spectrophotometry (in English), Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002, 455, 315-325. (国际一级期刊)

46).Yong-sheng Li, and Sheng-xian Cao, Study on flow-injection spectrophotometric determination of ppb-level silicate in boiledwater and feedwater in thermal power plant, Electric Power, 2002, 35(11), 22-26(重要期刊). Ei数据库收录期刊

47).Yong-sheng Li, Yi-ling Dong, Shu-qing Lu, Research on spectrophotometric determination of ppb-level chloride in boiler water at power plants based on flow injection analysis, North China Electric Power, 2003, 266(2), 18-22(核心期刊).

48). Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, Development of rapid analytical method for the determination of sulfated bile acids in urine based on flow-injection spectrophotometry by using immobilized enzyme technology (in Japanese), Bunseki Kagaku, 2003, 52(3), 195-200. (日文重要期刊)

49).Yong-sheng Li, Li-ling Yang, Study on selectivity of semiconductor gas sensor, Instrument technique and sensor, 2003, 241(3), 7-9. (核心期刊).

50).Yong-sheng Li, Application of the combined oxygen treatment in feedwater system at Japanese power plants, Shanxi Dianli, 2003, 111(2), 1-6. (省部级期刊)

51).Yong-sheng Li, Development of an automatic analyzer for simultaneous determination of silica and phosphate in boiler water at power plants, The Thermal and Nuclear Power (Japan), 2003, 54(12), 55-61. (日文重要期刊)

52).Xiu-feng Gao and Yong-sheng Li, Statistical analysis and determination of zinc and iron ion in hair of pregnancy women and neonates., Chinese Journal of General Medicine, 2003, 5(5), 16-17(核心期刊)

53).Xiu-feng Gao and Yong-sheng Li, Rapid determination of chloride ion in serum based on flow-injection spectrophotometry, Chinese Journal of Today’s Medicine, 2003, 3(12), 20-22(核心期刊).

54).Yong-sheng Li, Sheng-xian Cao, Chun-yan Huan, Xiao-yu Pan, Development of an automatic method for rapid determination of ppb-level silicate in boiledwater and feedwater at power plants, Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, 2002, 23(2), 10-14(省级期刊).

55).Yong-sheng Li, Hao-feng Zhang, Jin-tang Hao, Lei Zhang, Research on application of combined water treatment method in generating unit for modulating high peak, Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, 2002, 23(2), 38-43(省级期刊).

56).Yong-Sheng Li, Jian-Feng Tian, Rui-Jun Wan, Shi-dong Song, and Jia-min Hao, Development of an automatic trace sodium ion analyzer, Analytical Instruments, 2004, (1), 1-5(省级期刊).

57).Yong-sheng Li, Yi-ling Dong and Yu-lian Yie, A continously automatic method for performance determination of strong alkaline anion-exchange resin used in water treatment at power plants, Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xiuebao (Proceedings of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering), 2004, 24(4), 200-204; EI:04288254445(重要期刊).

58).Yong-sheng Li, Li-ling Yang and Cheng-xia Xing Reaserch on quick automatic determination of trace-level sodium ion in water-steam cycle of thermal power plants, Electric Power, 2004, 37(3), 52-55(重要期刊). Ei数据库收录期刊

59).Yong-Sheng Li, Hao-Feng Zhang, Jin-Tang Hao and Lei Zhang, Research on application of combined water treatment in 200MW generating unit for modulating high peak of using electricity, East China Electric Power, 2004, 37(10), 35(核心期刊).

60).Yong-Sheng Li, Yi-Ling Dong, Determination of anion exchange resin performance based on facile chloride-ion monitoring by FIA-spectrophotometry with applications to water treatment operation, Anal. Sci. 2004, 20, 831-836. (国际重要期刊).

61). Yong-Sheng Li, Xue-Qin Zhang and Xu-Hui Sun, Simultaneous determination of trace chloride and sulfate in power plant condensate based on ion chromatography, East China Electric Power, 2004, 32(5), 5-8(核心期刊).

62). Yong-Sheng Li, Li-ling Yang and Cheng-Xia Xing, Research on automatic analyzer for determining trace-level sodium based on flow-injection ion-selective electrode method, Instrument technique and sensor, 2004, 253(3), 24-26. (核心期刊). Ei数据库收录期刊。

63).Yong-Sheng Li and Yi-Ling Dong, Determination for exchange capacity of strongly basic anion-exchange resins based on flow-injcetion analysis, 分析化学. 2004, 32(6), 787-790. (重要期刊).

