词条 | 桤 |
释义 | § 注解 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 桤 (桤) qī (1) ㄑㄧˉ (2) 〔~木〕落叶乔木,叶长倒卵形,果穗椭圆形,下垂,木质较软,嫩叶可作茶的代用品。 (3) (桤) (4) 郑码:FLYY,U:6864,GBK:E8E7 (5) 笔画数:10,部首:木,笔顺编号:1234252515 § 详细注解 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 桤 桤 qī [名] 桤树 【longpeduncled alder】。桤木属的一种落叶乔木,叶长椭圆形,边缘有稀疏锯齿,柔荑花序,雌雄同株,果穗悬垂,木材坚韧,产于中国四川、贵州和陕西 English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 桤 ( 桤 ) Q ī The 【 the wood of 桤 】 sheds leaves the tall tree, the leaf grows to pour oval, fruit 穗 oval, next 垂 , the wood quality is softer, the delicate leaf can make the substitute of the tea. ( 桤 ) |
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