

词条 花厅

§ 花厅

花厅 中式园林建筑,单层硬山卷棚垂脊顶。建于清同治九年(1870)。为清朝两江总督、幕僚以诗文会友的场所。两江总督陶澍称之为“潇湘馆”。太平天国时厅北端接出一段,辟为戏台。孙中山常在这里议事、会见宾客。江苏都督府和督军署时期,常在此举行诗会、堂会。后成为国民政府军事委员会和总统府军务局办公处。相传曾国藩即殁于此处。

This is an architecture with classical Chinese garden style. Originally built in 1870, the hall was used by the Liangjiang Governor-generals and their senior assistants for writing and appreciating their poem. Attached to it, a stage was built during the period of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Later, Dr. Sun Yat-sen often held meetings and received his guests here. Then, it became the office of the Military Affairs Commission of the Nationalist Government and the Bureau for Military Affairs of the Presidential Palace successively.

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