64).Yong-Sheng Li, Hao-Feng Zhang, Jin-Tang Hao and Lei Zhang, Research on application of combined water treatment in 200MW generating unit for modulating high peak of using electricity, The Thermal and Nuclear Power (Japan), 2004, 55(9), 69-75. (日文重要期刊)

65).Yong-Sheng Li, Cheng-Xia Xing, and Li-Ling Yang, Determination of trace-level sodium ion in water-steam system of power plants using an FIA/ISE method with an automatic penetration and alkalization apparatus, Anal. Science, 2005, 21(3), 273-279. (国际重要期刊).

66).李永生, 叶玉兰, 朱志鹏, 王茜, 孟刚, FIA法测定大孔型阴树脂交换性能的应用研究, 工业水处理, 2005, 25(6),52-55. (核心期刊)

67). 李永生,齐娇娜,高秀峰, 酒中甲醇测定方法的研究进展,酿酒科技, 2006,139(1), 84-89. (核心期刊).


1). Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Application of FIA to water quality measurement and on-line monitoring in thermal power plants., Bunseki kagaku,1992, 41, 463. SCI: 1992, No. JT010.

2). Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Zone circulation flow injection analysis: theory., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994, 289, 355. SCI: 1994, No. NK024.

3).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Correlations among dispersion coefficient and FIA parameters based on experimental data by zone circulation flow injection analysis, Anal. Science, 1994, 10, 333. SCI: 1994, No. NF057.

4). Yong-sheng Li and Zhong-jia Wang, Automatic analytical methods for monitoring water quality at power plants with reversed flow injection analysis., Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 1995, 7, 229-238. EI: 1996, 34(5), 54, No. 058996. SCI: 1996, 14576705

5). Yong-sheng Li, Digest of Ph. Doctoral Dissertation: Theoretical studies of flow injection analysis and application for monitoring water quality at power plants with newly developed FI analyzer, Bunseki kagaku, 1996, 45(1), 101. SCI: 1996, No. TP463.

6). Yong-sheng Li, Research on axial dispersion and other parameter of sample zone in FIA with zone circulating flow injection analysis, Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 1996, 8(2), 111-119. EI: 1996, 34(9), 439, No. 124903; SCI: 1996, 14871203 (机检).

7).Yong-sheng Li, An Automatic Method of On-line FIA Cation-Exchange Pretreating and Anion-Exchange Separating for Simultaneous Determination of Silica and Phosphate in Biological Materials, Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 1997, 9(2), 55-67. EI: 1997, 35(8), 100, No. 109189.

8). Xiu-Feng Gao, K. Ikebukuro, I. Karube, Yong-sheng Li, A novel assay for determination of sulfated bile acids in urine by use of flow-injection chemiluminescence principle with immobilized enzymes, Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 1997, 9(2), 69-79. SCI: 1997, 15685998(机检). EI: 1997, 35(8), 541, No. 114772.

9).Xiu-Feng Gao, K. Ikebukuro, I. Karube, Yong-sheng Li, Determination for sulfated bile acids using immobilized enzyme reactor based on FIA chemiluminescence, Bunseki kagaku, 1997, 46(5), 357-365. SCI: 1997, No. XA960.

10).Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, Flow injection spectrophotometric determination of sulfated bile acids in urine with immobilized enzyme reactors using the water soluble tetrazolium blue-5, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001, 443, 257-264. SCI: 2001, No. QT487;.

11).Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, A flow injection chemiluminescence method for determination of sulfated bile acids in urine by using an on-line immobilized enzyme reactor, 分析化学. 2001, 29(10), 1154-1156. SCI: 2001, No. DY472;

12).Yong-sheng Li, Yu Muo, Huo-Mei Xie, Simultaneous determination of silicate and phosphate in boiler water at power plants based on series flow cells by using flow injection spectrophotometry, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002, 455, 315-325. SCI: 2002, No. KU534;

13).Xiu-Feng Gao, Yong-sheng Li, Isao Karube, Development of rapid analytical method for the determination of sulfated bile acids in urine based on flow-injection spectrophotometry by using immobilized enzyme technology, Bunseki Kagaku, 2003, 52(3), 195-200. SCI: 2003, No. QF655;

14).Yong-sheng Li, Yi-ling Dong and Yu-lian Yie, A continously automatic method for performance determination of strong alkaline anion-exchange resin used in water treatment at power plants, Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xiuebao, 2004, 24(4), 200-204; EI:04288254445

15).Yong-Sheng Li, Yi-Ling Dong, Determination of anion exchange resin performance based on facile chloride-ion monitoring by FIA-spectrophotometry with applications to water treatment operation, Anal. Sci. 2004, 20, 831-836. SCI: 2004, No. UA820;.

16).Yong-Sheng Li and Yi-Ling Dong, Determination for exchange capacity of strongly basic anion-exchange resins based on flow-injcetion analysis, 分析化学. 2004, 32(6), 787-790. SCI: 2004, No. QG837.

17).Yong-Sheng Li, Cheng-Xia Xing, and Li-Ling Yang, Determination of trace-level sodium ion in water-steam system of power plants using an FIA/ISE method with an automatic penetration and alkalization apparatus, Anal. Science, 2005, 21(3), 273-279. SCI: 2006, No.RD995.


1). 激光检测装置,实用新型:ZL 200320104928.1;

2). 痕量钠离子自动快速测定方法及测定装置,发明专利:CN03133971.9;

3). 荧光毛细反应装置及荧光毛细分析法,申请号:200510021542.8;

4). 用于固定化酶乙醇荧光毛细分析法的乙醇毛细生物反应器及其制备方法,申请号:200510021832.2;


1).Yong-sheng Li and Wei-cai Cheng, Research on constructing a new flow injection spectrophotometric analyzer type FIA-T1-721, Second Japan-Sino Conference on Water Treatment of Therm-Power Plant (in English), November, 7-15, 1987, Tokyo, Japan.

2).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Study of matrix effect on the simultaneous determination of silica and phosphate with on-line column FIA spectrophotometry (in English), International Conference on Flow Analysis V, August, 23-25, 1991, Kumamoto, Japan.

3).Yong-sheng Li and Yoshio Narusawa, Fundamental theory of FIA based on data with zone circulating flow injection analysis (in English), Asian Conference on Analytical Chemistry, August, 9-13, 1993, Changchun, China.

4).Yoshio Narusawa and Yong-sheng Li, Study on axial dispersion of sample zone in FIA by using zone circulating flow injection analysis (in English), International Conference on Flow Analysis IV, August, 23-25, 1994, Toledo, Spain.

5).Yong-sheng Li H. Hirano and K. Takaku, Applications of flow-injection analysis for water-steam quality management and on-line monitoring in power plants (in English), fifth Japan-Sino Conference on Water Treatment of Therm-Power Plant (in English), May, 1-15, 1998, Shanghai, China.

6).Yong-sheng Li, Yu Muo, Huo-Mei Xie, Simultaneous determination of silicate and phosphate in boiler water at power plants based on series flow cells by using FIA spectrophotometry (in English), 6th Symposium on Sino-Japanese Fossil Power Plant Water Treatment, Tokyo Japan, pp116-122, Oct. 23-25, 2001.


(1). FIA-T1-721型流动注射分光光度分析仪的研制,1983/1985,课题负责人 李永生,电力部科技司(科研项目),基本性能达到国际水平;荣获电力部科技进步奖(8634140-G1),国家级重大科技成果(No.870104);该仪器通过部级鉴定后批量生产,获得了可观的经济效益。

(2). 核电站传热管材料的缝隙腐蚀和全面腐蚀的研究以及其寿命的预测, 日本电力中央研究所科研项目,1997/2000,课题负责人 李永生. 该项目已完成。

(3). 核电/火电厂水汽中磷硅同时在线自动监测装置的开发和应用,No.2300448,国家教委(留学回国启动基金),2000/2004,课题负责人 李永生. 该项目已完成。

(4). 微型流动注射激光高灵敏分析仪的研究,吉林省科省自然科学基金,2000/2004,课题负责人 李永生,已结题。

(5). 微量荧光毛细分析方法的研究及其应用,四川大学214引进人才启动基金,2005/2009,课题负责人 李永生,在研中。


From 1983 to 1985, Yong-sheng Li, as a chief of the researching group, has successfully researched and developed a type FIA-T1-721 multi-purpose FIA spectrophotometer. The researching group was awarded by the Ministry of Energy Resource of China in 1987 (The advance prize in science, Certification: No. 8634140-G1), and was awarded by the Science and Technology Committee of China in 1990. (the National Level Prize, Registration: No. 870104; Classified: No. 065798; Certification: No. 002512).

3 内蒙古长城文化研究中心主任


4 新闻记者













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5 松原市社会医疗保险局党组书记、局长





6 鸡西美协主席

李永生 (1955.1—) 山东平度人。擅长版画。1986年毕业于鸡西师范学校, 后留校任教。现任鸡西市群众艺术馆创作员、二级美术师,鸡西美协主席。作品多次参加全国美展,作品有《萤》、《逆光》、《焊接太阳》、《惊雷》等,《融》获八届全国美展优秀奖,《惊雷》等由中国美术馆收藏。

7 青岛职业技术学院专家委员会主任





8 廊坊市文化局副局长、党组书记







9 陕西香菊药业集团有限公司董事长






10 温县副县长李永生








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